On the General Crafting of Mines

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Astrodynamicist, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    so who else is into minecraft here, and what are you working on?

    my main project i guess is finishing moving my base (my first one i put someplace that didn't leave room for expansion, and i have Plans for automated farms and such which need more space), which is not terribly exciting i guess. (although it does involve laying down a railway to connect back to my village, which will be a good excuse to poke at railcraft stuff.) XP i'm also trying to figure out how to survive the nether long enough to get nether quartz for redstone comparators. which you'd think would be easy given that i'm playing on peaceful, but when i stepped through the portal i instantly burst into flames for no apparent reason, so i'm working on an enchanting setup so i can get some fire protection gear. also also thaumcraft. there is a tainted land nearby i should deal with at some point.
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  2. garden

    garden lucid dreamer

    I quite like Minecraft, though I haven't played it in a few months! I had previously been on a server my friend was running, and had built a pretty nice and secure underground base, but since I stopped going on that server I haven't been on much.

    I remember when I first started playing Minecraft, the Nether was flat-out frightening if I wasn't on peaceful; now it's more akin to a pain in the ass. Unfortunately, one of the best protections are Fire Resistance potions, which (if I recall) require defeating some Blazes to get the ingredients, which requires entering the Nether and battling Blazes without Fire Resistance potions....
  3. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola


    The Nether didn't scare me so much once I figured out that Ghasts couldn't see me if I slapped a roof over my head real fast... but Endermen used to scare the bejeezus out of me. Probably because pretty early on in my very first vanilla world, I accidentally got into a staring contest with one while wearing nothing but leather pants and wielding a sharp rock on a stick and it killed me and I'd moved my bed so I got dropped back at spawn with nothing and hadn't figured out what F3 did yet and had to start all over.
  4. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    I love Minecraft...a lot, but am currently on forced hiatus from it because of computer problems. I play on a server with some old college buddies and do some singleplayer messing around with modpacks, but my favorite thing is building. I get a lot of satisfaction out of building things in survival.

    Currently I'm building Twilight Town from Kingdom Hearts. It's taking a while.
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  5. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    I love Skyblock-type packs. It's just so satisfying to start out with basically nothing and build up a little floating city. Sky Factory is particularly rewarding because you start with one tree and one dirt block between your butt and the Void and it doesn't have the Hardcore Quest Mode mod with the quest book that gives you rewards for doing stuff. You have to make everything. Everything.

    You'll never be so happy to see string. You'll never be so happy to have an infinite water source. You'll never be so happy to see COBBLE.

    Also the skyblock packs are great for days when I want to Minecraft but am too tired to brain. Chop down trees, replant, compost the extra saplings, acquire lots of dirt for future yard-laying, and repeat until ready to go to bed.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2015
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ahhh thaumcraft. make yourself a Bow Of Bone asa-fucking-p and you will laugh at ghasts and blazes. its range is basically as far as you can see, you just have to work out the ballistic arc for long distances. but since blazes can't see you as far as you can see them, you can sit there adjusting your aim until you get them and they're just like "derrrrp why is arrows???" and then they die.

    ghasts... can see you from WAY too far away, idek what's up with that, so you have to get clever with sightlines to get them in visual range. i like to tease them until they lob a fireball and then shoot back along their trajectory, i can hit them when i can't see them that way sometimes.

    btw if you just started on fire for no reason, it's possible there's smoldering ash blocks at your portal exit. i suggest bringing some sand or gravel with you and making a nice non-flammable surface to stand on, first thing.
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  7. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    One of my favorite things to do to Ghasts: dogfight them. In the air. Acquire ability to fly (I prefer via Advanced Genetics), armor up, get favorite stabbing iron, fly up to Ghasts flexing guns and yelling "FIGHT ME BRO"

    You might lose the tears, but that's okay. Fire resistance makes it safer, but no fire resistance makes it more entertaining for any spectators you might have.
  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    haha that's what i do too, although i shoot them from the air rather than stabbing. i use the angel ring from 'extra utilities', you only have to have it in your inv for it to work so it doesn't take up an eq slot. and you won't lose the tears if your server allows magnet mode, although the xp orbs are gone gone gone.

    there's something in either thaumcraft or blood magic that lets you absorb fire damage, my recall is vague but i think i would want to research that before i do much serious questing in the nether. even with flying, it gets a bit awkward avoiding all the fire and lava if you're building stuff. so far, though, i've only been junebugging around grabbing nether quartz and glowstone, and harrassing the denizens as stated above.
  9. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    If you've got Advanced Genetics you can shoot yourself up with fire resistance and swim-in-lava-safely genes. Of course this requires that you scrape lots of wee bits of skin off things that are actively trying to burn you to a crisp or will summon all their rotting pig buddies to come stab you.

    But I don't think any of the packs I'm neck-deep in right now have that mod, so I might have to finally lrn2magic.
  10. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    oh noooo. D: (also that's a really funny mental image)

    i haven't really encountered endermen, even in my non-peaceful mode save files. but this reminds me of my hilariously dumb death the first time i tried bevo's tech pack. i was so excited about shiny new things everywhere that i didn't actually gather enough materials to reasonably defend myself, but there was a convenient tower nearby when night fell so i hid in there and waited until sunrise when i assumed all the armored horse-mounted zombies surrounding me would die off. except that they didn't die (which i think is because helmets prevent death-by-sun? or something else in the modpack made them invincible to daylight idk), and i was trapped up a tower with a wooden ax and some flowers. my attempt to fight my way clear using these items failed.

    ...there's a mod for genetic shenanigans. :O well, i know what i'm gonna play next!

    that was exactly the thing that happened! (i got sick of trying to get fire protection enchantments so yesterday i dumped all my good stuff in a chest, made some crap tools out of stone, and just jumped back in. turns out figuring out why i'm on fire works out a lot better when i'm not panicking over being on fire.)
    (and then i accidentally mined into a hidden lava flow and died a fiery death anyway. oops.)

    i'm playing on peaceful mode, so i don't have to worry about ghasts and blazes and such. (might go off peaceful just to snipe shit with the bone bow though, that sounds like fun. :D) despite being a creepy hell dimension, the nether is pretty cool. (i mean, i wouldn't like to build a summer home there, but the bone trees are quite lovely.)
  11. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Yeah, helmets protect tender undead noggins from the Day Star. And going from vanilla to pretty much any modpack is like having someone serve you the most delicious beverage you've ever had--by shooting it into your face with a fire hose.

    Advanced Genetics is so much fun. You can shoot yourself up with sheep genes and then eat grass when you're hungry. Or shear yourself for wool. The cow gene is also handy but ...disturbing. Guess what it lets you do. Go on, guess. And then imagine how, say, Karkat would react to seeing someone do this thing. :D
    • Agree x 1
  12. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    ... damn, you guys are making me want to pick Minecraft back up. These mods sound awesome, I've only played vanilla.
  13. Enzel

    Enzel androgynous jrpg protag

    Honestly, I barely ever play vanilla...I feel a little bad about it, but you can do such awesome things with mods. Plus a lot of people have gone out of their way to make them easily accessible with launchers.

    Would people be cool w using this thread to post build screenshots as well as general nerding?
  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    that is the best description of the experience i have ever heard.

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  15. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    ahaha yeah i went from "not quite enough things to hold my interest" to "oh god too many things where do i start aaaaaaaaa" when i started with bevo's tech pack XP pretty much i've handled the overload by picking one little piece at a time to poke at based on current projects. so like, first i decided to get into thaumcraft because there's a tainted land near my village. and currently i need a bunch more gold for thaumcraft tools and stuff, and since my mining efforts have been frustratingly unlucky on that front i'm trying out industrialcraft agriculture to crossbreed up some aurelia.

    hell yeah!!
  16. Imoata

    Imoata Member

    I only have minecraft mobile for my tablet, but I am in process of building a glass castle
  17. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    yeah i was on jesse and seebs' server for a little while but i mostly just floated around on creative because i was alarmed by all the options. maybe over break or something i'll check it out more? or just when things aren't all AAAA FINALS AAA
    i'm gonna go grab some screenshots of my friend's and my LAN server survival house, it's cute.
  18. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    That sounds like exactly my cup of tea. :D So... Bevo's Tech Pack, Skyblock, Thaumcraft. Anything else I should make sure to look up?
  19. Astrodynamicist

    Astrodynamicist Adequate Potato Goblin

    thaumcraft is included in bevo's tech pack (although you can probably get it separately elsewhere). BTP is actually not a mod itself, it's a package of a buttload of mods, many of which work together.

    as for installing mods, i'd advise using atlauncher. i found it really easy to use. it lets you pick from a variety of mod packs and then you pretty much just click download on the ones you want, and then it keeps the different instances separate so you can have one running BTP and other with something else. it also installs forge, if i remember correctly, which is the program most mods use to install, so you can also use that to install stuff not available through the atlauncher offerings. or at least i'm pretty sure that's easily doable - i haven't actually tried it yet.
  20. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Ooo, awesome. Thank you! This is a wide world that I haven't actually played with yet.
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