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Discussion in 'Desertverse Fantrolls' started by Lady Kianna, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    @Ryncoon @esotericPrognosticator @taxonomicAtrocity @PotteryWalrus

    Mischa lifted the front of her wide brimmed hat and looked out over the desert, squinting even through her sun-safe goggles. It's late afternoon, right before the sun sets and still very hot and bright out. Perfect for foraging and scavenging before the colder blooded dessert dwellers decided to wake up and take it all for themselves.
    She steps back underneath her lusus' wing, patting her mostly white flank affectionatly. Flying Leopard Mom's fur coat is mostly white, except for the subtle creamy brown and pink markings that help her blend perfectly into the sand of the Alternian Northern Desert. "LeoMom... it's time to hunt."

    The great winged feline yawns, then sticks her butt into the air as she stretches before curling up and sticking her head under her wing to lick both of her charges in pre-evening greeeting. Yes my children. The time to hunt is upon us.
  2. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    "It's still too hot..." Her other charge complains. With curly horns and wild hair, he's a twin to Mischa, though his hair is shorter, and wilder for it. A short robe with a deep hood and loose, flowing pants in the shades of the daytime desert are wrapped around him, making his wiry frame look even smaller. He scoots over deeper into Leomom's shadow, yawning. "Go back to sleep, Meesh."
  3. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    "We need food." She reminds him, reaching over to pet his hair and scritch above his ear, then goes to one of the large patchworked saddlebags. "I'll get the spears out."
    The spears in question are shed feathers, pinions even, the quill end sharpened to a sharp point and wide vanes stripped except for the barbs at the end, effectively turning them into large arrows.

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2016
  4. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    He groans at her, but shifts over to sit up against Leomom's side. "Can't we just move mom to an oasis?" He complains, feeling around for his boots. "Did you take my shoes?" He keeps scanning over the sand with his fingers, each time missing the elusive boots by just inches.
  5. Lady Kianna

    Lady Kianna Seer of Void.

    "... No. They're right there." She settles her large quiver of quill-spears on her back. "You can ask mom to move to an oasis... there'd be good water and fishing there."
  6. Ryncoon

    Ryncoon Well-Known Member

    He keeps grumbling, but finds his boots, shoving his feet into them and tightening the straps before getting to his feet and pulling his hood up. "Fiiiine where's my staff?
  7. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "Beside your boots." She relays, stepping back out to the edge of her lusus' wing to survey again.

    It's very hot out still, a soft breeze blowing warm air and sand around. "I'm gonna climb up and see which way we should go tonight. I can't see any stars yet though..." She steps out a bit to check which way the shadows are falling, to orient herself, then starts climbing up Leopardmom's shoulder.
    "Mom's facing north... and we came from the east..." She mumbles, giving her lusus a scritch behind the ear as she settles atop her head and pulls out a pair of binoculars. "Let's seeeee~ where can we go scavenging and hunting~."
  8. Kainze Carmin

    Kainze Carmin New Member

    He finds the staff, shuffling his foot around until he kicks it, then exits out after her. He lifts his face into the slight breeze, sniffing. "West smells dry... But also kind of animal-y. There might be dunebacks, or saberhogs." Kainze reports, reaching into the folds of his robe for a half-full water bottle, sipping sparingly from it.
  9. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "Mmm~ Duneback steak." Mischa purrs, spying out to the west. "There's a dune in the way, I can't see too far. Let's head to the top and take a look-smell from there."
  10. Kainze Carmin

    Kainze Carmin New Member

    "What, dunebacks in the dunes? Impossible!" He snarks, then tugs their lusus' fur. "Mom, lemme up..."
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  11. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    She crouches down as low as she can, turning her head to lick him a bit. Then she grabs gently by his robes and swings him up towards his twin.

    "Maybe the next time we find some sandroot we'll weave up a ladder or something to add to Mom's harness." She quickly pockets her binoculars and scoots down to their lusus' shoulders to help catch Kainze. "Then you can just climb up like me."
  12. Kainze Carmin

    Kainze Carmin New Member

    "I can climb!" He protests, though he doesn't fight their lusus scruffing him to toss onto her back. He reaches out for his sister, trusting she'll be there. "I don't need to see to climb."
  13. Mischa Carmin

    Mischa Carmin Witch of Light

    "Yeah. And I want to make it easier for you to climb." She busks his cheek, humming a purr low in her throat. "That way Mom doesn't have to scruff you all the time." She turns and climbs back up, settled on their lusus' head by her left ear. The other side is for Kainze, and with their cloaks and hats, they blend right into her fur.
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