Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    Peridot is amazing and hilarious and all her expressions are great and every episode with her just gets better and better

    Also I'm really glad that Pearl and Garnet at least started to make up, and glad that it was initiated by Pearl, but I'm also glad that not everything immediately went back to being perfect.

    AAAAH this was just a great week of episodes
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  2. MintyJojo

    MintyJojo Well-Known Member

    I think the issue with gems removing "limbs" per se is that their bodies are described specifically as similar to a "hologram but with mass" as shown in this video. So I would assume that if a gem had their arm torn off, the torn off section would "poof" and the main projection would just grow a new arm. Their weapons for example "poof" when torn up enough, and they just pull out a new one. They can't exist without connection to the gem itself, in my theory. But when Peridot removed her foot, it still existed even when torn off of her. Really though, it could go either way. You are right in that Peridot is the only homeworld gem of HER generation that we've actually seen so far. I'd believe the idea that her internal blueprint is literally just more robo-coded in comparison to them too.
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  3. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    you know how peridot's fingers aren't attached to her hands
    well my norm the genie fop su au gemsona (apatite) has his gem where his fez is and like, norm has hair above/in his fez as well as below
    and in my au the hair above/in his fez floats above his gem, like how peridot's fingers float above her hands
    but... i can't picture norm as a gem with machine parts (really just... doesn't seem like his kinda thing, that's all) so if that's why peridot's fingers float and stuff... yeah... i'd have a problem, fop su au wise
  4. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Really, Peridot's starting to look like another short twerp with dorky hair, many-functioned robolimbs, a green color scheme, a green gem on the forehead and a gem name...

    P3R1DOT 1S TH1S YOU?

    #i need pokespe garnet stat
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
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  5. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    a friend of mine compared peridot to jack spicer from xiaolin showdown and now i can't unsee it
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  6. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    There's also all of the comparisons between her and Zim, which are all perfect
    Basically these past two Steven Bombs have rocketed Peridot into my top favorite characters list. I just. I love her so much.
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  7. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Agreed, I love Peridot so much, and the more similarities shown between her and Zim, the more I love her. The part where she called fingers 'touch stubs' was way too great.

    Edit: also hell yes Jack Spicer! I didn't think of that before but yes, just. Just yes.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
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  8. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    It made me cry. I know I've joked about crying over the show before elsewhere and it certainly has. But this is less just slight tearing up and more full on sobbing. So that's a thing.
  9. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Ok so now that I am not falling the fuck apart let's provide an explanation to my cryptic woe.

    “No matter how hard I try to be strong on my own, I’m useless on my own. I’m just a Pearl. I need someone to tell me what to do.”

    Hearing this in the episode hit quite a bit. Just a sort of hard "Oh", but things were kept together till the end. And wow things ended happily. But then I was allowed time to actually sit and think and that "Oh" came back and turned into being hit by issues that I happen to have. Namely I have a very shit self esteem. I crumble at criticism or get defensive, and I am basically in a constant search for validation. Silence I tend to interpret as being a lack of it, and basically equal to criticism of a very negative sort.

    My self esteem has ended up very linked to my obsession with being "useful". If I am useful then I am good. That is good. Even if people don't always recognize my efforts or even if they get annoyed with them it's fine because I'm useful and therefore good and worthy of actually existing. But being useful is very hard. I tend to get very confused and lost when just left to my own devices, and I get thrown into fits of panic out of a belief that I can't possibly do things alone. How could I? I am not that sort of person who can go on and lead things and do things. I am the person who gets told what to do and then I do the thing. Or the person who does a thing that we all know needs to be done and no one else wants to fucking do it or can do it. So it is me.

    I have at points just broken down into fits of crying because I didn't know what to do and just needed someone to order me around and tell me what to do. I've actually begged a friend of mine one day to order me to do something, just so I would know what to do and have some sort of fucking purpose in the world. This was exceptionally shitty of me and it didn't fly. I don't even remember how that played out in the end. I do know that on another occasion he asked me if I just wanted to be told exactly what to do where it came to school and what not and I said that, yes. I'd rather just have my schedule completely ordered and set out for me by some authority that will then pet my head and go "yes thank you for following orders you get this stupid fucking piece of paper with letters on it that state you are permitted existence!"

    This I have come to realize is part of why becoming a nun appeals to me and part of why I know I am not ready to take up the orange robes yet. Because if I were a nun I would live a very rigidly ordered life. All of my day would be portioned out as ordered by some authority figure above me, and all of the things I would do would be productive and useful. Things like studying, cleaning, performing manual labor, leading classes, and talking with people to help them with things. I'd get to live my dream of both people telling me what to do and also being useful and therefore having my sad excuse of a life validated.

    But it's mostly just my being incredibly insecure and unsure about things, a lot of the drive currently. I feel like I have to be useful and the only way I can do that is if other people tell me to do things that are deemed useful. Because well what can I do? I'm just one mentally ill woman who passes out at the sight of blood. I'm not strong like that friend of mine or my girlfriend or anyone else, really. I'm more than aware that that isn't true. Even remotely. Even if we just take my academic career into account it is very obvious how bullshit that is. I've been on the dean's list and I've never dropped below a 3.0 in college term wise. I've impressed most of my teachers, and they apparently talk about me and I've been used as an example of how to get shit done. I've got a nice relationship with most of them too. Professional obviously but still it is good to be in good with professors. I'm not just getting good grades. I am getting good grades and networking. There is still issues obviously but still that is proof that I can in fact function and do things.

    But it very rarely feels that way. I have to actively remind myself of those facts.
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  10. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    ETA: Boy is my timing lousy. :/

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
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  11. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Your timing was perfect omg

    Really though I calmed down and the juxtaposition did amuse me.
  12. Meagen Image

    Meagen Image Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm glad my joke helped rather than hurt.
  13. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    (Peridot as Jack Spicer is the best thing ever. They even both have robots and helicopter bits!)

    (I can't help but think that if Lapis and Omi met he'd think/act like she didn't have as good water control as he did and then got very quickly disabused of that idea.)
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  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I think my favorite bit about Peridot right now is that tiny moment of hesitation when something she didn't expect to work actually works and she has to come up with a smart one liner on the fly, and her adorable stupid face when she blurts something out and her entire body language just say 'NAILED IT AHAHA PERIDOT YOU ARE SO HILARIOUS'
    I'm just
    dorky robo nerd child is my new fave oh no.
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  15. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    @Aondeug, I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to like that post about Pearl and autonomy issues, sorry. I just related to it a lot.
  16. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Wait, people are saying you're...not supposed to like villains? What the fuck?


    THIS, SO MUCH. I have the same issue with self-worth, with needing to be "useful" and such. I swear, the more we learn about Pearl's issues the more I relate to her.
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  17. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Yeah, haven't seen so much of the "if you like character A than you are tacitly supporting atrocity B" claims lately, but they definitely are there. I'd like to say it's weird, but I dunno that it is! I think there's just some subset of humanity that can't comprehend liking a thing for/despite it being mean or awful, and just sort of assumes that everyone else choses favorites based on who they'd hang with IRL or something. Saw some of them in the Homestuck fandom, at least.

    Been seeing an upswing in people talking bout how it's okay to like characters who are terrible people, so long as you acknowledge that they're utterly terrible and have no redeeming qualities and aren't ever gonna be redeemed in the story, and if you think they are than you're deluding yourself. So. We're learning??
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  18. Arxon

    Arxon Well-Known Member

    There were a lot of posts that were like "I can't believe you're all going on about how adorable Peridot is when she literally tried to kill the Crystal Gems!" and "People need to stop saying Peridot is redeemable look at all this evil shit she did!" and "How could anyone even like Peridot she's just an annoying little shit." That sort of stuff. It's really funny because Lapis...also tried to kill the Crystal Gems? For like, the exact same reason- she wants to get home, Crystal Gems are getting in her way.
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  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I really hope peridot gets a redemption arc and changes sides to become part of the crystal gems if only because I love her character so much and really wanna see more ofher interacting with other characters (especially human characters :D), but I also love her as a villain because she and steven have a super great dynamic and she makes for a fun, likable antagonist. I think its possible to give her a redemption arc because afaik she is working on orders from homeworld and not her own whim so she could reasonably change sides if steven manages to befriend her, and she makes amends to the other crystal gems. Honestly I'll be happy either way as long as we get more screentime for Peridot doing her thing!

    But we do honestly just as much need more screentime for Lapis/Jasper/Malachite, which, right now is being played up as the most terrifying season climax ever :(
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  20. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Yeah, I'm with you on that. I'd like to see the Crewniverse handle a redemption arc, just cause I know they'd do it well, but I'm not gonna be broken up about it if Peridot and Jasper stay villains. All I want is a bit of focus on their side of the story, and maybe some fleshing out. Cause yeah, Peridot is actually the best! She's totally great, no matter what she does.
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