Ho Ho Ho-No its the Holidays

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by Sol, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    this is a general rant thread about holiday specific nonsense. I haven't actually looked around to see if there is one already so, SHRUGS, but still.

    i've finally managed to convince my family to leave me the fuck alone for christmas, thanks in no small part to convincing my boss to schedule me for the late shift on christmas eve (i'm so sorry! he says, please can i stay late?! says i) which means i'm going to spend a glorious christmas morning alone in the house in the pajamas with my internet and my cat.

    this would be The Best except for the next three days I have to listen to everyone and thier dog going "oh no, alone???? on CHRISTMAS???? what a TRAGEDY"

    no no, helen, i fought for this. let me live.
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  2. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    my mother apparently has a Jesus bug up her ass, because we are going to christmas morning service.

    i will be thinking about gay sex the whole time, as i usually do when i go to anything like organized religion services. it is a valid and healthy coping mechanism.
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  3. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    just think could be worse, could be midnight mass
  4. Newlyread

    Newlyread Killer Queen

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  5. baskerville

    baskerville Well-Known Member

    oh my god sol you did it. i hope you enjoy it besides the ppl and their dogs!

    also @Ruevian that is fantastic

    edit: wow i forgot the thing

    i got the whole "ohhh nooo soooo saaaad" when i told someone i wasnt celebrating christmas... leave me be
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  6. it's that time of the year when mum randomly screams at me for knowingly and maliciously ruining her holidays w/ my existence. woohoo!
  7. Lizardlicks

    Lizardlicks Friendly Neighborhood Lizard

    Time for the Christmas shuffle! My parents are divorced, and my husband has a huge Catholic (but very liberal) family, and EVERYONE wants to see the kids/grandkids of course. Which ends up meaning that we have three places to go in one day and gift hings to put together for some 30-some people (usually communal baked goodies in the case of husbands fam because we are not a very financially endowed house), and having to coordinate who does what when and where for how long. And I'm so freaking tired of it, I just want a nice, peaceful Christmas without a bunch of rushing around stress. My autistic ass can not handle all this overload, and even though nothing bad happens ever, I always end up so fucking anxious and upset. Just. Stop. Go away and leave me aloooone.
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  8. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    @baskerville i am Living The Dream. i've even got plans to buy myself some good food to eat and friends who want to have quiet board games and drinks in the evening. it's gonna be so good.

    @taxonomicAtrocity i am available to fight family members any time for any reason, jsyk.
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  9. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    [runs in screaming]


    [runs out, still screaming]
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  10. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    Non. Stop. Christmas music. I would fucking cut someone to hear even some klezmer that I don't have to source from youtube.

    And I am so, so sick of the Discourse on "is 'Baby It's Cold Outside' sexist'.

    And! I am deeply, pettily irritated by the fact that it's going to be a pain in the ass to find any Hanukkah decorations or cookie cutters.
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  11. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die
    my parents are all "you had better have gotten us presents" and like yeah I fucking did but I hate you anyway
    I paid ACTUAL MONEY as demanded and I'm so angry about this
    especially since I know they got me nothing that I will want or use. they probably gave me like. fuckin' socks. I DON'T NEED SOCKS!!!
    and then there's the Christmas music, and the relatives, and the presents relatives are sending, which I know I will mostly hate but still have to write thank yous for, AND my toes are broken, two whole toes, and it's just
    baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Christma
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  12. turtleDove

    turtleDove Well-Known Member

    Witnessed. I have nonpologized to my sister for a lack of presents with "I realize it's too late to start holiday knitting and I'm rolling with it, what do you want for your birthday? My new year's resolution is to get better at giving gifts". Fortunately, my family basically expects me being really awful at remembering that I need to get going on actually getting gifts arranged.
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  13. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    This holiday season would be great if it wasn't for the sudden surprise pneumonia/diverticulitis one-two combo this week, preventing me from working for most of the week and keeping me from doing jack shit.

    Can't visit family because I don't want to kill my auntie-in-law with pneumonia by accident or spend the entire visit in a corner coughing pathetically and sleeping.
  14. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    Witnessed @ everyone.

    mum got all weepy the other day because i brought christmas tree shaped chicken nuggets (hilarious????) and i dont understand. apparently it's really sad that im going to be eating christmas tree chicken nuggets? what.

    edit/update: i got shitfaced with my friends and ate all the christmas nuggets they were an excellent idea 10/10
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2016
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  15. Sol

    Sol needs a coffee

    hey everyone, hope you're doing ok and taking care of yourself today and that there were no major disasters to speak of xoxo
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  16. Gee

    Gee the mail never fails

    Bumping this thread in case anyone needs it for holiday notes 2k17
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  17. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    Tag yourself I'm the "no sentiment" greeting cards
  18. ChelG

    ChelG Well-Known Member

    I'm already half-sick of Christmas because we've been getting it hammered into us since before my birthday in September! All I could think of to ask for were clothes (I need an outfit for the Feb dance show) and Mum says "I can give you cash so you can pick your own" and yeah that would work but then I'm stuck with nothing to open on Christmas and I don't want to have it be more depressing than it already is!
  19. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I love the holidays dearly but gods do I hate a lot of Christmas music. And it is infecting the jazz station we listen to while driving.

    i just want to be safe from this shit somewhere please

    Also I no longer live near a friend's family so I can't just be like "YES I WISH TO EXPERIENCE THE WONDERS OF CATHOLIC CHRISTMAS THINGS WITH YOU IN SOME CAPACITY?" I mean I guess I can poke at them online, but I can't like play Find the Jesuses: Christmas Edition from Georgia.
  20. shmeed

    shmeed plant me

    i work retail and im so sick of every christmas song they play there
    which includes christmas shoes
    god fuck christmas shoes
    and fuck the 12 days of christmas

    it's so fucking irritating hearing this shit for 8 hours at a time aghagskdjasdshajsd
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