i can't remember for shit and it's. kind of scaring me

Discussion in 'Braaaaiiiinnnns...' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    (Not like as in ahppy, just witnessed. Situation sucks man.)
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  2. Vacuum Energy

    Vacuum Energy waterwheel on the stream of entropy

    I read this thread and yeah, it totally sucks when your brain does this kind of shit to you.

    If it helps any: knowing that if you're suicidal whenever you stop having meds: you can check yourself into the psych hospital so that you can be constantly monitored for the entire duration of the withdrawal.

    (I was told that, if you get triggered based on an anniversary, or something else you can predict like that, you can and should check yourself in the day before, to keep yourself safe. So you can make that decision, if you have to.)
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  3. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    Glad to hear you're getting medical followthrough on this. Have you gotten the note yet? That'll probably take a lot of stress off.
  4. rents won't allow it 8/
  5. Vacuum Energy

    Vacuum Energy waterwheel on the stream of entropy

    Hmm. Do you think you can talk to your teachers about the fact that your parents specifically won't let you get a medical note or else you'd have one by now?
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  6. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    that's fucked up, i'm so sorry you have to go through that D:
    why the fuck would your parents not allow that?
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  7. 'life doesn't stop just because you have issues, and you shouldn't expect it to' is the reasoning behind not getting me a note
    and i have a couple that might be willing to work with me, but my english teacher has to be forced to even follow my plan, i don't have high hopes for her giving a shit about something she isn't required by law to do. (that's the class i'm doing worst in cuz writing)
  8. i'm remembering better 2day! tradeoff's shitty fine motor control 8')
  9. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    Whaaaaat the fuck. Even by the standards of people who are dickish about disabilities, that's absurd. Has your GP not explained to them that this looks like an actual physical issue with your brain?
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  10. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    I'm just picturing your parents watching Dick Clark on New Years Eve and rolling their eyes at his slur. "Like, GOD, Dick, that stroke was years ago, get it together already. Everyone else on tv has clear speech, you can't keep using that "brain injury" excuse."
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  11. i think they'd prefer this to be a laziness thing and r treating it as such out of denial or something?
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  12. Rongeur

    Rongeur ~Heartless Bitch Extraordinaire~

    Yeah, that makes sense. Like, if I was a parent, I would absolutely prefer a lazy but healthy kid over a kid with a seizure disorder or a brain lesion of some sort or whatever, because that shit is fucking scary. I can see how at least some of the denial is probably out of fear rather than straight dickishness (although the net effect is the same). But like. The "well maybe it'll get better if he just changes his attitude" horse has left the fuckin' barn, and they need to get with the program already.
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  13. Petra

    Petra space case

    Yeah. I know you love your parents, dude, but this is a pretty disturbing response from them.
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  14. this response is typical to any major issue i have, it's not like i'm all that surprised by the rxn i'm getting
  15. guuuuuuuuuuess who's gettin hollered at for going to the clinic for a class period because he couldn't parse blocks of text and had balance issues!
  16. oh! thing i 4got 2 mention that's prolly important! i couldn't actually figure how to GET to the clinic! i had 2 text my boyfriend to skip class and come retrieve my dumb ass, cuz i couldn't figure out how to go through a hall and down a flight of stairs*. awesome

    *oversimplification. i actually couldn't figure out where the clinic was in relation to me, or where i was, exactly. not fun
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  17. had a very long, in depth, frank convo w/ my dad and he'll let me ask for a note!
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  18. think i scared him a bit but, like. this is a scary thing and i'm tired of having to deal with my rents' shit in addition to my own where this is concerned
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  19. would 'grade only on the work he completes' be a ridick thing 4 me to ask my doctor to put in the note? because i could see how a teacher could be annoyed by it but like
    it takes me half an hour to write a sentence a lot of the time now, i can't fucking do essay questions or remember new formulas in math
    or should it be something more generic like 'just don't fail him plox'
    am i allowed to ask her to include things in a note even? is that rude or not done?
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  20. budgie

    budgie not actually a bird

    i don't see why it would be inappropriate. i had to get a dr's note to stay on my parents' insurance because i aged out, and i gave the doctor deets about what i could and couldn't do, and the dr asked me how much i wanted her to include in said note.
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