Contacting your doctor

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by Alguém, May 21, 2015.

  1. Alguém

    Alguém New Member


    Just to give a bit of context; I'm one of Seebs's most recent anons, the "can't tell my family, feel like killing myself but won't" one.

    ( link for more context)

    Seebs advised to seek help, and I'm actually already seeing a doctor, have been for a while now.
    I'm seeing a psychiatrist for depression and generalised anxiety who gave me his phone number to use in case of an emergency, or something like that, I can't quite recall his wording.
    He told me to send him a message if I needed and he'd respond as soon as possible.

    My actual question is, what exactly is a "text my doctor emergency"?
    Suicide attempts, self-harm, etc. I know are, but would what I wrote to Seebs be one?
  2. mazarinedrake

    mazarinedrake Well-Known Member

    I think so, yeah. You're in the space where you want to kill yourself, and have to make a conscious choice not to. That sounds like a pretty dangerous place to be in, and I think it would be a good idea to escalate the care you're receiving until you get out of that space. If your psychiatrist is worth their salt, they'll be glad you contacted them BEFORE the situation worsened to the point that you actually hurt yourself.
  3. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Yes, this is something that your psychiatrist will want to know about. This is absolutely something you are allowed to call him about, and I think you should :) Even if you feel like you definitely won't do anything about it, sometimes talking about it makes it easier.
  4. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    Easier not to do anything about it, I mean.
  5. Alguém

    Alguém New Member

    Thank you for answering, and the advice.

    I'm not going to hurt myself, I'm pretty sure of that.
    My family wouldn't be able to handle it, and I'm always either in a public space or with family so I wouldn't have the opportunity anyway. (This probably sounds far worse than I meant for it to sound...)
    Which is why I doubt this is so important as to be worth contacting my doctor over.

    And I'm not really sure where I'm going with this reply...

    I'll send him a message and see how it goes.
    Thank you again.
  6. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    The fact that you're thinking about it at all is red flag one. If it were just that, itd be a good thing to tell your doctor. That its a thing youre thinking about positively as a thing you want is red flag two. That says tell your dr quickly. That youre thinking in terms of logistics how to do it, "im never alone"etc, is red flag three. So yeah, take this seriously and get help quick. Good luck!
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