(Mostly an SG-1 thread, because I never got much into the other ones, but other Stargate shows welcome!) I recently started streaming SG-1 for friends, and I realized that there's no thread! So let's talk about Stargate. Who's your fave? What's your favorite story arc? Thoughts I'm tabling to discuss later: Star Trek's 60s idealism vs Stargate's 90s cynicism (thanks @KingStarscream ), an analysis of magical realism themes in SG-1 and how they fit with at least the early seasons' theme of Let's Talk About Colonialism.
hello yes i used to watch these things with my mom when i was in middle-school I don't remember much of it sadly but I did love it a lot. there was some bitchy thiefy girl that i liked a lot?
Probably Vala! She shows up in season 8 or 9, I think. Somewhere towards the end. Vala is a great character.
I watched these all the time!! Sadly not in any kind of order, just whatever was playing on Scifi (before it was Scyfy or whatever it is now). I liked the hapless scientist who them went on to become a... Powerful being of some sort? Man, I never knew what was going on with that.
I have watched this and liked it! Though it was a while ago and I don't remember much past season 1, unfortunately. Daniel is my favorite, because I am a linguist and therefore he gives me great joy, and also because I always love the put-upon characters. Also I am told he dies repeatedly later and this sounded fun because I am terrible.
Hell yes, my family watched ALL the stargate. Except universe cause it sucked, ill fight anyone on that. I had such a huge crush on daniel when i was younger, it was embarrassing Fave from sg1 is walter the gate opener guy samantha, she was my first interaction with a badass butt kicking lady who was also smarter than like everyone and didnt need to be rescued all the time and i love her. Atlantis is probably my favorite out of the serieses because weir and mckay and tayla and ford and - you get the idea. Plus the puddle jumpers were super cute. Favorite episode has to be the one where teal'c and o'neill get stuck in a time loop, and they have to learn to translate an ancient device with daniel as their teacher, only daniel didnt remember the time loop so they literally had to memorize everything.
@Deresto Walter is also a great character! Teal'c and Sam are neck and neck as my absolute faves, but Teal'c is currently winning because I just rewatched Bloodlines. They're all my faves, really - the hierarchy goes something like Teal'c/Sam, Jack/General Hammond/Dr. Fraiser, Daniel, but that's because Daniel does some dumb things in the first half season one and that order is subject to change. Something that I noticed in my rewatch that I didn't notice as a kid that I'm happy about: SG-1 is not here for the White Savior bullshit. The First Commandment has this really great moment where Teal'c talks to a subject of the fake God about being enslaved, and it's just such a reflection of Teal'c's overall story arc. The SGC help, but the Jaffa mainly free themselves.
General Hammond is so great, i was so sad when they replaced him in the later seasons even though landry eventually grew on me ( although his bumbling nature at first was grating to watch when compared to hammond) Its funny, hammonds replacement was worse for me than jack's was, although that might be because i already loved vala and cam's actors from farscape. It was super fun to see claudia black go from this super strict military type to a "who cares as long as i get something from it" con artist type
Reviving thread to give a shout out to my 2 year old niece who walks around my brother's house saying "Teal'c! Big and strong!" Because my bro is keeping the family tradition alive by watching SG-1 with his wife and kid