Nik of Midnight

Discussion in 'Howdy there!' started by Nik, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. Nik

    Nik The Grace of the World and the Void of the Cosmos

    Hello there, my name is Nik and I am new here.

    Ignore the title, I thought it was super catchy.

    I find myself figuring things out about myself that I have never knew before. But I guess that's just life. I have a strange love for history and nerd stuff. One time, I fought a bear. Okay, I didn't do that and I'm not quite sure why I said that, but that's alright.

    Don't fight bears, I guess?

    @Bel Capricorn

    I said I would do it and here I am.
    • Like x 4
  2. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    hi, nik, friend of nick. :D
    • Like x 1
  3. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    • Like x 2
  4. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    i do not think you are the nik I know, which will probably screw me up at some point, because the nik I know is definitely a kintsugi type, but your writing voice is different so hopefully that will help

    welcome to the party
    • Like x 1
  5. Nik

    Nik The Grace of the World and the Void of the Cosmos

    Thank you all. I am but a simple man with no plan.
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  6. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    I am Nick's friend Wes.

    I mostly write things and flail around. Occasionally, I will meow at cats.
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  7. Nik

    Nik The Grace of the World and the Void of the Cosmos

    Hello there. I too write things and meow at my cat. She replies to me and it's pretty great.
    • Like x 3
  8. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    Yes, writing is good.

    I sadly have no cats, so I meow at friend's cats. I would probably meow at your cat, if i ever met her.
  9. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    you two should meet, i think you'd get along
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  10. Nik

    Nik The Grace of the World and the Void of the Cosmos

    A very forward statement, but I do not think I would oppose. And you are both more than welcome to say hello to my cat.
    • Like x 1
  11. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    You seem cool

    I, on the other hand, am a weirdo.
  12. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    nope you are both cool. also both weirdos. but mostly just cool.
    • Like x 1
  13. Nik

    Nik The Grace of the World and the Void of the Cosmos

    If you ever meet me, you will immediately retract that statement. For too many reasons.
    • Like x 1
  14. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    guys, guys, you're both awesome
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  15. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    Nick is usually right.
    • Like x 1
  16. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    i'm always right!
    • Like x 1
  17. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    So do you two have a third friend named Nic to fill out the trio, or...?
    In any case, Nick's a cool dude so I assume any friend of his is probably p cool too.

    #or is the third one Nicky/Nikky?
    • Like x 2
  18. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    not that i know of but i wouldn't be at all surprised
    • Like x 1
  19. Nik

    Nik The Grace of the World and the Void of the Cosmos

    I'm just as much of a surprise to Nick as a third Nick would be. I wouldn't be surprised though.
  20. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    yeah we both chose our names without telling the other. we just saw each other for the first time in like half a year last week.
    • Like x 1
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