I haven't actually lost time

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by wes scripserat, May 24, 2015.

  1. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    But I was outside and got crumbs of some kind on me and my brain only noticed recently and so it's convinced I've lost time and so it's slowly spinning into a freak out in the background and the fact that @Bel Capricorn and I keep missing each other so I don't actually know what's going on with John is also not helping and
    basically i need tips on how to keep my brain from spiraling into total panic mode.
  2. Codeless

    Codeless Cheshire Cat

    Step one, breathe. No really, it´s important.
    Step two, go here. There are links for other sites if the first one doesn´t work out for you, it´s places to help calm down and places for venting if you need that.
    • Like x 1
  3. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Make yourself a mug of tea, sit down somewhere comfy, try to relax and chill out?
  4. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    thank you to both of you :D
    • Like x 2
  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    something that helps me is to look at an outdoor space (my backyard, usually) and systematically recognize each thing in it. i don't have to rest my eyes on every leaf, or know the name of every plant, but it really helps to just acknowlege the individual existence of the trees and buildings and whatnot that are usually just one big mess filed under 'backyard'. it forces me to slow down and direct my mind, which turns out to be precisely what's needed to break out of anxiety.

    systematic tasks help too, like loading the dishwasher, folding towels, coloring a mandala, brushing the cats. really anything you know you'll succeed at which makes you slow down and take it one step at a time.
  6. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    thank you so much :D
    What I ended up doing is write parts of my historypaper.
    which is hard because right now my brain seems to be failing hard at the spelling part of writing.
  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    that's a good idea. you can edit for spelling later, no worries. focusing on an absorbing task like that is just the ticket.
  8. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    you're very wise.
    i mean, you're also bear dad and like, your character in kintsugi in space spends all his time outside farming, but you're very wise and
    Someone To Look Up To,
    and you're an adult who Equal Treats, like, I'm not poor child to be condescended I am much less knowing human who needs more guidance because human evolution is weird and we're juveniles for forever.
    which is cool.
    (should I have sent this as a pm? i'm bad at expressing gratitude)
    • Like x 1
  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    aww, hugs. no, it's fine to say it in the thread. #^_^#
    • Like x 1
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