Kintsugi Plays Fallen Hero: Retribution (ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ …(^_^)…)

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by keltena, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    Not so fast, flyboy.

    > "I'm taking the stairs," I say before he can grab me.

    "I'm taking the stairs," you say, taking a step back before he can grab you. "I've had enough of flying. Just wait for me up there."

    "Are you sure?" he asks, like always. "The elevator doesn't go all the way to the top; wouldn't it be easier to…"

    "It's supposed to be training," you snap. "In fact, you're taking the stairs with me."

    "Do you even have a key to the roof?"

    "I can handle doors." Jimmying a lock is second nature to you. It's like riding a bike. "Now start walking."

    "Okay." There's a helpless look on Herald's face when he realizes that he actually has to climb the stairs with you. It makes your smile grow wider, almost predatory, as you push him ahead of you into the building.

    A small act of revenge.

    "Flying makes you lazy," you say, looking around now that you've entered the building. The Emerald Towers are fancy, but nobody bothers you. It's easy enough to make them not care, and once you get into the elevator, there's nobody watching.

    "It's my power." He leans against the wall as the elevator rises, the smile too soft and annoying. "I like using it."

    "You're too reliant on it, you mean." You press the stop button a good distance from the roof. "We walk the rest of the way."

    "You're the boss," he says with a heavy sigh.

    "And you're walking first so I can check if you're hovering or not." You push him ahead of you, smirking at the sigh. Getting sweaty will be worth it.

    "Did you do this as Sidestep?" Herald presses on, trying his best.

    "Doesn't matter, I'm not Sidestep anymore," you grimace.

    "I know." Out of breath, talking anyway. "I'm sorry."

    "It's fine." You try to ignore the burning in your own thighs. "Now I'm Josie. Do you have a—"

    "Herald is fine, really," he finally reaches the top, leaning gratefully against the door. "That's who I am now."

     ‣ "You think I'll sell you out to the press?"
     ‣ "Still with the code names?"
     ‣ "That's the suit you put on. It's not you."

    …And we still have no idea what our new protégé's name is.


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 43%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 52%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
    • Winner x 1
    • Informative x 1
  2. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Something about bird bones being hollow, he hollowed himself out to make more room for the hero identity?

    Given some of our own "mwahaha finally my true face" during part 1, I feel like 3 would be terribly hypocritical. Not necessarily that we wouldn't say it - very funny if we mean hero identities are suits while villain identities are True Self etc etc...

    And 1 feels... Like it's coming from left field? Whence this sell out expectation?

    2 is my vote here, tentatively.
  3. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    I was not around for part 1, so I'm willing to cointoss between 2 and 3 or bow to folks who Were.
  4. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    I'm still reeling from how raw this comment is for how casually you tossed it off.

    (FWIW, I think option 1 is there on the principle that it's one obvious reason a hero might be reticent about sharing personal details. Maybe still out of left field, but it's something a very private and paranoid ex-hero might assume.)
    • Agree x 2
    • Like x 1
  5. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    > "Still with the code names?"

    "Still with the code names?" You push him aside, jimmying the lock. The door opens with a final twist, and both of you gratefully step out into the fresh air.

    "I know, I know. It shouldn't be a big thing, but…it's complicated." Herald looks away, the wind tearing at his blond hair. It's a sore spot; you can sense it, would have been able to even without your telepathy.

    "Huh." You cross your arms again, studying his profile. Honest. Open. Nothing fake about him. Makes him easier to hate. Who doesn't have secrets these days? Who does he think he is? "I always thought you were the most uncomplicated of the Rangers."

    "Is that how I come across?" He brushes back his hair with a shy smile. "I suppose that's my role."

    "Your role?"

    "For the media. I know what the team needs from me."

    "Sounds tough." You've built a rapport by now. Not that it was hard. He wanted the contact, and it was worth opening up to make him lower his guard.

    "It is. Sometimes." He shrugs, obviously embarrassed by your scrutiny, but then he straightens his back and continues. "But this is a dream I'm not giving up on. If I have to pay the price for it, so be it."

     ‣ "Hit me." Enough talking, time to get on with it.
     ‣ "How do you do that? Be that effortlessly heroic?"
     ‣ "I guess I'll just call you Harry then," I joke.


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 43%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 52%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  6. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    man. I accidentally locked myself out of Herald content in my run and now I regret it even more. slaps his ass. this bad boy can fit so much drama in him. I am now stanning trans herald too, something something choice of names, defensiveness thereof, and the inherent queerness of building one's own identity

    >Harry the Herald is a hilarious name and we could stand to lighten the tension here, haha :D
  7. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    I'm going :D at your thoughts and also sympathize deeply with your "missing Herald content because it required your MC to plausibly choose to spend time with him" woes, but above all else—
    —this mental image is killing me. god. can you even imagine.
    • Agree x 1
  8. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    > "I guess I'll just call you Harry then," I joke.

    "I guess I'll just call you Harry then," you joke.

    "What? Why?" Herald looks like someone has dumped a glass of water over him. "Do I look like a Harry?"

    "Maybe Harold?"

    "Herald is not a pun on my real name."

    "Barold then."

    "Fine!" He raises his hands. "I give up. It's Daniel."

    Achievement unlocked: annoyed Herald's real name out of him!

    "Daniel?" You tilt your head, not bothering to hide your smile. "Danny?"

    "If you have to."

    "I'll save it for a special occasion," you say, giving him a pat on the shoulder before stepping back. "Now hit me."

    "What?" Herald looks a little taken aback.

    "That's what we're here for, right?" You roll your shoulders, raising your arms in a relaxed guard. "To get some of your frustrations out."

    "And make sure I don't screw up again," he admits with a sheepish smile.

    "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here."

    You get a nod in return, followed by an awkward punch. It's all you can do not to roll your eyes as you grab his arm, turning the punch into a throw as you slam him down on the concrete.

    "Ow…" He gets back up, rubbing his arm. Of course, that's the sorest part. He didn't land hard. He never does. That's the most annoying part about fighting fliers.

    "Don't hold back. If you want me to help you, you need to take this seriously." Help. Do you really want to help him? The words felt real coming out of your mouth. Like you meant them.

     ‣ I've got enough practice; of course it would sound real.
     ‣ I meant it. He needs to shape up fast.
     ‣ Despite everything, I actually like him.
     ‣ Just because he's hot doesn't mean that…fuck!

    We agreed to help him purely as a means to an end, and obviously we're not actually invested in his hero career, but… have our feelings towards Herald warmed at all since we started training him? Or do we just have a good mentor worksona?


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 43%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 52%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  9. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    >Worksona real. We are so good at faking.
    • Agree x 1
  10. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    > I've got enough practice; of course it would sound real.

    You've got enough practice; of course it would sound real. Herald is useful to you, and you need to make sure that he trusts you.

    There's no turning back now. Not with Herald raising his fists again, eyes focusing in a way you haven't seen since you fought him at the museum.

    Good. This might actually be interesting.

    Or at least educational…

    > Later

    After an hour, you're both covered in sweat. The wind has kept the worst of the heat off, but the sun has come out. Had this been six months ago, you would have been gasping for breath. As it is, you're keeping pace with Herald. You hope that he's not smart enough to realize that you're in far too good shape for a retiree…

    You're willing to bet that's the case.

    You've got everything under control. At this point, you have trained together enough that you've charted all his weak spots. Even covered in sweat and hiding your true skills, you could take him down in a heartbeat.

    If you wanted to.

    That's why early on in your training, you made a decision to…

     ‣ Help him overcome his flaws.
     ‣ Destroy his confidence.

    Speaking of faking… are we teaching Herald to not suck in a fight, like we claim? Or are we secretly using these sessions to feed his insecurities further?


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 43%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 47% (-5)

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  11. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Honestly I would feel bad bullying Herald at this point, so? Help?

    (It's for worksona verisimilitude if anyone asks)
    • Like x 1
    • Agree x 1
  12. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    You don't win a hero's trust by picking on him constantly!

    Well, not by picking on him more than your usual jaded asshole mentor, anyway.

    > Help him overcome his flaws.

    Herald can be useful. And so can his fighting skills. Why not see how far he could go with the right kind of coaching?

    He's the most malleable of the Rangers; if things go well, you've got some ideas. But he needs to be in shape first.

    "You still have the same problem," you say, straightening your back with a grimace. "Balance."

    "What?" Herald wipes his face on a towel; you're pleased to see that he's as winded as you are. Being Anathema has done wonders for your stamina. "What do you mean?"

    "You're a flier. Even grounded, you move like one."

    "Huh?" You might have managed to confuse him, but at least you have his attention. It's almost flattering the way he hangs on your every word.

    "You need to stop thinking like a flier." You step forward, reaching out to take hold of one of his arms, pulling it out toward you. "When you punch, your center of balance should be your hips. Not your shoulder."

    "I never thought about that."

    "Look at my feet. Look how I stand." You take a stance, trying your best not to feel self-conscious. But he keeps looking at you. "Hips. Feet. That's where the power comes from. The balance. You hover too much."

    "It's hard not to hover. I don't feel the pull of gravity the same way you do, I suppose."

    "How does it feel when you fly?" You think back to other fliers you've known. Sentinel controlled the wind, which was a very different experience. This sounds more like Ashfall in his dispersed form. "What carries you forward? Where's your center of gravity?"

    "My center of…" He frowns, thinking for a moment. "My shoulders, I suppose. Right between the shoulder blades."

     ‣ I touch the spot to get a feel for the balance.
     ‣ "You sure you don't have wings?" I joke.
     ‣ I cross my arms, frowning.


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 43%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 47%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  13. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Invisible intangible wings
  14. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    [insert "it's a bird! it's a plane!" joke here]

    > "You sure you don't have wings?" I joke.

    "You sure you don't have wings?" you joke, keen to break the tension.

    "Not that I have noticed," Herald says with a chuckle. "I think they wouldn't have missed that. But it is in the area, I suppose. Right between the shoulder blades. Where my spine is." He shifts, trying to point at his own back. Not very successfully.

    "Interesting, I wonder how that works."

    "Me too. They've done a lot of tests, trying to figure out why and how it happened. Nothing. At least nothing they told me." He admits the last with a tired smile. Looks like he's not ignorant of how much he's kept in the dark.

    "They won't. But I can see why they would accept you into the Rangers despite your lack of experience. Flight is…"

    "Kinda awesome." The smile he beams at you is brighter than the sun.

    "The problem is that flight also makes you a worse hand-to-hand fighter." Tapping your chest, you give him a stern look. "With your point of balance that high, you are easy to move. To throw. Not only that, but your punches lack strength unless you've built up velocity."

    "I hadn't thought about it that way." He looks down at his feet, shaking his head. "Steel…"

     ‣ "Is not the best teacher."
     ‣ "Told you to work on your strength, right?"
     ‣ "Don't listen to Steel; he's an idiot."


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 43%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 47%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  15. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Insulting Steel to help increase division and discord in the Rangers....
    • Agree x 1
  16. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    As Herald's new mentor, it falls to us to teach him the hard truths:

    > "Don't listen to Steel; he's an idiot."

    "Don't listen to Steel; he's an idiot." You don't bother to hide your distaste.

    "He's the Marshal." Herald gives you a defensive glare. Loyalty is not what he's lacking.

    "He is, but he only knows one way to fight. Like himself." You imitate Steel's stance, a solid block of cybernetic muscle completely unsuited to Herald's body shape.

    "Yeah," he admits a little sheepishly, "and Ortega's been helping me, but…"

    "You can't fight the way she does." Or rather, if Herald did, he'd get killed. You have no idea if it's luck or daring or just sheer stubbornness that has enabled Ortega to pull through, but you wouldn't recommend that style to anybody else.

    "I know. I just haven't figured out how to be me, I suppose. I've been doing this a long time, but hand-to-hand combat was never what I was good at. That's why I thought I'd ask you." His smile is small and shy, but the look he gives you is steady. "You always knew how to turn a fight to your advantage."

     ‣ "And here I thought you just wanted to spend time with me."
     ‣ "I'm flattered, but I don't need more idolizing."
     ‣ "Hope you got your money's worth."


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 39% (-4)

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 47%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  17. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    personally leaning towards 'I do not need more idolizing.' we've been over this, no fan club for us, thank you very much, have a wonderful day
    • Agree x 1
  18. keltena

    keltena putting the fun in executive dysfunction

    Better nip this in the bud before he starts again.

    > "I'm flattered, but I don't need more idolizing."

    "That's flattering," you say, trying to keep a straight face. "But I don't need more idolizing."

    "That's not it," Herald says, with a slightly nervous laugh.

    "What is it then?"

    "Would you like to get a coffee sometime?"

    "A coffee?"

    "Well, or a drink. Your choice." His smile is quick and nervous.

     ‣ "I thought you and Lady Argent were a couple?"
     ‣ "No, grow up!" I'll be blunt, clear the air.
     ‣ "Coffee? Why?"
     ‣ "Why not? I might as well try to socialize."
     ‣ "Coffee would be fine." Fuck. Am I flirting?

    …Would we like to get a coffee sometime? :thonk:

    (For anyone asking "are we supposed to read this as romantic interest", your guess is as good as Josie's. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


    Subject: Anathema

    Secret Identity: Josie Jacobs
    Gender: Non-binary.
    Description: A tall mixed person in their thirties with brown eyes and short and styled curly dark brown hair.

    Their sense of style is androgynous, secondhand streetwear, with many piercings in their ears, nose, and tongue. They have a short, scruffy beard and mustache.

    Standard of Living: Josie is well-off.
    Josie is living in a comfortable apartment.

    Josie Jacobs is a seasoned, tech-savvy tactician.

    Physical Status
    Stamina: You are rested.
    Willpower: You feel calm.
    Injuries: You are fine.

    Strength of Mind: 50%
    Subtle Manipulations: 74%

    Anathema runs a criminal syndicate.
    Infamy: 51% / Obscurity: 49%

    Armored Suit
    Anathema's suit is a shadow with a mirror for a face, revealing nothing. The cape conceals and obfuscates what's underneath.
    In its left hand, the suit has a neutered colony of nanovores, functionally similar to having disintegration touch. The suit is also equipped with telepathic boosters and enhanced speed as well as jump-jets.

    Armor Status
    Need Repair: 0% / Fine: 100%

    Leadership: 55%

    Psychological Profile
    Arrogance: 15% / Anonymity: 85%
    Ruthlessness: 33% / Empathy: 67%
    Daring: 46% / Caution: 54%

    Back in the day, Sidestep was known as a vigilante working with the Rangers.

    Main Puppet
    Name: Barbara
    Puppet Status: She is fine, and has no serious wounds.
    Description: A tall white woman in her twenties with blue eyes and long straight blond hair.

    Allies and Enemies

    Josie's Relationship with Ortega: Friend and ally.
    Ortega's Connection with Josie: 80%

    Ortega thinks Anathema has made some good points.

    Barbara's Relationship with Ortega: Eternally flirting. Josie is using Barbara as a spy.
    Ortega's Connection with Barbara: 59%

    Dr. Mortum
    Barbara's Relationship with Dr. Mortum: friend.
    Mortum's Connection with Barbara: 63%

    Lady Argent
    Josie's Relationship with Lady Argent: Distant.
    Lady Argent's Impression of Josie: 1%

    Lady Argent respects Anathema's abilities.
    Lady Argent's Interest in Anathema: 43%

    Marshal Steel
    Josie's Relationship with Steel: Former ally.
    Steel's Connection with Josie: 39%

    Marshal Steel thinks Anathema needs to be brought in.

    Josie's Relationship with Herald: Could be useful.
    Herald's Connection with Josie: 47%

    Herald thinks Anathema is a villain.

    Other Characters
  19. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    >hey wtf is up with argent. she was being Weird last time we saw them interact too, and we never did figure out why.
    • Agree x 1
  20. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    I still want to know if some other telepath is nudging her or something. Asking about dating probably won't get that info, but...
    • Like x 1
    • Agree x 1
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