#actuallyautistic Zine

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by Gee, Feb 3, 2018.

  1. Gee

    Gee the mail never fails

    Hey so. My new special interest is zine-ing. I've found an open call for submissions for an #actuallyautistic zine that maybe somebody else might be interested in submitting:


    Call for Submissions for #ActuallyAutistic zine series
    January 14, 2018 — by Joe Biel
    [​IMG]Don’t Be Retarded offers exposition on neurotypicals’ neurophobia and the frequent claim that they are supportive of #ActuallyAutistic people…as long as we act like they do. One reviewer for my book Good Trouble mentioned that she couldn’t believe that I wasn’t part of a radical zine community on the forefront of Autistic theory…so I decided to start one! The inspiration for the title lies in the homocore roots of punk and Don’t Be Gay in the 1980s. Queer punks were told that they would be accepted as soon as they acted like straight people.

    Autism now occupies a similar place in the public consciousness at this moment: no one understands it and The Borg demand our assimilation! If you are interested in contributing, the deadline for the first issue will be Feb 15, 2018. Submissions received after that will appear in future issues. We are mostly interested in your personal narrative, origin story, misconceptions you’ve faced, and aspirations of how you would like the movement to grow. Pretty open forum. 300-2,000 words.
    Also feel free to submit to our sister publication Your Neurodiverse Friend, which features positively framed advice and narrative from neurodiverse people for the less divergent so we can be seen as real, whole people. Similar schedule/deadlines.
    email submissions/questions to joe at microcosmpublishing daht com
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