The Worst Video Game Ever: League of Legends

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Keleviel, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    I rarely see conversation about League in the circles I dick around in, so I decided to try casting a line in here to see if anyone else plays it! Pop in with cool stories, what mains and roles you play, your ranking, whatever! I'll start.

    I tend to play whoever and wherever catches my interest. So, like, every role. I'm kind of decent at just about anything and can do not always horrible with most champs (I've played every single champ, too.). I'm best in the jungle, though. My mains in there are Sion (pretty much full tank), Evelynn (AD bruiser) and Vi (AD bruiser). Other champs I play are Aatrox top, Vel'Koz and Varus mid, Nautilus support, and Miss Fortune ADC. Among many, many others. Because of my flitting from champ to champ and also because of general suck, I'm only a lowly Bronze IV. I might be better at League than Bronze IV, but I don't really play ranked. If what Riot says is true, though, and they're gonna add Team Builder ranked queues, I might try again, see if I can't finally hit gold.

    My summoner name's Keleviel! Add me if you want, and let's play a game! Hopefully, I won't feed.
  2. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I know @ADigitalMagician trawls for Leaguers in chat reasonably frequently.

    Myself, I'm a low-tier player who mostly just dicks around when there's a character I want to play on freeb. I seem to have the odd preference for Twisted Treeline, though, rather than SR. I haven't installed on this computer, though, because it's slower than [BROKEN SCREEN SADNESS] and I think the CPU would murder itself.

    How's Vel'Koz? He's one of my favorites in design because TENTACLE MONSTER but I rarely seem to hear reviews on how he handles other than from people who are way out of my (heh) league.
  3. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    Vel'Koz is pretty fun! Although he's definitely not the easiest champ to learn or play. He's slow, fragile, and immobile, so positioning and kiting are important to not get your eye gouged out. Which is even more hazardous than normal, considering his eye is roughly 2/3 of his body. Not to mention his AP ratios aren't as good as some others. His base damage is great, though, so building magic pen and CDR is more important than straight AP. CDR especially when combined with his "hit an enemy three times with a spell and get free true damage" passive. His range is enormous, too, similar to Xerath. Although he has shorter cooldowns and less mana costs than Xerath, too, so he can spam more. His ult is also the best ult in the game and I will fight anyone on it I mean seriously it's a HUGE LASER BEAM. Also since I am an angel fanboy I bought his Arclight skin the second I could and I think it's one of the best in the game. The splash art is my laptop wallpaper.
  4. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    Yeah, I'm really in love with his Ult, god. It's seemed to me that he plays somewhat similar to Lux (in being skillshotty and having that massive FUCK YOU of an Ult), do you feel I'm right on that similarity?
  5. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    Hm. They're certainly not dissimilar! Pretty great ranges and laser ults, too. Lux, however, seems more of a "one cast" kind of mage. Like, she just needs to cast each of her spells once or twice. Vel'Koz needs more than that. He's more spammy than Lux.
  6. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    I think you meant P0ol Party Ziggs with the Heart Flourish.

    Will make a more meaty post later.
  7. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    okay, my bff just dragged me into league a few weeks ago so i am fairly low level too. i mainly play aram and bot games (i am too timid for real pvp so far)
    i mainly play rek'sai (demon insect queen of my heart, and yet i am Awful at her (played top or jungle)), sivir (adc... together we destroy), nami (support (her ult == heart eyes for days)) and twisted fate (i have not figured out what to do with him yet so ???????). i'm saving up for vel'koz (all the voidborn are my faves because i love their aesthetic and lore, also their abilities), but i keep buying other champs... everything said here though is only making me want to get him more. i will do this if it kills me.
    the one time i tried twisted treeline it was *pained screech* followed by many deaths and confusion. any tips for it?
    my summoner name is vithinii, i'm away so it'll be a few days before i can approve any requests but add me dooooo iiiiiiiit i love this dumb game i play it way too much drag me further into league hell

    ps pool party skins hehhehe
  8. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    So, might as well come back with me as a summoner:

    I'm a brutal support main. Started late season 1/early season 2, and have played through all the reworks. I'm still a bronzie because Solo Queue is hell.

    My favorite champ right now is Leona, but special mentions to prerework Soraka, Ziggs, Gnar, and Varus. I'm big on casters, role is less important. (Obviously, I just mentioned Varus as my marksman.)

    My pool is large, but my actual playable pool is basically any good support (Leona, Gnar, Sona, Soraka, Nami, Brom would be here, but I don't own him), a handful of mages, Varus and Ashe as my marksman picks, easy top picks, I prefer not to jungle. (I've spent so much time getting REALLY good at support, Jungle is the place I haven't put in time.

    Serious thign though: I see enough players to consider a Kintsugi ranked team. Anyone interested in goofing off together? (Inna I assume you're not level 30 yet, though. . .)
  9. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    Also, is it just me, or does League's community treat a hell of a lot like Homestucks treat homestuck? Like, the title of the thread kind of points to that.
  10. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    @ADigitalMagician nope, almost halfway there, but i'm making my way up and i'd definitely be interested once i get there!
    (that is, if someone can join a team after it's been formed!)
    and yeah, i've noticed that too: my intro to league was "[inna] you're gonna play this trash game right this instant"
  11. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    To be fair, League takes a substantial amount of practice to git gud at and, like, around 40% of the games you play are exercises in frustration and your teammates are regularly assholes. I can't really think of a video game I've played that's more aggravating. And yet I play on. Another sign that i hate myself :v

    @ADigitalMagician I'm totally interested! I admit I'm kind of bad, but I can definitely goof around! (Icalljungle)
    Also Leona is great. She's super fun. And Varus is fantastic as well.

    @inna Ah, another person who wants to play Rek'Sai but cannot. What's even more galling is that I remember playing good with her, too, and now I just can't.
    As for TT, well, that's one of the places I too don't put a lot of time in. Probably a good place for champs who have stronger early games, I think. Mobility might help?
  12. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

  13. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    These are things common to most MOBAs and not at all limited to League, in general I find League LESS culturally frustrating than other MOBAs. (HoN is probably the top of my list of "high barrier of entry" + "shitty community" for MOBAs.)

    I will see if I can nab a good team name for this idea.

    For the record, I'm summoners lighttigersoul and PoweroftheStars on NA. (lts is my main, power of the stars is my "playing with newbies" smurf.)
  14. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    Yeah okay I agree with you there, it's definitely a thing for MOBAs in general. I just haven't played any that aren't LoL, so I don't have any real points of comparison in terms of LoL being less frustrating than others. Although I have taken an occasional glance at DotA 2 (A friend of mine played it a bunch before switching to LoL), and LoL does seem more designed to be more forgiving, so I know that much. And I suppose that pretty much every online community is full of assholes.
  15. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

    I will spare you the lecture tonight. I have played many mobas, and I have WORDS and FEELINGS about them. (And shitty mechanics make up most of them.)

    If you're interested in my meta analysis of mobas, I will totally write it. Just. . . not tonight.
  16. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    I am indeed interested in it! I play a buncha LoL, after all, I feel I should be up to breast on the rest of the genre at least a bit.
  17. kastilin

    kastilin get in the fucking crayfish shinji

    @Keleviel i keep forgetting if i'm burrowed or unburrowed and trying to use an ability that i need to be in the opposite for. i think i might just need to practice my ass off to figure it out? i dunno. i'm gonna sit my butt down and try to level up, so that's what's gonna happen.

    i have 0 experience with mobas other than league (i'm not even 100% sure what that abbreviation stands for), but aw yes i am interested in meta on them!
  18. ADigitalMagician

    ADigitalMagician The Ranty Tranny

  19. Keleviel

    Keleviel Angel Fanboy

    @inna MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena! And for Rek'Sai, it might be good to remember that burrowed is your mobility sneaky submarine mode with tunnels and the occasional sonar laser, and unburrowed is your MURDER TEAR RIP DESTROY mode.
  20. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I really want to try Rek'Sai, tbh, she's got such a cool concept. A lot of the concepts they're putting out lately are really unique and good. I got actual chills from that river king short.
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