
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by raginghearts, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    I'm still working on IDing the mineral for my me-as-a-gem gemsona, but I had a wonderfully terrible idea for a fangem that I rambled about in the chat last night
    (some non-relevant posts snipped)

    [12:11:24 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: so I just had a horrible, horrible gemsona idea
    [12:12:12 AM] michinyo || Brittany: tell me
    [12:12:13 AM] michinyo || Brittany: //chinhands
    [12:12:30 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: so we know that the kindergarten is in the US
    [12:12:31 AM] Acey: is it coprolite
    [12:12:35 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: or at least one of them
    [12:12:38 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: no, worse
    [12:12:44 AM] Acey: omg
    [12:13:04 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: and we know that gem extraction left it a barren, lifeless uninhabitable place
    [12:13:25 AM] Acey: this is my gemsona, Literally Just A Chunk Of Dirt
    [12:13:38 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: and it's possible that amethyst isn't the only overincubated gem there
    [12:13:54 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: or hell, the injectors may still have been running when the rebellion hit
    [12:14:01 AM] Acey: but what's your gem idea
    [12:14:11 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: im getting to it
    [12:14:37 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: so there's potentially unformed gems still left underground there
    [12:15:16 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: so, what did the us do with barren, uninhabitable places it controlled in the 20th century?
    [12:15:48 AM] Acey: i'm half asleep so i'm blanking i'm sorry
    [12:15:57 AM] michinyo || Brittany: :U Area 51
    [12:15:58 AM] michinyo || Brittany: //SLAPPED
    [12:16:06 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: :x
    [12:16:10 AM] Acey: ...bomb testing?
    [12:16:15 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: yyyyyep
    [12:16:44 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: and a lot of the later bomb tests were underground
    [12:17:02 AM] Acey: sorry for hecking up there by getting confused btw
    [12:17:10 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: 's cool
    [12:17:22 AM] Acey: the :x made me think you were upset sorry
    [12:17:50 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: it was mock-upset, and directed more at michi anyways
    [12:17:57 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: sorry, shoulda been more cleat
    [12:18:03 AM] michinyo || Brittany: :P
    [12:18:10 AM] Acey: sorry, i'm just half asleep :P
    [12:18:38 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: but anyways, underground nuclear bomb tests, right where there's potentially unformed or half-formed gem goop
    [12:18:42 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: thus
    [12:19:01 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa:
    [12:19:22 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: born from the worst sins of humanity and gemkind combined
    [12:19:25 AM] Acey: ...that's actually awesome omg
    [12:19:53 AM] Wiwaxia foliosa: :D

    Tagging @Vast Derp, because this seems like his jam.
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  2. Petra

    Petra space case

    I don't think I've shown off my fangems, so here.

    Name: Citrine
    Affiliation: Herself, later Rebellion
    Homeworld Position: Kindergarten Management
    Weapon: Three-section staff
    Power: Telekinesis
    Most Important Thing In The Universe: Iolite
    Personality/Backstory: Originally a homeworld gem, Citrine was efficient, ruthless, and smart. However, she wasn't happy. She has trouble expressing her emotions, and in the rigid homeworld society, she yearned to be able to express herself but felt empty inside. It was only after meeting a recently created Kindergarten gem on earth, Iolite, that this began to change. Iolite was everything she was not - open, spontanious, creative. Jealousy soon turned into admiration, and Iolite and Citrine started coming up with excuses to fuse, so they could experience the traits they admired in each other and reach a happy medium. Unfortunately, this was frowned on by their society, and Iolite is the one who came up with the idea to run away and join the rebellion. Citrine now fights for Rose Quartz, but has no true loyalty to her or to humanity - rather, she's fighting for what will benefit herself personally, and what will make Iolite happy.

    Name: Iolite
    Affiliation: Rebellion
    Homeworld Position: Shock soldier
    Weapon: Throwing knives
    Power: Projective and receptive empathy
    Personality: Iolite is a gem of emotional extremes, and her first experiences of life taking place in a warzone didn't help this. These peaks and mountains leave her with a shaken sense of stability and self, and what she most desires is a moderating force. In battle, she uses her empathy to track the enemy and destablize them with panic attacks, however, she is very poor at calming people down. After joining the rebellion, she became genuinely fond of Earth and humanity, to an extent far beyond Citrine's. However, they prefer to spend their time almost always fused as...


    I'll go over Ametrine's deets later, but I basically made them all before the Garnet reveal. I was thinking of why two gems would want to stay fused almost all the time, and my conclusion was love but ALSO finding a happy medium between extreme personality traits. They're basically self-medicating through fusion.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
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  3. Petra

    Petra space case

    Also, Ametrine is a textile artist. Their monster form is actually HER monster form, as they stay fused as a giant spidery thing that spins colored silk in hectic webs all over the amazonian rainforest region she lives in, just aware enough to remember her old hobby without having the calmness and concentration it takes to actually make anything very well. She's terrified of people in her monster form, because she can feel their emotions with no filters, and whenever anyone gets inside her territory she attacks them with panic attacks before ACTUALLY attacking them if they don't get the hell out of dodge. Luckily, most people get the hell of dodge at that point.

    But that's why her monster form is called Terror Spider.
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  4. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Hell yes spider gem monsters.
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  5. Petra

    Petra space case

    Spiders are the best, and also, I thought the idea of a monster that was a willing fusion was also interesting.
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  6. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    Much more a fangem than a sona, but: I was looking through minerals, and Howlite is a stone that takes dye so well that it's often passed off as more valuable stones, especially turquoise. Thus, extra-good shapeshifting powers such that she can change colors too! Only her gem itself is unchangeable, but it's nestled unobtrusively in the small of her back and usually hidden.

    I tend to think of her as a baddie, probably a Homeworld infiltrator. Weapon is almost certainly a knife of some kind. Unfortunately, I have no idea what she looks like when she's not looking like someone else.
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  7. raginghearts

    raginghearts Well-Known Member

    @Wiwaxia WHOA okay that gem idea is amazing and kinda sad and I love it! Eheheheh. Considering Trinitite's (low level) radioactivity, maybe she could be sort of sickly looking? Or else could just... have the effect of, after prolonged exposure to her, making others sick? She could also maybe have fire-based powers? (Get it? Radiation burns? :'DD)

    ((I am the child of two radiation control technicians I tend to kind of nerd out over radiation stuff especially if done right <XD))
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  8. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    My relationship with SU is weird because my bf introduced me to watching it like two days before he became my ex-bf and I didn't get very far in so I hardly know anything actually about it but I was enjoying it? The ex was into it well before he introduced me to it and drew a gemsona for me based on watermelon tourmaline, which is a stone I'm pretty fond of, along with a fusion between her and his gemsona which was... a pyrope of some kind because I made jokes about that & terezi. But I'm not sure watermelon tourmaline is actually the right one, and having given it some further thought (and... having actually forgotten about poor watermelon for a while) I've come to the conclusion that if I ever design a gemsona off my own bat she will be Flint.
    And probably very rough-edged.
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  9. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    GEMSONAA all i do in econ is sketch and so here we go
    dioptase! i was considering tanzanite pretty heavily but idk. the stone itself has a tendency towards long rectangular sorta shapes so idk (example one, two)
    her weapon is a double sided glaive thing i thiiiink? maybe a bow and arrow, havent totally decided yet, but i like the look and aesthetic of a glaive sooo

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
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  10. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    • Like x 5
  11. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

  12. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    Ok here's Moss Agate:
    Screenshot 2015-11-26 23.08.57.png
    Properly she should be wearing a cabled sweater with dark green patterns on the yoke and longer sleeves, but this was the best I could do. Also her gem isn't cracked, it's just patterns. :D
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  13. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 7.23.11 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 11.29.47 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 11.23.13 PM.png if there were sweaters, I could make her original form, but there aren't :(

    Attached Files:

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  14. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    *banging fists on table* BIG! SWEATERS! BIG! SWEATERS!
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  15. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    Also, I gave up, have the BABIEST red hematite possible w/out her protective sweater coating
    Screen Shot 2015-11-26 at 11.41.46 PM.png
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  16. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Made a much nicer version!
    Celestine with Sash Better Version.png
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  17. OnnaStik

    OnnaStik Relatively nice for a bloodthirsty mercenary

    Have a really, really awkward attempt at my Sagenite (rutilated quartz, but in a way that sounds as if it might reasonably be someone's name.) Especially awkward is my attempt at her net. /hides head
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  18. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Aw she's cute. Also I can't decide whether Celestine is wearing real boots or just flying around in abnormally tough gemsocks.
  19. emythos

    emythos Lipstick Hoarding Dragon

    I vote gemsocks.
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  20. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    I made a Gemsona because @An Actual Bird made me.

    Behold, Unakite! She loves symmetry so she's stuck a fake gem on one of her hands. She's a dual wielder, of course. Uh you can't see the gems but they're tear-drop shaped.

    Gemsona-Maker-tall 2.jpg
    • Like x 6
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