Mar 16, 2015
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Like 2,058 11,624
Agree 126 949
Winner 113 148
Informative 40 315
Useful 13 68
Witnessed 77 720
April 29
Home Page:
Virginia, USA
Jack of all trades and master of ... some?


"sorta spooky", from Virginia, USA

@tinyhydra If there were an Agree reaction button on profile posts, I would have slammed it so hard just now. Mar 3, 2018

    1. Elaienar
      Fireman brother convinced me to try Arrow again. Fortunate, because now I've seen enough to register how cool Diggle is.
    2. Elaienar
    3. Elaienar
      I'm managing account details instead of doing my art homework like I meant to two hours ago.
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  • About

    April 29
    Home Page:
    Virginia, USA
    Jack of all trades and master of ... some?
    Gender Identity:
    Perpetually sleep-deprived energy-depleted webcomic artist with an interest in a lot of things, like languages, theology, human behaviour, culture and society, the way the light filters through the blanket over my garret window (I'm an artist so I live in a garret, starving), and why there are only two pairs of socks in my drawer right now when I'm positive that there were two dozen just the other day. I like to write but I don't do it a lot. I don't enjoy drawing (usually) but I do it so much that I think I must like it.

    My name is pronounced el-ay-en-ar (like the letters L-A-N-R) and can be shortened to El or Elai if you like. It's the name of the character I usually played as in my fantasy RPG forum days, and it's a bastardization of Quenya elen (star) + ear (sea). I've used it pretty much everywhere for about a decade.


    I draw webcomics.
    A Girl & Her Shadow | Maria
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