Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh, shit, yeah, erskin hasn't done that! he worked things out with bel and murfey and then had a breakdown on the first phone call. i think they were gonna arrange transport, then get pancho ready for it. bel realizing this would be interesting!

    ...also galley's got the captain's phone. he could just give it to bel. when the captain's indisposed or incapable, it's the first mate's job, right?

    i'm envisioning the captain's phone as basically a mobile bridge/command center. it's got the list of contacts for department heads as well as other ships, tons of notes, tons of apps, texts sent from it will be confirmed as coming from Captain Aspera, etc. erskin's garden-tracking schedule+alarm app is probably more prominently displayed than his address book of fellow officers. after that probably a lot of tappy reflex games and a few virtual pets. after that a lot of educational software. also if bel snoops at erskin's recent messages he is gonna see some pretty raunchy (and badly punctuated) sext adventures which i kinda assume is standard for trolls. probably with lainey and arguus. possibly with murfey.
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    if bel mets back up with murfey in a few hours he'll probably find them drinking, eating decadent junk food, and watching some raunchy low-class comedy in a big pile of snakemom. snakemom is probably eating a grubloaf as big as a troll. the grubloaf has a little party hat on.

    lainey goes off-shift hard as fuck.
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  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i took my bed meds and also pain meds, so i'm gonna hit the sack before i faceplant on my keyboard. more cute galley tomorrow? :3
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    more like poor bel is going to have to ask two red cuties to please not make him get ashen on them! what a fuckin day.

    (now kiss and make out up, says bel's pants department)
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    aw, well. maybe we could have chatlogs! tbh his logs with pancho would be heartbreaking to see towards the end of his lucidity and therefore REALLY INTERESTING I WANT TO SEE SOME IF YOU EVER FEEL LIKE WRITING ANY.
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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also i was just thinking 'ok if this thing has a four-five day incubation period how does a whole ship get infected' and the answer is 'oh right you're a rage zombie somewhere in day two and you're communicable before fever symptoms even present.'

    so there's a few trolls that present with fevers that they recover from pretty quickly. then six or ten hours later the first guy blows up and gets chompy, but their quadrantmates wouldn't be far behind and meanwhile there's another run of cranky feverish trolls crowding sickbay, and then the next ring of quadrantmates blows up, and so on. even if you locked the ship down at the first berserker, the infection would have been spreading from troll to troll to troll. you'd have to lock up or shoot everyone who was angry, everyone who was actively ill, everyone who was even kinda ill, then treat every single member of the remaining team as potentially infected and maintain a very strict 'no kissing, no fucking, no hugging' policy in the face of incredible stress, for like a week. the zero-sum's remnant crew probably snapped into action flawlessly, if there's so many of them left.
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    galley: the captain is a turbocharged freakout-weasel fuckup to the trillionth power, which makes him kind of tolerable compared to some of the monsters i've had to accident to death

    arguus: if you put erskin 'cinnabon' aspera into a deathpit with prince charming himself they would probably hold hands and look compassionately into one another's eyes and then unicorns would prance down from the heavens to drop flower crowns on erskin's wise and gentle head and it would be the most soul-touching event in the history of the universe, i need to lie on my side and think about this for an hour ok bye.
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  8. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel: you're both right, which is why i get such a kick out of annoying him until he bites me. *eyebrow waggle*
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    help i just really love trolls doing the scandalized NO HOMO dance in non-flushed quadrants
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    you know bel's going to have fantasies about this.
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  11. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Erskin's hit his Awful Things Have Happened Today limit, and won't be able to focus for shit. If someone tells him exactly what to do he can probably manage, but right now the extent of his independent problem solving ability is 'hide in a hole until it goes away'. Bel should probably just bully him around.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
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  12. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel isn't sure what will cause a super-unhelpful flipout, so he's being cautious.
  13. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    erskin, bel thinks your bossy boots are hawt. :D
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  14. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    help i think bel being a sub is incredibly cute. big guy just wants to be pushed around and told he's pretty! which he is. d'aww. also i think erskin enjoys shoving him around, too.

    i think if he got serious and toppy with lainey she would laugh and hit him with a pillow— they mostly do goofy, giggly romps, if bel is ever dragged into a threesome with them he's going to be so embarrassed because they're the kind of couple that will come up with an incredibly stupid rollplay scenario and then compete to make it dumber. like 'i met you in the grocery store but my dark secret is i am passionately aroused by garlic. you're the free sample lady. giving away garlic samples.' 'i adjust my garlic hat,' 'i become furtively aroused.' 'i smear garlic samples across my tits. my tits are also garlic.' 'i want pizza now ):'. they also pause the action to deliver a particularly good pun, as well as snicker appreciatively at any and all gross squelching noises.

    also, no one could boss arguus around. he's a tender cupcake.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2015
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    erskin and lainey's bedroom banter sounds a lot like me and seebs. :D TMI!

    btw, when bel says he'd risk his life for the ship, he means variously the-crew-as-a-whole, or galley. not the physical ship object. bel is a knight in every au.
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i wish i could stay up and play this scene, it looks like it's going to be a hella fun romp and we could use some mood-lightener in this plot, buuuuut i have an early PT appointment so i need to go to bed. the willpower it is taking to tear myself away, u don't even kno. ;_;
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  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    bel is a cutie patoot is what.

    i was actually just thinking about the titles thing! in this context. like, erskin is more realized here, in this stage of his life, he's applying himself, he's using his talents, he's learning a lot of new skills. responsibility has steadied him out and grown him up. in a sense he's graduated to knight, but he's not the crusading sort, like bel, who's always sending himself off to war. he's grown up to be a ruler, a lord, the kind of country knight who stays with his land and manages his estate and tries to do right by his serfs. pretty funny! you'd think he would be the sort of knight who goes charging off after grails.
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    poor galley, all offline and doesn't get to watch.
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  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh my god i hadn't thought of that. HE'S GONNA BE SO MAD.
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  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh nooooooo i hadn't even considered erskin getting it! he was even being careful not to kiss bel's skin because sweat transfer...

    it would be interesting/horrifying if he keeled over pretty much the next night. but maybe too much angst. also, damn inconvenient for the rest of the ship..... but, ok, pretty interesting for bel to have to manage as much ship administration as possible in the time he's got. HMMMM.

    (erskin waking up with a fever and responding as usual, i.e, crawling under a rock somewhere tho. and everyone playing 'wait i thought he was with you' until galley's finally back online and presses the panic button...)
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
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