
Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by Rongeur, May 31, 2015.

  1. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    My brain chemistry is definitely doing a Thing this last week, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what. I'm going to bed at 3 am regularly and barely eating, but I'm also on a mad creative streak - I'm drawing all day and making a ton of progress designing characters for a story. On the other hand, I'm not especially more outgoing or perky than usual, and my mood's been pretty stable. I'm not bipolar that i know of. What's really weird to me is that despite my abominable self-care, I still feel totally fine - if I didn't know that this'd catch up to me eventually, I wouldn't want it to stop at all.

    Anyway, thoughts? Anyone have a similar thing?
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