Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also bel could get ticked at him all over again for being calm and interested when bel is kinda freaking out. i think that dynamic is pretty funny.
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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    ooh, i'm remembering the headset thingie sigs was experimenting with in the main rp, maybe he could bring that out. do you want to go next, or should i bring sigs to erskin, or what.
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  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think bring sigs to erskin? i don't have anything to add on his end other than 'i'm bored and cranky and everything sucks'
  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i went for a walk in the snow! and then i wrote the thing, but i'm not sure if erskin's responding to words and whether he'd shake sigmah's hand and whatnot.
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Im out n about so ill be pecking replies in w my phone lol
  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    my brain just went 'phut' like a dropped ice cream, so i think i'm gonna get off the internet for tonight. sorry for the halfassed reply. :P
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  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    btw if you want a less plotty break, we could always go back to werewoof shenanigans
  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    haha a plotty break
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  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox


    ok so i think i could maybe poke at sigmah sciencing on erskin, i'm just having trouble running multiple characters and thinking up stuff like 'what are the make spaces like' and random crewmen and stuff.

    woofs are tempting. so tempting. but i don't want to leave poor erskin with no senses but touch for too long!
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    in my head the make spaces are the ceramics/woodshop/metalwork labs from my college, which were housed in an old reclaimed matress factory. it was kind of a rough ring of big industrial rooms full of kilns and tables and shelves and bandsaws and hammers and crates of stuff and a lot of warning signs all over about how you shouldn't nailgun your hand while huffing glaze powder and sticking your head in a smelter. plus the ship would have a foundry and a forge and a warren of variously sized studios for different material printers. and a mechanics' garage for constructing and maintaining the carts and bikes. and there'd be at least one loading bay that dropped you right out into space if you fucked up. and also probably some rooms and warehouses for the helms stuff which would look like a chemistry lab if hr geiger drew it. also somewhere that grows trollish furniture, which probably looks like if hr geiger jacked off in a thrift shop and then fed himself to a pool of radioactive green slime with hungry fetal sofas growing in it. also somewhere that fixes computers, which would be staffed by two assholes who hate everyone a lot all the time and probably have big axes.

    at one end you'd have the regular medical bay for trolls, abutting the start of the green spaces, and at the back end you'd have the engine rooms, which hr geiger would also probably have drawn, since they'd be a mess of pumps and generator stations harnessing various trollish sludges, hydroelectric power, and psionics. i think galley's little closet is stuck sort of on the foreward end, between the helmstech stuff and medical bay. i would 100% not blame bel for not wanting to poke his nose further in.
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    your summary is so wonderful, i don't suppose you'd be willing to sort of slap it into the rp thread, in terms of what sigmah sees as he's being taken there?

    also welcoming ideas for his equipment, the stuff he had in the original rp was too tech and not enough bio because he built it himself, but in this verse i bet he squirrelled away a lot of stuff from work, hand-me-downs that got replaced or needed repairs and mysteriously went missing, so they are probably the hatechild of a durian and a flatworm or something.
  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional


    here we go, i've been meaning to slap this schema together. so, trolls build modularly, but not along rigid grids. the sunslammer, a carrier, is portrayed here as a rough brick, because fuck it. i'm sure it has the requisite Important Troll Pointy Bits stuck on the outside. it is really hard not to ramble, i keep editing this back down. pink is for blocks where you make things, green is for blocks where you grow things, brown is storage spaces, gray is for living and playing, orange is kitchens: the small dots would be self-serve communal kitchens, and bigger dots would be cafeterias and automats, the stripes would indicate larger-scale production areas like for farming grubloaf or processing vegetables and fruits in bulk. not all would be in use at the same time, since the crew compliment's only 200. a lot of the volume is empty bays and hangars.

    troll cabinblocks are probably really big by the standard of human apartments, let alone human naval cabins. the troll residential area would be like if you took a downtown core of luxury apartments and townhoms, and packed it all together to be a hyperdense anthill a mile across and half a mile up and down. the logistics of how many elevators, stairwells, and cart ramps there must be makes me kind of queasy to think about. anyway, there's a lot of space for 200 dudes to rattle around in, even though erskin does get pushy about using it up with gardens.

    [​IMG] y and z axis marked on chart above, x axis is port and starboard, though probably those are colloquially interchangeable with east and west, the same way fore and aft are probably also referred to as north and south, or front and back, or nose and ass-end. i can't really see most trolls being big on giving people correct and helpful directions. i would think that officers are more likely to call things by strictly nautical terms such as 'amidships' and 'prow' and 'belowdecks', and lowerbloods would instead use clear, simple layman's terms, like 'front upper left'.

    in summation, fuck my life, why did i worldbuild all this, why did you let me worldbuild all this.
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  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i give you leave to paraphrase as you like. maybe pancho's a little overwhelmed in switching from ground operations and small transport ships to this size of carrier? especially a carrier that's sort of... going feral. troll ships are not supposed to be capable of independent operation, because as soon as most groups of trolls are self-sufficient they go rogue. forcing ships to rely on one another for parts and services and repairs reminds trolls that they're very small cogs in a very big machine.
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm an enabler. :D

    so do you suppose the docking areas are all in the belly or whatever? also i bet galley's helmsblock could be a lot bigger if he wanted it to be, he probably feels safer in a small space.
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i bet she's fascinated by it. i am still stuck tho because i don't know what she's seen or where they are and there's so much stuff and i have to choose among all the things, and it's just really hard when executive dysfunction. bleh, sorry.
  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah the docking areas are clustered in something like a belt of mouths around midship, arcing from port to starboard. since one side of a docking bay needs to border the hull, the core of the ship is still solid. i think it would make structural sense for blocks to decrease in size as you travel towards the core of the ship, and increase as you go out towards the hull. the combination of psionic propulsion, zero gravity, and no atmosphere makes questions of acceleration and torque and inertia extra questionable, though.
  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think we should play werewoofs tho! i would actually like a break from writing erskin be cranky and helpless and in pain for awhile. also i probably need to think more about those things you asked myself.
  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    suggested plot for werewoofs: they find a lost dog somewhere and rescue it and reunite it with its owners
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  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    woofs sounds super restful, i think you are right. i believe its my turn? goes looks.
  20. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    randomly: troll HR Geiger is probably the equivalent of human Thomas Kinkaide, and vice-versa.
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