Hello? I'm. Super new.

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Tania, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. Tania

    Tania Member

    I'm Tania and seriously, I am super new, not only to Kintsugi (or is it spelled in lower case?) but to forums in general. Seriously, I don't think I've ever, ever been on a forum, not even in the ff.net ones during the formative stages of my fic 'career'. (Yes, I call it that. I'm not cool.)

    I'm autistic, have dyscalculia, and also have a couple of severe mental illnesses here and there. I'm also chronically ill (chronic pain plus a bunch of other concerning neurological symptoms, including really upsetting memory problems) and working on being diagnosed with literally anything (right now there are only theories, most of them mine, because doctors are cagey bastards), which is rough. I'm hoping I'll find a community here.

    I study History with a concentration on Western American History and also a particular interest in neuroatypical historical characters and disability in general. I also really, really, really like pop culture, especially movies and TV.

    I'm also a fic writer and a fandom person and have been for a long time. My biggest fandoms right now are The Magnificent Seven (2016) and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (I'm most focused on the characters seen on Captain America: Civil War), but I have a bunch more, and I watch a lot of movies and TV in general even if I don't write for them. If any of you want to talk about that or any fandom stuff, I'd be so thrilled. I love talking about movies and TV.

    I also write original fiction and poetry. Yes, I am hoping to be a successful pro writer someday.

    I am someone who left Tumblr because of a really terrible experience I had that I will probably vent about at some point. It...well, "scarred me emotionally" might be a little overdramatic, but it scarred me emotionally. I am slightly bitter.

    Sorry about the rambling--I am very 'talkative', both in writing and in real life. In any case, I'm really hoping to find a good place here where I can talk about things without having to be worried about Being Wrong And Being Good And Right All The Time And Getting Hurt and so on. I miss having a community. I'm really excited to discover this place!

    Anyway, I have to go to my terrible job now, but it's not so bad, because it's a job and I only have to be there for three hours today!
    • Like x 7
  2. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator


    So the forum's anti-spam feature said "HEY THIS LOOKS REALLY SUSPICIOUS" because apparently some spambot somewhere used the name Tania, but I looked at the thing and thought "yeah, or it could be just like a perfectly ordinary name".

    I guessed right, yayyyyyy.
  3. Rakukaja

    Rakukaja Member

    Hiya, fellow American history nerd! Do you have a particular time period of interest?
  4. Tania

    Tania Member

    Haha, oops. It must be the 'i'. Everyone gets thrown that my name has an 'i' instead of a 'y'. (I mean, a lot of people in the U.S. at least.)

    Is that fixed now?
  5. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    Hey there! I know there's a couple MCU threads around, and I know I definitely have some friends who are very invested in Bucky so you're in good company here. It's lovely to meet you!
  6. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Hiya! Welcome to Kintsugi! It's usually spelled with an uppercase K, to answer your question. Happy to have you!
  7. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Hey, Tania! My girlfriend majored in history too--her focus was Cold War history, but Western American history also sounds hella rad!
  8. KingdomByTheSea

    KingdomByTheSea Well-Known Member

    Fancy seeing you here ;)
  9. applechime

    applechime "well, you know, a very — a very crunchy person."

    hey friendo, welcome to kintsugi!! i hope you find the various communities to your liking (⋈•ᴗ•)
  10. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    It's just a thing during the approval thing. I have automated stuff turned off, so I look at lists of users, and sometimes the software says "you shouldn't approve this one it's probably a spammer", but usually I end up trying anyway to see what happens.
    • Like x 2
  11. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    Interesting. How does the software determine that? And also, how many spammers actually try to register?
    • Like x 1
  12. Xavius

    Xavius Suit Monkey

    • Like x 6
  13. Technicality

    Technicality All's fair in love and shitposting

    sleeper scammer
    they come in and become mods
    then start spamming when you least expect it
    • Like x 7
  14. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    Hi again! What specifically do you like about pop culture? Or is it just the concept in general? :3c
  15. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

  16. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    There's a database it checks with that lists originating IPs and user names that are associated with spam or Possibly Suspicious, not sure exactly how it works. I think we've had... like two or three maybe? One of them I approved and they quickly became the forum's Banned User.
    • Like x 1
  17. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

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  18. Tania

    Tania Member

    Yay, awesome! Sorry I didn't answer for so long, I was at work and it was super busy and I did awesome...right up until the end when I had some kind of spell and looked like an idiot in front of my coworkers, not moving or speaking for like...seventy years. (Thirty seconds.) And then I felt bad physically and was tired.

    Anyway, sorry about the TMI, but I'm so happy about the MCU threads! And sadly I am less invested in Bucky than a lot of other people in the fandom (my faves are Sam, Scott, and Peter), but I do love him a lot and have written about him, my memory-impaired son.

    Lovely to meet you too!
    • Like x 1
  19. Tania

    Tania Member

    Sorry for not replying for so long.

    Ahhhh, my period of interest is the "Old West", as in, from antiquity to around the very early 1900s. One of my favorite parts is Lewis & Clark. They were the special interest that got me into the West in the first place!

    When it comes to historical characters, I am interested in all eras and all places.

    How about you?
    • Like x 2
  20. Tania

    Tania Member

    Thank you! That's good to know

    *guest on a early morning talk show voice* Happy to be here!
    • Like x 2
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