A simple "hello" would suffice.

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Telly, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. Telly

    Telly Needs More Pizza

    I feel sort of bad for disappearing after my initial appearance here,
    but I really was not myself, and I needed to get out and about.
    Solution: load up the ol' Tumble queue and GTFO.

    Well, I didn't really go anywhere. I never left my computer chair.
    I played Dragon Age a lot. And even Warframe.
    I like video games. A lot. Probably more than I should. A lot more than I should.

    I'm really bad at introductions, you see.

    Hi. I'm Telly. I'm 24, and I'm severely gay.
    I'm a trans man, and I hate the fact that I feel ashamed when telling people this.
    Tumblr has forever ruined my own gender identity.
    I didn't hate being trans until I joined that stupid website.
    Now I just feel like a joke or some cute, trendy accessory for 14 year-olds.

    Uh.. sorry. That was a bit dark for an introduction post.

    If you haven't noticed, I'm seriously obsessed with keeping small lines of text.
    I'm not sure why I do this. I just really hate text running over into a second, smaller line.
    It bothers me more than you could possibly imagine.

    I'm a bartender, and I don't think that I like it all that much.
    At least it's better than cooking, since I've done that for over 5 years.
    I really love baking and doing things with desserts and such.
    Problem is, I'm a terrible baker. I should get more practice.
    I really want to get involved with making doughnuts,
    but I need a fryer to do that, and those things are not cheap, let me tell you.

    As previously mentioned, I really, really love video games.
    My favourite is Warframe, second being the Dragon Age series.
    I'm obsessed with Dragon Age: Inquisition at the moment;
    can't seem to stop playing it. Don't think that I want to.
    Dorian is there. Precious gay mage babbu.

    Not really sure why I'm still rambling.
    I'm sorry.
    • Like x 6
  2. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    Hello! Welcome to kintsugi!
    • Like x 1
  3. vegacoyote

    vegacoyote dog metaphores and pedanticism


    Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. Best thing you can do in the wake of that sort of thing is take some time to take care of yourself, so I'm glad to hear you did.

    ... I might say more except that I just took my sedative fot the night and sm about to go to mush. But hello, be ye welcome in these halls, etc. :)
    • Like x 1
  4. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+


    i really like your name, and your small-lines-of-text style is really cool. like, that style gives your writing a kind of rhythm in my head. an unique sound.
    • Like x 2
  5. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Hello! Welcome to Kintsugi!
    • Like x 1
  6. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Hey there! We've got a pretty active Dragon Age thread going on in Fan Town if you want to drop in.

    And from one trans person to another, I very much relate with Tumblr making you feel shitty about it. At first it was great because I had a bunch of other trans people to talk to, wow! - but then it started getting like it's gotten and, well. I'm doing much better by keeping The Discourse (bluuugh) off my blog and only getting into it here, where people know what nuance is.
    • Like x 1
  7. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    welcome to kintsugi! do you play any other games? i like your text; it's very easy to read for me, which is kinda funny because it reminds me of poetry and i usually have a lot of trouble with that.

    what do you like to bake the most? i love doing cookies cause they're harder to fuck up than other stuff. doughnuts do sound fun but i don't have a fryer either -_-.
    • Like x 1
  8. Telly

    Telly Needs More Pizza

    I play other games too ^^
    Before I got into Dragon Age, it was just Warframe, and before Warframe, it was Borderlands 2.
    I also like stuff like Battleblock Theater, Talisman, and Lethal League ;o;

    Baking-wise, I really love doing stuff like breads and pastries. Laminated dough is hard, but I enjoy it!!
    But aside that, I love desserts in general, like cakes,
    but also stuff like crème brûlée, panna cotta, and all of the cheesecakes.

    I want to get a fryer; I think I'm at the point to where I can afford one.
    There's an artist on Tumblr that I love very much (heysales),
    and she's writing a fanfiction where one of the characters runs a doughnut shop.
    So, I wanted to try my hand at trying to recreate some of the doughnuts that she wrote about in the story,
    but I gotta have a fryer first ;w;
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2016
    • Like x 3
  9. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Hi, welcme to the party!
  10. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Way late to the party, but seconding this! It makes your posts seem poetic, even if you're just chatting about video games and pastries (both excellent things to chat about!), and that's seriously cool.

    Do you have a favorite kind of donut to eat? I'm especially fond of anything custard-filled, myself. :D
    • Like x 2
  11. Telly

    Telly Needs More Pizza

    I'm so super-picky about doughnuts, oh my gosh.
    Like, I really am not fond of doughnuts that are completely covered in glaze;
    I don't like getting my fingers sticky.

    Thus, I really prefer doughnuts that have fillings,
    or ones that have the goodies just on top.
    That way I can hold them from the bottom and not get my fingers all sticky.

    I'm a huge fan of custard doughnuts, too!!
    And Boston cream doughnuts?? Yes?? Please???

    • Like x 4
  12. TheMockingCrows

    TheMockingCrows Resident Bisexual Lich

    when you make doughnuts and fancy them up, you should post pictures on the forum :D i've been deprived of doughnuts severely, seeing them would be a joy.

    (also holy heck, custard doughnuts, bury me in heaven *q* )

    Opinion on, say, lemon jelly doughnuts? >:3c How do you feel about the creations over at Voodoo Doughnuts, too?
    • Like x 1
  13. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    Have you tried pączki? They're a stuffed Polish doughnut, and the shop near my neighbourhood just dusts them in icing sugar, so they're not super sticky. The rose-filled ones are my favourite.
    • Like x 2
  14. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    Hey there!

    You could probably make found poems out of your typing! Your last post kinda looks like a very enthusiastic poem about doughnuts, it's neat.

    Seconding the DA love and i recently picked up Warframe again. What're your favorite frames to use?
    • Like x 1
  15. Telly

    Telly Needs More Pizza

    While I've seen some of the creations at Voodoo,
    I don't think that I would enjoy many.
    I prefer my doughnuts to have lighter toppings,
    and not so terribly-rich fillings.

    Picky, I know. I am awful D:

    But they make really amazing things,
    and I love how they're constantly thinking outside the box.

    I've never heard of pączki, to be honest.
    However, I did a Google search, and they look phenomenal.

    10/10 would stuff into face.

    Oh goodness, it's nice to know that people aren't fed up with my typing!!
    Thank you all for that!! ;3;

    As far as Warframe goes, I am a diehard Limbo main.
    He is my favourite and is the best playstyle for me.
    I also really love Frost, Nekros, and Inaros!!
    I know that Inaros is new,
    but I've already put 4 forma into him;
    he's so much fun to play!!

    What frames do you like? :3
    • Like x 1
  16. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    I'm still really new (the Inaros update that made the Archwing quest much easier came out the day after I finished it T_T) ao I've only played Excalibur, Banshee and 20 minutes on Nyx. In order from favorite to least: Excalibur, Nyx, everything else, fuck Banshee.

    I've got a bunch of other frames in the works but time, credits and plastids
    • Like x 1
  17. Telly

    Telly Needs More Pizza

    Banshee is literally the most underrated frame in the entire game.
    Mod her just right, and she can rip anything apart.
    I've seen someone solo a level 4 Void Tower defense mission for 40 minutes, solo.
    Just Banshee.

    But she's not really my cup of tea lmao
    Nyx though!! My queen!!
    And Excal is so wonderful, oh my goodness.

    You should add me @Telluric in-game if you want to play sometime!!
    You can join my clan and whatnot, if you wanna!!
  18. Mala

    Mala Well-Known Member

    Leveling Nyx was fun. I'm doing Valkyr now and I'm not sure about her, though I do like her design.

    I sent you a friend request btw. My name's the same as here. I do have a clan, though its a small one so maybe?

    Also, I've started a Warframe thread in Fan Town
  19. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    hey, welcome back, i hope things have been shaping up for you!
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