
Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by wes scripserat, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    not going to post any of my own stuff just yet (well, i've posted one thing but i'm not putting anymore)
    but this is a place where you can dump your poetry/short fiction, either copy pasted directly in or linked.
    i hope anyway.
    i like reading poetry, and i like discussing poetry.
    i duno.
  2. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    I write a fair bit of poetry. It's usually the structured kind, because I like the challenge.

    I have a collection of Homestuck poems on my AO3. Mostly Shakespearean sonnets, but there's a couple villanelles in there too.

    And here's a terzanelle I wrote while angsting about my mental health!

    Sometimes I think myself a foolish child

    Or maybe an asylum escapee

    My mind is broken, and my thoughts are wild

    Would that I were a bird, flying free

    But I'm a fool, naught but a crazy bitch

    Or maybe an asylum escapee

    I wish that I'd a way to scratch this itch--

    I just want happiness, stability

    But I'm a fool, naught but a crazy bitch

    I feel so caged in my insanity

    As if the outside world weren't quite as bad

    I just want happiness, stability

    I find myself so often awfully sad

    And captive in a mind I so despise

    As if the outside world weren't quite as bad

    The world spins by before my grey-blue eyes

    Sometimes I think myself a foolish child

    And captive in a mind I so despise

    My mind is broken, and my thoughts are wild

    Aaaand here's a silly limerick.

    There was a televangelist

    Who swore we'd all go to Hell if

    We kept fornicating

    And kept masturbating--

    Which all puts me on his shit list.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
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  3. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    I sometimes like to "remix" poetry. This is my favorite: I was thinking of the nature of good and evil and of Blake's Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience (one of my favourite books) and I mixed the Lamb (innocence) and the Tiger (experience) to talk about myself

    the tigerlamb, an autobiography

    little lamb, who made thee?
    what the hammer? what the chain?
    in what furnace was thy brain?
    softest clothing, wooly, bright,
    in the forests of the night?
    gave thee such a tender voice
    in what distant deeps or skies
    burnt the fire of thy eyes?
    dost thou know who made thee?
    when the stars threw down their spears
    by the stream and o’er the mead
    gave thee life and bade thee feed?
    and what shoulder, and what art
    could twist the sinews of thy heart
    making all the vales rejoice?
    he is meek, he is mild
    on what wings dare he aspire?
    tyger, tyger, burning bright,
    I a child and thou a lamb
    we are called by his name
    did he smile his work to see?
    did he who made the lamb make me?
    little lamb, god bless thee!
    • Like x 3
  4. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    this poem should basically be called
    My Conflicted Emotions About My Certainty That I Do Not Believe In God
    Plus The Fact That Isis Is Destroying Cultural Artifacts Is Pissing Me Off

    Note: the opinions expressed here are partially my own, partially that of a friend of mine and partially an angry reaction to isis's actions in the middleeast/north africa.

    the gods we leave behind
    in blasted mosques
    and dynamited shrines
    in prayers made of bullets
    and sermons told
    from atop the mountain
    made of child soldiers
    and civilians lost

    if they were real
    more than just the childish fantasies
    of a species grasping for answers
    we cannot attain
    they would hate those who claim their names
    who kill in the name of protecting
    omniscient deities who can do fine by themselves
    i would think

    what good has god given
    that He has not then taken
    ten hundred thousand times away?
    with inquisitions and crusades
    jihads and holy wars
    the black flag of isil waving
    the cross that Christ was tortured on
    now the symbol seen
    as cities burn.

    yet i still cannot
    mock those
    who in the name of god
    do good.
    • Like x 4
  5. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    An old piece (2008) - Afterburn

    Current flowing from my fingers onto the blank page -
    Burning the thoughts that cease my breathing into the white.
    Words are cinders, floating as ashes in the air -
    How long until the page bursts into flames?

    Shivers run down my spine as the spike abates,
    But still I feel the point at the base of my neck:
    Cold steel turning ever so slightly, threatening
    To draw blood from the ivory goblet’s veins.

    The sensation of drowning is frightening and cold;
    Liquid in my lungs, oxygen frozen in place:
    Ice turns to fire and it hurts no less.
    My eyes are wide - “do not resuscitate”?

    Fingertips twitch along the keys that feel like Teflon -
    No resistance against the rushing winds of my imagination
    Which, in its eagerness, chokes the beat of my heart
    And takes over, keeping me alive as an afterthought.

    Where am I going, what do I say?
    I long to meld this abundance of energy
    Into another’s mind - one who needs it -
    But I am stuck in the throes of inspiration

    I am slipping down into the blue,
    Spiralling into vertigo, my inner ear
    Pounding with the force of gravity.
    Forget up and down - let me fall.

    The surge has slid away, my eyelids are failing,
    Although I do not wish to sleep.
    There’s someone who needs me to stay
    And I shall, no matter how long it shall be.
    • Like x 1
  6. misplaced sock

    misplaced sock New Member

    i'm pretty happy with this one overall (although not quiiiiiiiite happy enough to have it associated with my main account haha)
    lines five and six are bugging me, but i'm not sure what to do to fix them :/

    I fear that we are like the chymists of old

    Who held that Mercury’s poison, though present from its first formation in the Earth

    Was not inherent in its nature,

    And proposed by Art to finish what Nature left undone

    And render it harmless, nay, better than harmless:

    A force for good, the miraculous Water that Does Not Wet.

    And when at last they had finished their labors

    And raised their flask in triumph to their lips,

    They found that it was but Mercury after all



    And poison.
    • Like x 5
  7. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    A poem I wrote while thinking about the fool tarot card:


    you share the lightness of the small-eared soul
    wandering behind your lifting heels -
    they’ve never known the touch of ground.
    nor dirt nor stone have brushed against them.
    and your eyes need not lift towards the sky;
    your head is already haloed by rings of rocks and light
    not unlike a planet or a god.
    but you haunt across this rough earth watching
    and you never change a whisker or speak a whisper.
    it seems you’ll meet your death
    long before you meet your fate.

    And another short poem:

    A Writer Is A Medium For Those Who Aren’t Real

    It’s hard to exist as myself when I’ve been other people for as long as I can remember:
    I was a murderer one long summer
    And a spirit the next.
    For nights one year I was burning for the dead
    Leaping off cliffs for broken promises
    Shuddering at phantom trains hurtling ever closer.

    I sleep better on other people’s couches than I ever slept in my own bed.

    I have more that I could post but these are my favorite recent ones
    • Like x 3
  8. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    For my part, @misplaced sock, I quite like lines five and six. The breaks in line six ("Water that Does Not Wet") contrast nicely with the flow of the rest of the sounds. The whole thing sounds Gaimanesque to me. :)
  9. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

  10. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Agreed--I thought it all worked very nicely. :)
  11. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    @wixbloom Thank you so much :) What did you like about them?

    Also, I too agree with Kaylotta about misplaced sock's poem.
  12. wes scripserat

    wes scripserat Hephaestus

    i concur with these two
  13. misplaced sock

    misplaced sock New Member

    gosh, that's a hell of a compliment *blushes*
    i'm glad everyone seems to like it!
    • Like x 1
  14. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Found some more!

    Here's one I did in 10th grade as a school assignment--we had to write an introduction for a modern-day pilgrim in the style of The Canterbury Tales.

    Next was the Actress, tall and tan in hue,
    Who wore her fine designer jeans and shoes
    Upon her slender legs and dainty feet.
    (She was so skinny 'cause she did not eat.)
    She carried a Chihuahua in her bag.
    She was a spoil'd and nasty little hag.
    She'd acted in a thousand different films.
    She lived in a big house in Bev'rley Hills
    With her sixth boyfriend, father of her child --
    A talented man, and quite meek and mild.
    But she'd had sex with tons of other blokes,
    So their relationship was on the ropes.
    Her name was Paris Spears, or so I'm told;
    She was a lass of twenty-three years old.
    But in those years she'd done so much cocaine
    That it had nearly driven her insane.

    And here's a kinda freeform one I scribbled down a while back.

    I don't miss the way you talk
    And I don't miss the way you walked away
    Or you
    I don't miss you

    No, I don't miss the way you fuck
    And I don't miss you tucking in
    Our kid
    I don't miss you

    I'll say so, maybe if I say it
    Enough, maybe it'll all
    Come true
    I hope
    Oh no
    Oh no
    I still miss you so
  15. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    @Acey I just read part of the Canterbury Tales not too long ago and I have to say that that first poem is perfect
    • Like x 1
  16. Petra

    Petra space case

    I write a little poetry, although I'm only getting back into it after a few years of not-writing. Here's two of my recent ones I like.

    She peels off her face,
    And there is nothing underneath.
    A long time ago she hardened,
    Like an artery, like a lava flow,
    Becoming jagged and hard
    To protect her tender heart.
    She softened!
    Her heart sagged like an overripe fruit,
    Swelled like a dead pig,
    Became a garden of mold.
    Bright colors ran together as it liquified,
    Sloshing in the hard shell of her skin.
    She peels off her face
    And her heart gushes out
    Emotions cascading down the marble curve of her neck,
    Sticky sweet and cloying,
    Drawing in the flies,
    As she is left
    A husk.

    Throw yourself to the fire.
    All it can do is transform you.
    You grew strong and tall in the dark earth,
    Water coursed through your veins.
    Your fingers strained to touch the stars
    And caressed the moon.
    When the first bite came it was unexpected,
    A sharp pain that made you weep and tremble,
    You cowered in response to the assault of the axe,
    And when you were felled it was without fanfare.
    Now, as the flames touch your core,
    Boiling away your softness,
    Kissing you as softly as leaves in the wind,
    You can rise with the smoke and the sparks
    And become one with the heavens.
    • Like x 1
  17. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    i don't know if i still like this poem?

    an epidemic of changelings is sweeping the nation,

    a plague of not-right-ness.

    something must have snuck in,

    something must have taken it, our real child,

    or swaddled it in strangeness

    ‘til unrecognizable, silent and stimming,

    staring, startling. peel back the skin.

    peel away the fey tricks, reluctance of the lips,

    the young face, squinting at the light.

    cast out the heavy metals and the needles --

    too late. nail down the fluttering hands,

    nail down the body, all-wrong,

    quiet the fluttering hands --

    what could they have to say?

    it cannot speak to love you.

    burn and bleach the body-all-wrong --

    sift for the soul in the flesh.

    can you hear our real son in the screaming?


    his parents didn’t say: this is not right.

    his parents didn’t know, they humored

    a hatred for cold iron and eye contact,

    because he was smart, because he could speak

    to say i love you. and still

    he grew up scared.

    he says now: this is not right,

    and sometimes he can speak it.

    sometimes he can stomach screaming,

    saying if you dismantle your child

    all you will have are the pieces.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
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  18. Another Shy One

    Another Shy One More books than clothes

    So... umm... I am actually really hesitent about putting my poetry on the internet but thats not what I am going to post about here...
    See, this semester I am taking a class called small press editing. Basically, we learn how to create a literary magazine from the ground up. That being said, my college has two lit mags. one for masters and one for undergrads. I'm part of the undergrad one. We have two publications, Zaum, which is the print and calls for submissions happen in the fall semester and Zaum xs, which is the online one which takes submissions in the spring semester. I thought I'd bring this up here because we are still open for submissions until march 17th 11:59pm PST. If anyone is interested in submitting, go to zaumpress.net and check the rules and such (but for the love of god, please don't look at the horror that was last years' zaum xs, I'm not sure they knew what they were doing...). Or... ask me about it? (we're looking for poetry, prose, non-fiction and art).
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2015
  19. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    This is a world setting poem, from a series of twelve (I am currently working on the second poem)

    Kelehëu's Tower

    Far in deepest sands
    Almost buried a tower stands
    A tower made of stone
    Crystal glass and bleached bone
    A hundred stories high

    Legend of the tower tell
    Of a people which once rose and fell
    Before their death they took their power
    And sealed it all within the tower
    Long before Beladi reign

    A thousand years have come and gone
    Greatest deeds have since been done
    But no matter where the thieves have crept
    The tower all its secrets kept
    Along their drying husks

    Sometimes when the sun grows dim
    A traveller comes and brings with them
    A desert rose, a gear, a star
    Stories and tales from way and far
    And whispers of the tower

    They walk into the riddler's den
    Never to be seen again
    Like oh so many done before
    And after them will many more
    To catch at least a glimpse

    Of who buried riches wants to claim
    Only skull and bones remain
    Of those called no single thread
    Legend tells they are not dead
    But welcomed into the tower

    The storm subsides
    The mass divides
    A traveler comes from the sands
    Battered, weary, and in her hands
    A bloodied desert rose

    Feverish she tells her tale
    Succeeded where others failed
    Ventured through the halls of stone
    Crystal glass and bleached bone
    And came across no soul

    From the light into the dark
    Dared not to light a spark
    Straight paths curling through themselves
    And in between a thousand shelves
    Every deed which had been done

    Parchment, paper, leather, hide
    Words in reddest ink inside
    From the first dawn til today
    But the silent halls betray
    Only the chosen remain unscarred

    Her last words are of bronze rings
    Etched markings and other things
    It spins around a sun of glass
    A model of the planet's path
    Made to show and teach the called

    Kelehëu's tower is its name
    And like moths to nightly flame
    It draws the greedy of any kind
    Some are killed, but the knowing find
    Admittance to the tower
  20. Ink

    Ink Well-Known Member

    May I Live in Your Pocket?

    Muted and dimmed

    I could bear it then

    That din

    That thin

    Mote filled beam

    Working in

    Through woof and warp

    Lulling me

    Curling me

    Heart of me

    Tuckered out

    Tucked in lookout


    Mouse, I.
    • Like x 1
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