money anxiety

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by raydelblau, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. raydelblau

    raydelblau the giant rat who makes all of the rules

    after a couple minutes of wandering around the forums, i realized that i should definitely talk about this issue. i didn't see any other threads addressing it specifically, so here goes:

    i have serious problems with spending money. any purchase gives me the overwhelming sense that i am spending too much. it doesn't matter whether the purchase is reasonable or even necessary-- it'll fill me with fear, guilt, and panic regardless of what it's for. this has been a thing since i was young, but it has intensified over the last couple years. i skip meals, wear clothes i've outgrown, and cause a lot of concern for my mother (who has witnessed a number of these meltdowns).

    these reactions would make a lot more sense if i were in a financially unstable situation, but i'm not! i can afford almost every spending decision i make. so... what's the deal? does anybody else have this type of anxiety or any sage advice for someone who does?
  2. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    I get that a lot- not as bad, but definitely the whole really guilty feel over spending any money at all. It sucks :( sometimes it helps if you have money set aside specifically for fun things, like keep some type of piggy bank or jar or something where you keep that. As for necessary purchases, maybe it would be reassuring to check your balance before going out to buy stuff, so you know you're in absolutely no danger of overspending, and go over the rationalization of purchases in your head like 'I earned this money, I worked hard to get it- if I want his thing then I'm damn well going to get it because I deserve it.' I don't really know, sorry. It's gotten better over the years for me just on its own mostly, so I'm just putting things out there that might have contributed to it easing up.
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  3. raydelblau

    raydelblau the giant rat who makes all of the rules

    thanks, yeah-- that's good advice. organizing my money is in itself stressful, but it's definitely something i ought to get used to in order to better manage the spending anxiety. setting "fun" money aside should help a ton, actually! especially if it's in cash rather than credit.

    i'm going furniture shopping today. mayhap i'll buy a safe.
  4. Alska

    Alska Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the more you do it the less daunting it'll probably seem c: glad I could help a little! Good luck with this!
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