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Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by winterykite, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Is blocking The Wicked Witch of the West on skype an option? Bc I think at this point it's probably the easiest way to make you not yo scared to use a perfectly innocuous application.
    -hugs a bunch-
    • Agree x 1
  2. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    -hugs back-
    i've gotta be careful -- it's our main mode of communication at the moment, and most of my contacts by now are via discord, whatsapp, and telegram. i have deliberately lied to her about knowing other messaging applications. if i do it, i want to do it in one fell swoop with an nc letter and prewarning the parts of my family i actually care about (meaning my father will not know because i can't trust him to keep that from her), to curb a good amount of flying monkeys. everyone who after that thinks they can harass me for my egg donor will get cut the fuck off. might fully deactivate my skype.
    and unplug my phone for a week at least, lol

    but if i block her on anything she will explode, and i need to batten down the hatches before that.
    • Witnessed x 1
  3. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Ah fair fair.
    But yeah that sounds like a good plan. Sucks she's this much of a pain to deal with.
    -prepares the water guns-
    • Agree x 1
  4. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    I am sorely tempted to add a printout of every conversation i managed to screenshot, and have a couple of people dissect it, in the nc letter to her. she has a nice xanatos gambit dismissal/victim routine -- if no one supports me, she can dismiss my feelings as "misunderstandings", and if i have people backing me up she is "ganged up upon" and "people are telling me things".

    i might need to contact my therapist again. see if she's got an open spot for me in the near future. (she finished her training and has her own office now)
    • Agree x 2
  5. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Much witnessed, and good luck on thertheapist.
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  6. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    ahah yeah no my father is a flying monkey i will keep at arm's length.
    information diet time.
    contact restricted to sunday 3pm to 11pm aka when ivy is there to give me backup.
    • Witnessed x 1
  7. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    translated transcript, because unlike egg donor, sperm donor does not spam completely disjunct paragraphs at me to beat me into submission, and so I can actually read the conversation without devolving into a sobbing mess.

    Me: yo, can I call you without mom listening in?

    Sd: nope, she's sitting next to me, but typing works

    Me: would like to have a spoken conversation

    Sd: i'll tell you once it's possible

    Me: kk

    Sd: she'll probably lie down for a bit, then i'll tell you

    Me: well you got my number, you can call once she's out of earshot
    Me: kk

    Sd: of course

    ((guess what did not happen in the next 6 hours))

    Me: i currently only check skype sunday from 3 to 11 at night, because the last time i talked to mom she tore me down so bad that i wasn't functional the next day again, and when i only saw that there was a message i had a panic attack
    Me: and i wont do that anymore

    Sd: i'm sorry, because she didn't intend that

    Me: she never intends anything
    Me: and it's a cheap excuse that i won't accept anymore
    Me: she acts like a bull in a china shop and refuses to change anything
    Me: and the constant stress if she flips her lid the next moment

    Sd: i sadly have to concur

    Me: especially if you dare address that with her is just too much for me
    Me: if i never talk to her again it'll be too soon
    Me: that's why i won't come visit you again
    Me: i go mad in her presence, because she's allowed to flail about whenever she pleases, but i'm not allowed to defend myself
    Me: it's not only not helpful for my mental health to be in her presence, but actively harmful
    Me: and my psych, my therapist, and my support network keep asking themself why i keep contact with her anyway

    Sd: neither your psych, nor your therapist, nor your support network know her from anywhere but your record

    Me: tbh but
    Me: it's enough

    Sd: without knowing both of you it's impossible to help BOTH of you

    Me: the problem is that she refuses help
    Me: you can only help those who are willing
    Me: and i refuse to jeopardize my healing process just because maybe she could deign to get help
    Me: but it doesn't make sense for her to get help -- anything she wants she gets if she just has a loud enough, long enough, manipulative enough, and aggressive enough temper tantrum, and no one dares to say no, to keep the peace
    Me: and i say no
    Me: and she can just fucking deal
    Me: and on the topic of "they only know her by my record" -- they see the damage she did, and i showed them the logs

    Sd: it's sad that so much love turned into hatred

    Me: the consensus (separately made by different people!!) is, that she's completely without cohesion, and just throws everything that might help to "get me back under controll", completely without rhyme nor reason
    Me: hatred?
    Me: bitch please
    Me: and love?
    Me: the only thing that was there was fear
    Me: and what's now is someone who won't accept is
    Me: i would very much like to have a cordial relationship with you

    Sd: youre still my offspring, i'll always be there

    Me: but i expect from you, that you treat me as a full person and that you won't rugsweep all the bullshit your wife pulls
    Me: i am fully aware that i can only trust you about as far as i can throw you

    Sd: whenever did i not treat you like a full person?

    Me: but you don't have to make it worse
    Me: every time
    Me: every fucking time
    Me: you protect your wife
    Me: when she hurts me
    Me: because she doesnt care that her behaviour is completely unacceptable
    Me: and every time i told you something in confidence and you told her
    Me: every time you hit me just because i [answered back/objected/disagreed]
    Me: because i dared defend myself
    Me: and every time she let one of her temper tantrums out on me and you abandoned me
    Me: every time i made a decision she disliked, and i didn't get any support and she steamrolled me and screamed and tore me down until i changed my decision just so it stops

    Sd: aaaa

    Me: every time i said something that didnt paint her as saint and you attacked me for it

    Sd: you DID make wrong decisions

    Me: french versus latin
    Me: clothing
    Me: if i wanted to go on vacation with my damned narc of a grandmother
    Me: but even if they were wrong choices
    Me: it does not justify what she did
    Me: by no means.

    Sd: that's the flipside

    Me: but it's apparently worth noting that you talk about that to refute my examples. i will remember this.
    Me: and it damages children to not let them make mistakes
    Me: but her neuroses wee more important than my development

    Sd: do you not accept (constructive) criticism?

    Me: and if you dont show spine for me, i will show spine for myself
    Me: yes, every day
    Me: by people who phrase it as constructive criticism
    Me: what your wife does is not constructive criticism
    Me: what your wife does is napalm
    Me: because i dare not equal her absurd, detached from reality and in large parts never spoken picture of me

    Sd: certain developments in you were (sadly) never expected nor recognizable

    Me: i sometimes ask myself what my teachers thought and why they didnt do anything
    Me: but that i got add was in the cards since i was 16
    Me: was there a "why do you think that?" ? no. it was a "no, you dont."
    Me: well, now i'm officially diagnosed.
    Me: and your wife generally has blinders on regarding anything that does not fit her world view

    Sd: aye

    Me: she just refused to accept it
    Me: everything was alright!
    Me: ha
    Me: ha
    Me: ha
    Me: im laughing
    Me: and iirc didn't the kindergarten people notice something?
    Me: but they handled it wrong
    Me: but at the point when im exploring my identity and the only reaction i get is rejection
    Me: and the point when there's an emotional ticking time bomb that could blow up at any moment....
    Me: you can see something
    Me: if youre not so deep that your normal meter is completely miscalibrated
    Me: i had classmates over once, we made sushi
    Me: and they fled early because the atmosphere was that toxic
    Me: you only notice it when youre out
    Me: its easier to breathe then, too

    Sd: there was a good reason to enable you to study in berlin, it wouldn't have gotten better here

    Me: im not sure i would still be alive

    Sd: and you think i got out of 30 years with her without damage?

    Me: no.
    Me: but there's a difference between us
    Me: i left
    Me: im free
    Me: and i give you resources you can work with
    Me: you gave up
    Me: and you protect her

    Sd: gave up? then you wouldve grown up without a father

    Me: white knight syndrome? complacency?
    Me: pffft
    Me: theres many ways of giving up
    Me: you couldve left
    Me: you can still leave.

    Sd: you dont know everything either

    Me: what keeps you there?
    Me: no
    Me: but shes obviously important enough to you
    Me: whatever you get out of it
    Me: and it really sounds like codependency
    Me: it is so important that you accept the damage
    Me: i will respect that
    Me: but i demand from you in return, that you respect that i weighed the damage of her presence and potential gain, and decided against it

    Sd: youre adult and make your own decisions

    Me: exactly.

    Sd: i might not like them, but i have to respect them

    Me: thank you ::)

    Sd: and: how often did i hit you?

    Me: many times
    Me: too many slaps that i could still count them
    Me: once you slapped me so hard that i bled
    Me: she had a fit because she didnt find something and accused me of stealing and selling it
    Me: and i defended myself, because i did not do that
    Me: and instead of defending me?

    Sd: as far as i remember that was the only time i hit you, because i dont slap people, especially not children

    Me: bamm! straight to the face
    Me: ahahahahhaha
    Me: i remember that differently
    Me: my complete childhood and adolescence i was afraid to [answer back/object/disagree] because i couldve been hit. something like that doesnt happen by chance. something like that doesnt happen from isolated cases.

    Sd: the way you tell it right now its like you got slapped at every occassion, and that's not right

    Me: but the fear was always there
    Me: because i never, never could be sure what causes it
    Me: because it had neither rhyme nor reason
    Me: very efficient i have to say

    Sd: THAT is something different, and THAT i honestly regret

    Me: maximum fear and obedience for minimum effort
    Me: i still have blocked much of my memory
    Me: and that tells me something as well
    Me: so?
    Me: that doesnt make it any better
    Me: not at all

    Sd: no, sadly not

    bullshit meter: high, please clear the cesspit and get that shit onto the fields?
    • Witnessed x 4
  8. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    jesus fuck. *all the hugs*
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  9. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    -also offers hugs-
  10. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    goddamn -hugs-
  11. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    -accepts hugs, hugs back-

    from your reactions my normal meter is still so miscalibrated that im not picking up on stuff?
  12. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    Being neurodivergent of the flavour of not picking up hints, social cues, and other subtext, is kind of like missing your sense of heat.

    Imagine you have two balls in front of you, about fist-sized. They look identical. You have to pick them up at a reasonable speed and put them somewhere else.
    But sometimes touching the balls burns your hand, and everyone else just goes "everyone feels heat, stop making excuses for your carelessness" but theyre offended if you treat all balls like theyre hot.

    that being said i might to gently roast my aunt tomorrow because instead of telling me she cant come pick me up, she made grandmother call with excuses. gfdi woman.
    • Witnessed x 2
  13. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    eta: the "she" in this post is egg donor, not aunt.

    oh, and the rugsweeping has begun. apparently my fear is only anxiety that she has the perfect medication for! i should talk to my therapist and my gd and my psych about getting on it! have i talked to all of my doctors about that medicine yet?

    like who are you kidding here you fucking cunt when the root is trauma and easily dealt with with a spine and not having you in my life? and who is it who wants to put whom under medication so theyre docile, hm?

    shes rewriting reality, guys, and i am so glad i started screenshotting all the bullshit.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
    • Witnessed x 2
  14. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    same hat tho.

    My life would I think have been really different if I could have screenshot conversations with, she isn't even an egg donor, I'm adopted.
    • Witnessed x 1
  15. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    • Reality check needed
    • no contact/low contact/structured contact letter advice needed
    So, there's an extinction burst coming up.
    I'm currently visiting my paternal grandmother. Train home goes tonight. Spermdonor (henceforth sd) came by this morning and gave me a rundown of Eggdonor (henceforth ed). And my mood is soured. I want to cry and my moirail and it isn't even noon yet.
    • Ed wants to go to therapy! Great, right? Only that she wants to go to my therapist. Because the important thing is how to fix our relationship, and "I have vetted her already", which just smells of someone scheming and forgetting fucking patient confidentiality. Sd says it's to "help us both".
    • Ed is so panicked because I ghosted her ass a few weeks ago that she's trying to force Sd to drive her to Berlin so she can check that I'm still alive. Apparently she's not sleeping anymore, and I have a pleading message on my answering machine. (And apparently now my moirail did something to me. Independent grown fucking adult who?)
    • If I write her an NC letter, she'll literally die. Might be more convincing if she didn't make a habit out of threatening suicide if things didn't go her way for as long as I can remember.
    I know, I know, fear-obligation-guilt, support-in-dump-out, and the oxygen mask analogy, but I'm dealing with someone who is severely mentally ill, and, as per Sd, wants to get help. And I cannot in good conscience be a part of thid s forum and turn my back. Sd plans to have my shrink tell her to get a shrink closer to where they live. Dunno if that's gonna work because Ed is stubborn as shit and if she's got an idea she'll force it come hell or high water.

    I am willing to be polite while telling her to back the fuck off. But I need to get her to back the fuck off.
    Sd suggested I send her a thing every week or so to placate her and show her I'm still alive.

    I'm not feeling it. I want her out of my life until I get an apology and proven changed conduct at the very fucking least and not have to weather the psychological stress contact with her puts on me.

    So yeah. Reality check please. And phrasings that are firm but kind and not full of justify-argue-defend-explain because she'll just deny-attack-reverse-victim-and-offender the shit out of me.
    (Also I found the leak, apparently she's been reading Sd's skype messages. In which I elaborated on why I'm not keen on interacting with her, but no, that can't be it.)
    • Witnessed x 4
  16. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Reality check: Going NC is still a good idea. For advice, Id suggest recruiting your shrink who is much better equipped to handle her mental health anyway. Explain whats going on, let them both help her get help and shield you. Because she deserves help, but she doesnt deserve it from you specifically.
    • Agree x 5
  17. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Sorry I couldn't help u but work did as work does and I only got home 2 hours ago
    Are you okayer now?

    Also hard agree with Cody. She deserves to get help, but not at the expense of your mental health. And especially not getting a shrink in Berlin how the fuck does she plan to do that?
  18. cleverThylacine

    cleverThylacine cuddles for the weird and the fierce

    Totally agree with Cody and Ivy 100%. Especially: TELL YOUR SHRINK what's going on and make sure they know you're not down with the plan she has got.
    • Agree x 2
  19. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I know in my country, you shouldn't take two members of a family for ethical reasons. I don't know if it's the same in Berlin, but she might be able to decline your ED cause of that.
    • Informative x 1
  20. Chiomi

    Chiomi Master of Disaster

    If you absolutely want to give her an opening, you might pass on that after she's been in therapy [some arbitrary amount of time] you'll consider doing structured family therapy. But yeah, NC sounds like . . . a really good idea. It's a hard thing, but it's also something that would be really good for your mental health - and also, maybe, for her since she'd have to deal with that in therapy.
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