Appropriateness check

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Emma, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I am a medical student as some of you might know. Currently I am in my surgery rotation.
    Today in the OR I had a chance to put a urinary catheter in a male patient. During the procedure the surgeons in training was gisting me advice. (this might not translate very well, but I hope you get the gist). I was holding the patients penis and it was slipping from my hand, he said: 'pull on it more' and then added: 'just like at home'

    It made me sort of uncomfortable, though it was also sort of funny...
  2. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    It made me feel sort of uncomfortable, because on the one hand: What the hell do I know about holding penises. I have never been in possession of one, nor did I ever handle one before. And the ones on the practice puppets certainly weren't this slippery.

    On the other hand: how is he supposed to know that? Also, it was sort of funny because he does possess a penis, and I also happen to know that he is a gay male with a boyfriend.

    Ugh. It feels like it was inappropriate/bordering on sexual harassment, but then, I am never ever going to say something about it, probably. Ugh, emotions are weird.
  3. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    Pretty sure anyone whose job is to cut into living human bodies and mess around with the goop the rest of us prefer to keep inside our skin is gonna be weird.
  4. hoarmurath

    hoarmurath Thor's Hammer

    That's inappropriate, unless you have a very jokey relationship that involves such humor, I would think.
  5. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Suspect it was a failed attempt to ease an inherently awkward situation through humor.
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  6. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    Bleh, I'd feel weird about it because while you have consent to be touching and putting things in the patient's bits, you don't exactly have permission to make it sexual if that makes any sense.

    It DOES seem like a kind of humor fail, but the presumably unconscious third party drags it from "Ugh, come on." to "Eurgh, no bad." territory for me.
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  7. Allenna

    Allenna I am not a Dragon. Or a Robot. Really.

    Inappropriate for making sexual assumptions about you?
  8. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Thanks guys :) I really needed a reality check on that :)
  9. jaob

    jaob still not really grown up

    @Emma : I've had a couple of ops 'down there' and found that nurses (both male and female) manage to cope pretty well with the embarrassment and (possibly) inappropriate remarks. A certain level of gallows humour is necessary in these situations for the benefit of all concerned and judging that level is a vital skill.
  10. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    @jaob Oh, absolutely, it's just that this remark was addressed to me, and it felt inappropriate to me. I have joked around with patients about other things before.
  11. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'd call his comment inappropriate as hell considering it was a 'joke' comment about what you do sexually. Not okay territory for a co-worker to step into.
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  12. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    I think the thing is... Yeah its pretty inappropriate, and if i were that guy I'd have been unhappy. But generally the problem with that kind of joke is that people make them either to a) push you into talking and then maybe doing sex stuff with them (aka "just joking! ...unless you're gonna do it" jokes) or b) trying to make you uncomfortable so you go away or accept a lower position than them on the social ladder because you're afraid.

    In this case, i think it was made because the surgeon noticed you were having a hard time and tried to give advice and help make an already awkward situation less so with humor, and just sort of was bad at it. So yeah, being uncomfortable is totally valid and he messed up for sure. But it doesnt sound like it was coming from a place that should worry you going forward? Esp if he responds well to a private "it embarrasses me when you talk about sex". (If he doesnt respond well/keeps doing it, the hes an asshole and please disregard my previous statement.)
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  13. jaob

    jaob still not really grown up

    If he was unambiguously addressing you then OK, I agree with you. Personally, I always find that when the medical profession gives you that wan smile or a frown then it's best to behave - the consequences of not doing so are just too awful to contemplate!
  14. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Definitely not coming from a place where that would worry me :P Also, even if he wasn't gay (though I suppose he could be bi), he seems way too nice for that sort of thing.
    The patient was already unconscious from the meds when the remark was made, so definitely addressed to me ;) I have no idea what you mean by the last part though.
  15. jaob

    jaob still not really grown up

    @Emma - Bloody Hell - I've just realised - It wasn't the patient who said it - It was the bloody DOCTORS!!!!! Sorry - I am DUMB - They were sooooo WRONG. Sorry sorry sorry. I am an idiot!
  16. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    @jaob Yeah, it was the Surgeon-in-training :P The patient was already unconscious. Though I would probably still have found it inappropriate from the patient as well, but I wouldn't have said anything either.
  17. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Not to be a downer, but I would note that I've definitely gotten some sexual harassment from gay guys before, because it's way more about power over you than it is attraction. I don't think that was what happened here (I'd agree misjudged attempt to make the situation less uncomfortable), but you're totally allowed to not feel good about it and ask him not to do it again.
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