Actual Abuse Apologist Beldaran

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by Beldaran, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    u haz statute?
  2. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    I am home! And I like that the thread has been re-purposed now that the drama's ended. XD

    Also, yeah, providing pornographic materials to minors is illegal, and people can take a very wide view on the word "provide." I don't know what actual legal ramifications could happen, but even the accusation of it is pretty damning for someone's reputation.

    @Alska I'm glad you think I responded well to people. Now that it's been resolved I always go back and criticize myself for expressing any hostility at all, but I'm glad I didn't come off as too angry.

    @pixels Thank you for cookies! And yeah, like, I'm cool with people splitting over the content of my post, whateves, but blargh, children, I did not write homestuck do not come at me for describing it like I'M the monster. Go get Hussie for that, see how well THAT works out for you. ;p

    @seebs Yeah, I was very impressed and grateful that everything went down so well. I am sure that I embarrassed them by dragging their post (about me) into a much wider audience, but it was a public post (ABOUT ME) so I understand them feeling a bit ruffled by that. So color me impressed that even with their ruffled feelings they gave me a thoughtful apology that others could learn a lot from.

    Also RE: them being 14, YEAH OOPS. I did not realize they were 14 until WELL after I'd already confronted them. Like, I'm not saying I shouldn't have because the accusation still stung, but ahaha I'm TWICE as old as them... hmmm... Awkward. But like... If I can do anything to prevent my online reputation from being connected to "abuse apologist" it feels worth it to me even if I have to talk to potentially hostile teenagers. I'm glad that at least half of the time it works out well and we part ways on good terms.

    Still dealing with the aftermath of triggery anxiety attack bullshit (nausea, jumpy, chest pain, etc.), but I had the hilarious experience of trying to explain tumblr drama to my therapist today, so that was kind of awesome.
  3. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    ten minutes of various google searches yielded 18 usc 1470; internet is a means of interstate/foreign commerce; "knowingly transfers" is questionable in this case
    1461-1470 seems like it would most likely apply here; although pornography is usually not "obscene" the morality police make a convincing emotional case
  4. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    In my view, if you're playing on the adult Internet then you get treated the same as everyone else. I'm sick of Tumblrites trying to say they should be immune from consequence because of their age.
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  5. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen


    Guess what's still fucking happening. Apparently my husband is "a fucking stellar piece of shit" as well. Good to know.

    I thought we were done, respondirk and I ARE done, it was good! Why is this happening?
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2015
  6. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    Fuck that guy. What an asshole.
    • Like x 2
  7. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Okay, so, this is where I'm going to record shit going on with me personally since this is the hug box, and not tumblr or fine imported drama.

    I don't feel as nauseous this time, and I think this person's overt and rather over the top hostility is the reason. Respondirk made a thoughtless mistake, this guy is actively being an asshole. I don't need to care as much about that or agonize over it as much. I mean, "sjwdavestriider"?

    I did get the immediate spike in heart rate, and it's still going so I'm a bit shaky, and my arms feel weird, but other than that it's not as bad. Still some spikes of anxiety, but not as bad. (I keep using that phrase a lot, I might be minimizing how I'm feeling a little bit.)

    One of my main anxieties is the fact that it was over and, though I didn't necromancer the wank myself, I did choose to respond on Respondirk's post. I don't like how they're being dragged back into this when the whole thing was probably awkward for them in the first place. I find myself worried that they'll decide they're not as sorry as they previously stated, though that is an unfounded and unfair assumption that I will chose not to believe right now.

    I also wish they had responded to me instead of to Alkadron. The entire post is talking ABOUT me, so there is no reason for them to be directing this at Alkadron/Dave. It's not bothering him, but it makes me feel a bit more out of control of the situation. I'll ask them to check with me before responding further. That's not to say that no one else should respond as they see fit, just that when it's my husband I feel a bit more responsible and I don't want things to get more hostile when sjwcharactername is already laying it on extremely thick.

    That is how I'm feeling I think.

    [edit]: Ah, I guess I should also confess that I feel stuck here in front of the computer until either the issue is resolved or they've clearly flounced. I feel really burdened by the situation, and I need to remember that I HAVE the option to focus on other things while they decide if they want to reply or not. They are not entitled to my time or attention.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2015
  8. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Also, bluh, Aud knows this but I actually gave myself some pretty intense bad feels on accident from writing the narcissist meta I posted last night in Complaints Department which has left me significantly more vulnerable to trauma triggers I already have to watch. The whole waiting for someone to come scream at me for nonsense reasons song and dance that sjwcharactername has decided to do gives me all kinds of physical shit symptoms.

    It also just naturally makes me feel super isolated and alone even though I know I'm not; I have people reassuring me, and I've even had people defend me during parts of this which is like, wow, what, wow. That's not a thing that happens! Except it is! Reality is different NOW than it was in the past and if my fucking heart and guts could just stop time traveling that'd be great.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2015
    • Like x 1
  9. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Wow. People having issues with your wording, or your husband's wording, is one thing, but that person just jumped straight to namecalling in their first sentence. Screw that. *hug*
    • Like x 3
  10. hoarmurath

    hoarmurath Thor's Hammer

    *lots of hugs*
    • Like x 1
  11. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Many hugs :<
    If you are getting this stressed, it might make sense to step back and not interact with them. I would be glad to pick up the slack, seriously, please don't worry about burdening people, but I don't want to jump in if it will just stress you more so I guess I will wait for an ok.
    That said, that was a good response and I want to clap for you writing that out, even when dealing stress after already feeling vulnerable after that meta.
  12. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    @Raire I'm glad you think my response was good, I'm not about to go off on someone just because they're being an ass, they don't get that much control over my behavior. But I dunno how much longer I'm willing to even entertain the possibility that they'll reply.

    Like, the content of their bullshit is not even bothering me because it's so stupid, it's just that it's making a number of my internal organs time travel to way back when getting yelled at had actual consequences. I feel lame for that happening, but it's not in my conscious control right this moment. Honestly, if they were rapid fire responding I'd feel MUCH better because it's not like I'm not good at taking down stupid assholes. It's the waiting around and maybe now maybe now maybe now that makes me sick, so I might just block them so they can't respond and I have nothing to wait FOR.

    I'm still thinking about it though. I don't want to have written up a response and then block them before they can reply, not so much for their benefit but for my own peace of mind. I just don't like the idea of that particular song and dance.

    As for stressing me out by jumping in, that's not an issue anyone needs to worry about. I was only anxious about Dave because he's, like, right here and has a pretty intimate knowledge of my abuse history and so is very protective and likely to go off on someone triggering me like this dick is doing. I don't want that though, and he's perfectly happy helping me other ways too, so that issue is solved.

    Now, TORI might go off, but that'd just be funny. c:<

    But just, over all, you're too sweet, thank you for hugs, and for your kindness.
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