Yeah, that makes sense- I was trying to keep it to one main and one neutral/metallic, like in the hogwarts houses, but since we have more dorms it gets cluttered. In that case I would kinda advise against any neutrals? Like, black could work, but it would be wierd to be the white dorm imo.
Final thing I have question for: Does this half-assed map work for people, barring future detail and/or drastic changes? (I don't draw buildings, so feel free to imagine the topside entrance as grand and archaic as you desire)
I'm terrible because I'm like "okay he's this age so what year is he, like 9th grade- oh shit wizard school doesnt go like that"
Yeah, I'm doing the same. I think it's easier to fudge with American school, though, and I'm just going with it for those grades.
probably depends on WHEN the birthday is too, so I'm like "is he a summer child, or a winter child, or vernal or autumnal?"
Yeah, basically, unless I know for sure the other character is taller, I'm just going to delineate ages as vaguely as possible by going "Moss looked down at ___"
@Arxon is it ok with you if I make Santino Jays reluctant mentor? I like the idea of the mayhem they´ll cause. if not ill edit. Also, did I read it right that Jays already had a mentor for a year?
@littlemissCodeless Yeah, that's fine! And yeah, I am fairly sure that at the age I settled on for her she'd be a second year?
No rush! I hit a busy point in my semester, and so I haven't been thinking about this as much as I'd like. Whoops
Shit, this means I have to decide which prank we're going with. Spoiler: Coyotes! Unite! I said something about living fireworks vs quicksand. We are mean but delightful people, so no, well, permanent injuries or trauma. But which one would you most like to make happen? Pros/cons living fireworks are loud and funny and we can steal heavily from fred & george quicksand is awesome, and thanks to most of the cartoons we watched as children (or that one hardy boys book), we know how to escape.
Spoiler: My vote Living fireworks that follow people around that complain or roll their eyes (while either steering clear of people who are in distress or doing something to comfort them?)