Does ur brain ever just... stop?

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by Kemmasandi, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Kemmasandi

    Kemmasandi Optimus Prime's disapproving eyebrows

    I very frequently get this thing where it's like my brain and my body kinda lose connection with each other and I'm stuck frozen in one position, unable to speak or move or look away from whatever I was looking at. My brain still works fine; I'm aware of things going on around me; I just can't react to it until the thing passes and I'm suddenly working as normal again.

    It doesn't last for long - ten seconds or so is the longest I've had, although it's hard to estimate the time tbh. I've asked friends, and the majority have said they've had similar things, but VERY rarely; like once or twice in a year or less. One person said they had them frequently; and these occasionally lasted for hours. This person also happens to be diagnosed schizophrenic.

    I'm reasonably sure I don't have schizophrenia; I don't have hallucinations or delusions, and while I do have some disorganized speech, it's pretty mild. I do have most of the negative symptoms, but then I'm pretty sure I have schizoid personality disorder, which shares most of those symptoms. I've also had all these symptoms for most if not all of my life, so I'm reasonably certain I'm not having onset symptoms either.

    Sooooo... anyone know what this is?
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  2. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    Iiiiit is probably something you wanna get checked out. Even if it's nothing serious, it could be any kind medical or psychiatric issues.

    I've heard people talk about autistic catatonia, it could be something similar? Idk if you're autistic, though.

    Maybe some kind of seizure? Like an absence seizure. You really should go and see a doctor about this, though.
  3. aetherGeologist

    aetherGeologist Well-Known Member

    I occasionally get that when very overwhelmed or in severe sensory overload, and I've always assumed it was an autistic thing.

    It doesn't really sound like a seizure to me - I've known quite a few people who get absense seizures and they aren't aware of anything while seizing.

    Probably still a good idea to see a doctor if you can though
  4. Kemmasandi

    Kemmasandi Optimus Prime's disapproving eyebrows

    Yeah, it's definitely gone on my list of things to ask my doc about. I asked my therapist once but she kinda shrugged and said "try grounding?" which hasn't had any effect. I potentially am autistic, but it's hard to tell what traits belong to that and what belongs to the szpd. Autistic catatonia is a possibility, therefore, and that's interesting, I had no idea that was a thing XD

    Thanks for weighing in!
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