So why did she bring them up...? Bah, aliens are weird. Kindly-meant though that explanation was, it completely fails to make Nacre feel any better at all. "What a way to live. Er-" "-what 'boy' is that?" (Also what's a boy.)
"It's stupid, but my school uniform? Other than that, pictures, and then everything else's in my pockets. Zack's got his overnight bag with him, so he should be good." She tugged at her sweatshirt pocket to demonstrate that there was, in fact, stuff in it, and pulled at her skirt to show that it too had pockets.
Frigg cracks up at mina. "Dot iz der truth, und a verra eemportabt job eet iz!" Then he leans back to look at Nacre. "Corporal Pythios Stephanidos, der preettiest snekman Europa has effer seen. He dun effen heff to fight, pipple chust look et him on der battlefield und svoon." Ara elbows him in the belly. "He's goink to keek hyur ass eef he hears hyu tokkink like dot. He's HYU hosband, hy iz not goink to help hyu." "Vell, dot alvays ends vell for me!" Frigg is laughing almost too hard to talk. Apparently antagonizing this Pythios is great fun to him. Ara rolls her eyes longsuffering.
Riaa finished her drink and smiled. "Snakeman? That sounds like an interesting transformation. One of the poisonous ones, or a constrictor, or somesuch?"
"Constrictor," Ara says, grabbing Frigg's shirt to keep him from tipping his chair so far back it falls without even looking. "He broke mine ribs vunce!" frigg announces cheerfully, "Ve vas--" Ara shoves a hand in his face to shut him up. "Iz pretty rare, hy tink usually doze dot change dot moch dun hyusually make eet, bot," she shrugs, "sparks. Hyu know."
Dom had somehow managed to sit still for a few minutes. In any other circumstances, he would be pacing around the room, but it seemed a bit too crowded for that. He finally finished his glass of apple juice, looked around the bar, and noticed a bunch of new people. Huh. Must have zoned out for a bit longer than I thought, I guess. He got up, shook the dust off his red jacket, and-- Wait a second. Red? Okay, that was weird. He had heard a bit of a conversation about time distortion stuff a short while ago (Was it really a short while?), and assumed it was linked to that. Oh well, red fits him better than green anyway.
Mina rolls her eyes theatrically. "He vill go on like dot foreffer eef hyu let heem." Wait, did Doms shirt just change? "Hoy @Dom Irossi vasn´t hyu shirt green?"
Ara hisses under her breath, baring all her sharp little teeth at the idea of this place touching her clothes. Can you fight a bar? Ara may have to try.
Mina leans over to nuzzle her slightly. "Iz hokeh keetten hy em jokink. Diz place is chust a lettle funny mit dertime iz vy heez shirt chenged"
"I'm not exactly complaining anyway. Green sucks. If this is due to time stuff, it could have been much worse."
"It just doesn't fit me very well, in my opinion. Besides, it's supposed to be a rank color, for... Well, newbies who managed not to get their brain fried, basically. I was ranked higher up in the Order, but then I... Let's say I wrote something people didn't like, and then stuff happened, so I got expelled and had to start over from scratch."
She was actually surprised at how well grabbing her stuff went. There were quite a few more text messages, but she ignored them, opting to leave a 'strongly worded' note on the fridge door. Because fuck contact. Picking up Zack was a little be more uncomfortable. Just a bit. Mostly because explaining "hey, I met an interdimensional police officer who offered to help get me and Zack somewhere less fucking awful" to your friends was really, really weird. She was lucky they'd all been there, at least. Matt's mom had cried and packed her a bag of snacks, and Matt had shoved a bunch of old pictures at her. Delphi was overjoyed, and had said something about how now Leah wasn't going to get killed, which, okay there friend. And Kat, of course, gave her a first aid kit. Now that they were back at the bar, she should probably mention the people in it. Just in case. "Uh, Zack? Just so you know, there's some pretty fu-friggin weird people in here. Not in a bad way, just in a weird way." He nodded seriously. " in there's an elf, a spider lady, invisible people, people with weird hats, and more" "That's okay, they're all nice, right? Like her?" He gestured at @Almera Phaeton . Leah shrugged. "I mean, I think so? I only talked to her and the invisible girl." She ruffled his hair and they entered the bar,.
"It's hard to explain without the whole context, which I can't really talk about. But basically, it was a thing on how to reorganize the government system and separate positions of power from rank in the Order, which is supposed to be based on knowledge of eldritch stuff. Needless to say, I got thrown out and all the books were burned."