aquarist thread!

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by artistformerlyknownasdave, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    freshwater, saltwater, fish, invertebrate, plants, you name it. AQUARIUMS. talk about ‘em here!

    i’m afraid i can’t answer too many questions should anyone have them, because i’m very much a beginner, but maybe i can point to useful resources and explain basic stuff? or maybe someone on here’s more knowledgeable! but if you keep aquariums or want to keep aquariums, this thread’s the place to chat.

    i have a 50 gallon freshwater community tank i’m currently in the process of stocking (right now i have 11 neon tetras and 6 albino corydoras catfish). teeechnically it’s a tank for my mother, so the fish i stock have to be fish she likes, but i do the research and maintenance for it :3
    • Winner x 2
  2. dky

    dky burnt toast

    yes hello i love Fish particularly betta fish betta fish are fucking awesome
    i've got one betta right now in a 10gal, he's a crowntail male betta and hes v pretty and his name is Logan
    im in the process of getting it fully planted so i can get some algae eaters!

    also im watching this video of one of my fave animal youtubers and she got a betta and is taking amazing care of it so i wanted to share that video as well aa
    • Winner x 2
  3. Mossflower

    Mossflower Well-Known Member

    Anyone know anything about axolotls? I've been thinking of getting one once I move my beardie out of the 35 gal he's in now. But I'm not sure if I'll need new filters or anything like that and online stuff is giving me conflicting answers.
  4. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i haven’t kept any but i know a liiiittle!
    what kind of filters do you have?
    you’ll need a chiller to keep the aquarium cool enough for them, and those can be a little pricey, but it’s definitely worth it for happy xotls!
    drs foster and smith are reputable, and they have an article here about choosing a chiller—i’ve never used one so i can’t recommend brands, but checking around fish forums and such would be a good idea if you haven’t already
  5. Mossflower

    Mossflower Well-Known Member

    I've got a canister filter at the moment. I know I'll need to get a cover for it to keep the water flow down. Or get a different one all together if need be.
  6. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    one thing my brother @dky uses to keep the flow in his tank down (he has a betta) is cutting off the toe of pantyhose and fitting that over the outtake of your filter. it won’t overflow your filter because it’s not slowing the output, just dispersing it so there’s not as strong a flow. it’s a lot easier IMO than getting a whole new filter or a spray bar, if that’s the route you want to go!
    do you know how many gallons per hour your filter can do?
  7. Mossflower

    Mossflower Well-Known Member

    Not right off hand. I've had it for ages so no box to look at and most of the info has faded
  8. artistformerlyknownasdave

    artistformerlyknownasdave revenge of ricky schrödinger

    i would definitely find that out if you can, but it should prrrrrobably be fine?
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