Hi? An introduction

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Another Shy One, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Hey, I'm Another Shy One. Call me Shy, I guess or Quail, in reference to my tumblr kamikazequail. I have A.D.D and am introverted as hell. I am also a gemini who is secretly a capricorn. I'm a college student majoring in english (creative writing) and minoring in sociology. I own a lot of books, so much that some of them are being housed in drawers that were meant for clothes... I like the colors purple, blue, black and silver. Uh... I'm a homestuck and marvel fan? I also read an old comic series called Elfquest... I got nothing else :/
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  2. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Hi, Shy. :) Your dresser shelving entertains me, because I was doing that for about a year until I got real bookshelves. Improvised bookshelf users, unite!
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  3. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    dresser shelving! that's a good idea! if there was more room in my dresser, i might consider doing that. as it is, i have so many books that more than half of them are at my cottage (on several shelves) and yet my bookshelf at home is overflowing, and kobo is a real space-saver.

    my fave too
  4. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

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  5. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    lol, i need real books shelves, all the ones in my house has been taken over by my dad and my aunt. I use everything i can to store my books, shoeboxes, drawers, on top of drawers etc... there is a platic tub filled with books... soo many books... <3
  6. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    If you don't mind my asking but... what is kobo? I've never heard of it.
  7. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Heh, I got lucky; when I m0ved out on my own, shelves were the first thing I splurged on. :D After many years of double-shelving and floor-shelving and 'can I please put more shelves in here seriously come on'.
  8. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    AAAAAAAH! Another fan! Yes *flappy hands* Everytime I bring up Elfquest, I have to do an entire spiel about it~ It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there whos knows EQ ^ ^
  9. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Oh I can't wait to move out... I'm staying in the school dorms right now, but after I graduate in may, I have to move back to my parent's house :(, the moment I pay off student loans and get my own apartment/house though, there will be wall to wall shelving everywhere 0.o
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  10. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    Good luck! :( I had to move back in with my parents for a bit too; I've only had my own place for a year. Built-in custom-built bookshelves covering an entire wall were so worth the wait, though.
  11. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    it's an ereader, like kindle, with a store and an app and stuff.
  12. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    i have a kobo too; it's another type of e-reader. when you go through books as fast as i do they're a delight, especially since the books on my bookshelves are already two deep.

    one of my middle school classmates had a pair of bibliophiles for parents; one of them even did professional book reviews. they had built-in shelving in almost every room, and the first time i visited her house i thought i'd died and gone to heaven.
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  13. kmoss

    kmoss whoops

    I found a paperback at a garage sale - and a few years ago, I managed to track down the comic online.
    One day I will find and buy all of them.
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  14. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Ah I see. I've never been particularly fond of ereaders, though they are good for saving space... I still prefer handling physical books XD
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  15. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    i'm about equally fond of both.
  16. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    My dad gave me his books (the entirety of The Grand Quest or the first series) and I have... hmm... some individual comics and one other collection but I can't think of the name right now). Yeah, they have the entire series archived online, I was sooo happy when I found out about that. That's one of my goals too (along with finishing collecting the roroken manga, sigh, they're so hard to find now...). I am still waiting for that movie they've been promising for the series but it looks like it'll never come...
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  17. albedo

    albedo metasperg

    But the glorious shelf-related gravitas!

    ... yeah, I spent too much time in libraries as a kid. >>;
  18. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    physical books are nice and easier to flip through, not to mention easier to loan to other people, and there's a definite aesthetic appeal. but when i'm lugging around a bunch of textbooks being able to just add a reader is great for my back. plus then i don't have to pick just one to take with me for the day.

    in the end i just want to read everything and i'm perfectly happy with whatever format it comes in.
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  19. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    ... that really does sound like heaven... ah, I want to be surrounded by books forever...
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  20. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    Libraries are wonderful too, I could spend hours in them reading, especially when there are seats that are actually comfy...
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