I texted my bf as soon as I got out of surgery

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by afarewelltokings, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    I looked back at some of my texts from the first 2 hours out of surgery and they’re so funny

    Some of my favorites are:

    Me: Baby i’m livin the reef are out
    Him: how’re you feeling love??
    Me: I little loopy
    Me: I can’t feel my tongue lol

    Me: I tried watching GMM and couldn’t keep my eyes open long enough so music it is then
    Him: aw :(
    Me: They Might Be in recovery from surgery: alex’sncurrent cover band
    Me: My teeth hurt
    (The teeth were out by now)

    Adding one in a photo format because it’s too long to type that includes a Weezer reference (re-uploaded bc I cropped it wrong)

    If this post doesn’t belong here feel free to remove it, I just thought these were funny

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    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
    • Winner x 4
  2. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    I looked through a group chat with my two best friends and I have some more gems

    Me: I took out a gauze ball and looked and it’s covered in my own blood
    Eliza: Put that BACK
    Me: My mouth period
    Me: Change the mouth tampon
    Eliza: don’t mess with your gauze dumbass
    Me: I just wanted to see what it looked like
    Me: And bloodynwas the answer

    Me: Is novacainr that stuff that Beyoncé sings about in tonthe left to the left
    Eliza: WHAT
    Me: They mentioned novacaine before I passed tf out
    Me: And I was thinking “damn didn’t Beyoncé sing about novsciane”
    Eliza: No she didn’t
    Me: What
    Eliza: Not that I know of anyway
    (I never figured out if that’s what Beyoncé sang in that song, or if that’s even the same song)
    • Winner x 2
  3. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    An unexpected update: my friend informed me that I texted her as soon as I got out of surgery as well
    • Winner x 3
  4. afarewelltokings

    afarewelltokings the internet's #1 Julia Child fan

    I also asked them, as soon as I got out of surgery, if I could keep the teeth (I got them) and if I could smoke weed after (I couldn’t)

    Dad told me I was trying to talk during the entire surgery
    • Winner x 1
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