Rem's Accountability Thread

Discussion in 'Brainbent' started by rje, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. rje

    rje here comes the sun

    A thread wherein Rem posts the shit he needs to done for the day/week so he both has a place where it's down on paper and easier to remember, and also is in front of other people and thus he's held accountable for what things he needs to get done. he doesn't know if that's actually what accountability means but it sounds good and he's keeping it.

    red - super important
    Call storage, get payment due date pushed back
    Take your blood pressure meds
    Take your other meds
    Make food and eat
    Call dr to get the number for the sleep clinic
    Call sleep clinic & make an appointment

    Go do the Mcminnville jobs (2 hours)
    Redo your resume
    Get your job info and references in line
    Look for at least five jobs
    Pin jobs if u don't have the spoons
    Apply 4 jobs if you do
    Finish the dishes
    Clean the kitchen counters
    Clean the kitchen floor
    Do laundry
    Get trash up in bedroom
    Throw trash & recycling away
    Vacuum rug in bedroom & foyer
    Write rp post for: Moody, Wynn, Aery

    Last edited: Sep 20, 2017
  2. rje

    rje here comes the sun

    Call storage, get payment due date pushed back

    Hahaha wooo that message was a mess, hopefully she'll understand what I even said. I never trip over myself that much on leaving a message wtf.

    Make food and eat

    Microwave food thing is in microwave and microwaving as we speak
  3. rje

    rje here comes the sun

  4. rje

    rje here comes the sun

    if I leave my pants on I will be less likely to go crawl in the bed to just go back to sleep. bc wearing pants in bed is hella uncomfortable. i will also be 40% more dressed to go do my job. then all i'd need is top underclothing, socks and shoes. and proper shirt.
    keep pants on.
    that's a tip from me to you -wink-
  5. rje

    rje here comes the sun


    Take your blood pressure meds
    Take your other meds
    Call dr to get the number for the sleep clinic
    Call sleep clinic & make an appointment
    Go do the Mcminnville jobs (2 hours) ?????? did almost all, reschedule'd 2, not so good but oh well
    Redo your resume
    Get your job info and references in line
    Look for at least five jobs
    Pin jobs if u don't have the spoons
    Apply 4 jobs if you do

    Finish the dishes
    Clean the kitchen counters
    Clean the kitchen floor
    Do laundry
    Get trash up in bedroom
    Throw trash & recycling away
    Vacuum rug in bedroom & foyer
    Write rp post for: Moody, Wynn, Aery

    yea ... still so much to do ...
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
  6. rje

    rje here comes the sun

  7. rje

    rje here comes the sun

    Current me: Past self, why did you put your meds in the armrest in the car???

    Past me: cos then I'd be more likely to take them bc I'm in the car everyday, and they wouldn't get lost again in that disaster of a room

    Current me: but you forgot they were there

    Past me: *shrug*

    Current me: You haven't taken them since you put them in there! It's been two weeks!!

    Past me: *looking at cat videos on his phone*

    Current me: none of this "easy shortcut" bullshit you do is actually easier or more of a shortcut than just doing the thing in the first place!

    Past me: *rolls over in bed, goes to sleep*

    Current me: sighhhh...good talk

    In other news, i took my blood pressure meds
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2017
  8. rje

    rje here comes the sun


    Take your blood pressure meds --
    monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday✓ saturday✓ sunday

    Take your other meds FIND YOUR OTHER MEDS fuck
    Call dr to get the number for the sleep clinic
    Call sleep clinic & make an appointment
    Redo your resume
    Get your job info and references in line
    Look for at least five jobs
    Pin jobs if u don't have the spoons
    Apply 4 jobs if you do

    Finish the dishes
    Clean the kitchen counters
    Clean the kitchen floor
    Do laundry
    Get trash up in bedroom 50% done
    Throw trash & recycling away
    Vacuum rug in bedroom & foyer
    Write rp post for: Moody, Wynn, Aery
  9. rje

    rje here comes the sun

    wow much accomplishment
    many do

    • Winner x 1
  10. rje

    rje here comes the sun


    Take your blood pressure meds --
    monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday

    Take your other meds FIND YOUR OTHER MEDS fuck

    Take shot: wednesday ✓

    Call dr to get the number for the sleep clinic
    Call sleep clinic & make an appointment
    Redo your resume
    Get your job info and references in line
    Look for at least five jobs
    Pin jobs if u don't have the spoons
    Apply 4 jobs if you do

    Finish the dishes
    Clean the kitchen counters
    Clean the kitchen floor
    Do laundry
    Get trash up in bedroom 75% done
    Throw trash & recycling away
    Vacuum rug in bedroom & foyer
    Write rp post for: Moody, Wynn, Aery, Gres
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