Six statues... Intriguing. Spoiler: spoiler chatter for the canon in question Do they end up repurposing the one for the probe launching module somehow, or do they find out that one of the others that's broken in canon just conveniently isn't here? Ouch at that initial reaction from Chert, given protag Granite's not as practiced as it could have been intro into the loops there... Bittersweet. I know I had spent a little while desperately hoping to find whoever the 3rd mask was, and then a while wondering if there wasn't any way to convince some of the others to get near a mask in time to join it...
Spoiler: more spoiler for the canon in question i think there's more statues? i'm not 100% sure on the details of the AU
I'm cruising for weird summaries again and I hit a tag block I could pull so many parts out of that it's easier to just post the entire thing in its full magnificence.