Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    idk what bel's skill at socializing is, but for someone who hasn't been human in like two years, this erskin's pretty much just as charming in this shape as on all fours. i think he's a lot more of a socialite charmer in this AU. really ingratiating? knows all the social cues for 'look how cute and friendly i am, i can do tricks, i can gaze at you admiringly, give me a sandwich.'

    i think the difference is earth is a much kinder world than alternia? there's a few countries where people hold dogs and young strangers in contempt, but in general erskin wouldn't be driven to defensive solitude nearly as often. he'd be a lot safer and happier learning to use charm in three or four different species' languages than relying on violent standoffishness like he did as a troll.

    ETA: erskin's as cute and charming in human now that he's had about three days practicing on bel, to get back up to speed at things like 'language' and 'hands'. for convenience's sake i'm going to say it's like riding a bike. you're wobbly after a couple years of no practice, but it's not too hard to re-learn.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also i hope bel is enjoying his flawless cosplay
  3. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    LATE NIGHT THOUGHTS: would it be interesting if it's harder to stay human around the full moon, and harder to stay wolf around the new moon? like, erskin was born an actual puppy and his default is wolf, so maybe for a week around the full moon he flat-out can't manage the change to human, or at least it's extremely difficult to get there and precarious to maintain. whereas bel would just find it increasingly easier and faster to change into wolf around then, with only the full moon night itself forcing him into it.

    erskin's not compelled to change into a human on the new moon though, evidently. i wonder if he has a few cousins who can only manage the change into human right around the new moon— maybe that's the deal for the offspring of werewolves and wolves. i think both erskin's parents were werewolves at the time of his conception, though his dad contracted it and his mom was born with it. i think the general agreement among werewolves is that it would be fucked up and cruel to inflict lycanthropy on wolves, though having werewolf puppies with them is alright, so long as you don't ditch the puppies, which would be super fucked up.

    wolf-werewolf offspring must be very interesting people to hang out with during their human-phase transformations. erskin's family probably reserves new moon nights for hard cider, fingerpaints, music, and duplex blocks. i like the idea that one of his cousins has some ongoing craft like a mural or quilt or woodcarving and then determinedly spends that one night each month working on it.

    i am gonna say it's woodcarving and a lot of random pieces of the aspera clan home are filigreed all to hell and back with leaves and flowers and prey animals.

    flowers might be really interesting to werewolves who spend most of their time as wolves— humans really like flowers, as well as the associated traits of sweet smells, radial symmetry, and bright colors. considering that pretty much every human culture likes flowers and thinks they're Good, it's probably wired into us to pay attention to where fruit is going to happen. but i think a wolf would be pretty indifferent. so like, you turn into a human and then, whoah, weird, suddenly this totally random inconsequential and pointless bit of the background is like A THING. A VERY GOOD THING. A THING YOU WANT TO LOOK AT. ALL THE TIME. WOW! A FLOWER. i like the idea that mostly-wolf family members will specifically choose to wave around flowers when they're trying to entice a bipedal family member into keep-away games. they are high-value items!

    other things humans are very pleased to get hold of: string, fire, some but not all rocks, and long straight sticks. the sticks are not for chewing, they are for holding at one end and then swinging around. bonus points for sticks that make The Noise when you swing it. jackpot when there is something crunchy to swing the stick into and destroy it.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
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  4. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i believe he is. :D
  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i wonder if the woof experience of raw steak is something like the equivalent of the human experience of a sushi bar
  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm thinking woofs have a WAY less developed sense of taste than humans. primates need to be able to tell whether fruit is unripe, or has gone off, over dozens of fruits within their territory, and also insects and roots and leaves and small birds and mammals, and are super sensitive to whether meat is getting kind of old, because we get sick easily from decaying things. whereas wolves just need to know 'is it meat' and if it's fresh enough not to be visibly horrifying it's fresh enough to eat.
  7. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    yeah i think that's the general scientific conclusion about dogs, too, who would be in a position to eat a lot more non-meat items due to being humans' garbage disposals. great sense of smell, very little sense of taste, hence why they will delightedly eat some putrid scrap of trash and then just as cheerfully barf it back up. dogs don't regurgitate for their young like wolves, but they've retained that ease of getting rid of disagreeable food, whereas humans find barfing to be more like I FUCKED UP! I FUCKED UP!!! rather than 'haha, whoops'.

    comparatively, rats are really hard to poison, because rats will take a nibble of 'new' food, wait for awhile, then never touch it again if they get queasy. there was a study where scientists doped food that lab rats formerly loved, like peanut butter or apple slices, with emetics, then observed that after one single bout of nausea a rat wouldn't voluntarily eat the food ever again. and then if they were made hungry enough to risk it the rats would start the 'is it poison' test with it. omnivores have to be so smart to deal with the continuous question of 'can i eat that' it sort of makes you wonder if it's worth it.

    apparently cats have a better sense of taste and are more finicky about bad food, hence a lot more studies having to be run by catfood manufacturers. i forget why.
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh also i meant to say, male wolves are as involved in child-rearing as female rearing, wheras specifically-paternal instincts have been largely bred out of dogs, because the less dogs interested in guarding puppies from humans the better. female dogs also care for puppies less intensely, less protectively, and for shorter periods, compared to wolves, and even the puppies start preferring human company over their mother or siblings at a certain development period. it's kind of creepy if you think about it.

    anyway, bel is very likely to have a full compliment of ferocious paternal instincts all lined up and ready to go, on top of his already existent nature to be a protective and conscientious leader type. he might have a problem not stealing puppies, should he ever be exposed to one. maybe there could be an adventure where they run across a working multi-generation werewolf family and bel gets clubbed upside the head with feels. like, hey, this is why werewolves get so obsessive about forming families and creating puppies, it's all the drive to group up and reproduce from two species at once, you are double not supposed to be a loner.
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  9. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also i bet the chernobyl pack has been interbreeding with the local wolves for years. the military tried to send out a bachelor pack just to make sure there wouldn't be puppies but it emphatically didn't work. they keep having to file fake backdated birth certificates for puppies that turn out capable of a human form and cognition. probably two or three of the kids are old enough to enter service themselves, considering they'd have been born mid-late nineties. in another decade the population there might be entirely self-sustaining. not exactly an intended effect.

    this might, actually, be one of the american military's reasons for booting werewolves out of service.
    humans and wolves can socially suppress reproduction among their own kind with a pretty high degree of success, but i bet it would be significantly harder to keep werewolves from it, especially since deploying them together would make them stop feeling socially accountable to any outside group.

    so short of neutering everyone there's no way to prevent them from having kids while deployed somewhere on active duty, then throwing a shit fit if the kids get taken away. if just one member of the group isn't neutered, that one will be elected to reproduce. if they're on birth control, the ones elected to reproduce will go off of it and everyone else will cover for them. if the entire team is neutered, they'll adopt, and probably at a more frantic rate than if they'd just been let to have their own biological kids. if a unit-turned-family is broken up and reassigned, and the kids or canines returned to original locations, i suspect they'd all suffer from incapacitating grief and anger, and be at a really high risk for treason. you don't exactly want to keep working for the organization that widowed you and orphaned your kids.

    i'm also put in mind of how american units, at least, aren't allowed to have pets or mascots. it's great for morale because human men have strong paternal instincts too, but if the animal gets killed everyone flips out and goes on a vengeful rampage. if the dog was like the team's actual child, i would think that a group of grieving werewolf soldiers would level an entire fucking village to sand.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
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  10. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i love the idea of bel getting hit with the dad bat. he's parental even as a troll, and as a regular human he's a natural newbie-helper; as a werewolf he is probably LET ME DAD YOU to the extreme. hell, his parental instincts are probably part of why he was such a good officer; that combination of 'trusted helper' and 'stern authority' comes naturally.

    this is going to lead to telling his dad about the werewolf thing, isn't it? no way would he have kids and not let his dad be involved in their lives, let alone hide them from him.

    as for the chernobyl wolves, i wonder if they're likely to be suspicious of an american special forces werewolf. :D
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i recently read a story by a vietnam vet about the stray dog their unit adopted, it was really cool. he was fairly well educated on canine family politics, and watched her like a behaviorist; she noticed right away their group had no females, and took it upon herself to alpha-female the whole squad. she could distinguish not only which men were 'alphas' but what types they were, and would fetch the correct one for the job that needed doing -- the helper guy, the fight-breaker-upper guy, the talking-to-outsiders guy -- and show him what the problem was. she could sense when conflict was brewing before the humans did, and kept peace in the squad by bringing the mediator-alpha to people who were holding a grudge and sitting there like "well???" until he pestered them into making up.

    she also sniffed out booby traps, didn't have to be trained for it, just noticed her pack was finding these things in their territory and removing them, so she'd find them and alert trap-remover guy. sadly, she eventually got blown up. the troop didn't go on a vengeance rampage, they were just sad, but they buried her with military honors, because she was a good soldier. she was One Of Them.

    i'm too lazy to find the story again rn, but it's in reddit's 'military stories' thread, somewhere in the first handful of pages if you sort by all-time best.
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    Maybe Bel will run across some gangly juvenile dog at a dog park and be 1000% smitten, and come up with all these reasons why they should adopt it, and then be really crushed when the dog goes off with their owner at the end of the day and Bel just has to stand there and watch. Erskin would be very sympathetic. But also, privately, like 'yep, this is a family man. we won't be traveling together more than a year.'. Bel's a loner due to trauma, which is necessarily going to heal, not a quirky lifestyle preference like Erskin.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also re: that lady soldier dog. it seems to me that dogs 'seem' smarter when they're around working groups of humans, even when they're not trained to be working dogs themselves, than when they're kept as pets. makes me wonder if pet dogs just have their potential really wasted, because they're treated like toys and children all their lives. so they can be disruptive or selfish or inert or a big nuisance, because there isn't really anything important for them to do, and the work a lot of human families perform is usually conducted outside the house, away from the dog. so as far as the dog knows, all the humans do is eat, sleep, and fool around, too.

    as an anecdotal thing, rizzo doesn't bark at other dogs when he walks with blair, because she works with him on it and is very aggressive and confident. i'm very amiable with rizzo and defer mostly to what he wants to do— since i'm only outside on the walk for his sake anyway— and i'm also wary and cautious around big dogs, which can and do startle me when they come up suddenly. so when i walk him, rizzo is viciously hostile to other dogs, especially big ones, and pretty much never listens to me when i give the same commands for him to leave them alone and move on. blair is like 'you have to be the boss!' but i am actually sort of touched that rizzo has taken it upon himself to defend me.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    when i was a kid we had a lhasa apso, and he was the Temple Guardian of our house. the only time he ever full-on barked was when someone he didn't know came in without being escorted by one of us -- i.e. my sister had a new boyfriend and when they came over he opened the door for her while she was still a ways down the sidewalk, so chin kin didn't consider that 'escorted'. then he'd throw the loudest bark fit you ever heard, just whooping like an air raid siren, BOUWOWOWOWOW!!! -- but without trying to get too close to the intruder. he was very much a burglar alarm, not a guard dog.

    when strangers came over WITH an escort from us, he would follow at a polite distance, keeping an eye on them. he'd follow them to the bathroom. i'm pretty sure if they tried to go into any of the bedrooms, he'd raise a fuss, but no one ever did so i'm not sure. and when everyone was sitting around chatting, he'd sit at my mom's feet and participate in the conversation with little wuffs and grumbles, imitating people noises.

    as far as chin kin was concerned, my mom was the lama and we were all monks, and our house was where the Most Sacred Treasure was kept. and everyone in the whole world wanted to steal it.

    i am pretty sure he felt very important and fulfilled.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
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  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    erskin is probably just gently tipsy, but gets wobbly a lot earlier than most people would, since 'walking upright' counts as 'fine motor skills' for him.
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i have tabletop gaming tonight and am not remotely up to that much people-ing, so i think i will get off the internet and just have some quiet time before then. sorry to ditch out.
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  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    there's h/c, and then there's "sexy naked werewolf kisses your owies", and somehow these are not the same.
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  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    and now i, too, shall attempt sleep. gnight!
  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    whether or not Bel's getting any better at Werewoof Talk, Erskin's probably Cartoon Dog levels of communicative when he's on all fours. I think a lot of people don't know that dogs don't really act like that and hence don't get weirded out that Erskin is 'too smart' when he's hanging around human spaces and being manipulative. though, Bel's got such a sharp, analytical eye for detail, i bet even without spooky werewolf senses he would have twigged pretty quickly that Erskin was too cleverly expressive to be an animal.

    now i want a werewolf au-au where bel isn't a werewolf and just figures out fast that erskin is, then grills him on it.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i am going to be stern with myself and close my browser until i've made some progress on my christmas knitting. i'll probs check back this evening.
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