Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    well, a lot of the guys who think they're alphas don't really physically throw down much, they're just loud bullying jackasses who specifically hang out with meeker people. maybe the guy would talk himself into figuring that bel was the alpha of his pack, but since he was subordinate— i.e polite— to dickface von trenchcoat, the hierarchy had been settled?
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  2. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i am also pretty sure that you can tell how many fights someone has been in by the amount of trenchcoat they wear around indoors. if they wear any amount of trenchcoat around indoors, they have never been in a fight that didn't involve being fourteen, having it out with a friend in a fight that was mostly shirt-pulling, then crying afterwards.
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  3. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah, that state of affairs could persist until dvt either a) gave bel an order or b) was nasty to erskin.
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  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i wonder if he would just decide that since bel wasn't in HIS pack then they could BOTH be alphas, so there, he can continue to live in fantasy coolguy land and not have to deal with facts like he can't actually bully either bel or erskin without being turned into paste

    erskin would just cheerfully trade insincere admiration and fawning for a steady supply of sandwiches and things to elbow bel gleefully about. then probably lure the guy off to somewhere full of dangerous spook shit like calgary and abandon him to it. he'll either grow up and get his shit together, or be eaten by one of the things in the world terrible enough to eat werewolves.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
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  5. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    huh. that might be an interesting lead-in to more paranormal adventures, if we wanted to play any of those. i kind of like the idea of bel being confronted with like some full-frontal weird (north)america.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
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  6. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    bel got all philosophical on me :P
  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh yes, let's throw all kinds of weirdness at bel, that would be fantastic.
  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    also like that this is just another part of the environment, for erskin. bears, trucks, guys with guns, barber shops that cut your head off if you go in when the moon's wrong. underpasses that drop you off on the other side of an entirely different road. talking to ravens. eating a squirrel. dangerous unicorns in india and friendly werewolves in chernobyl. i'm always just really taken with fantasy-horror stuff that's just another part of the regular world.

    eta: maybe when bel fishes erskin wants to know if it's the kind that grants wishes. and is like 'aw' when reminded that this is wisconsin, there probably aren't very many of those around here.
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  9. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh dude that calgary thing will keep me up all night reading if i don't exercise iron self control D:
  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional


    i keep forgetting that i'm not immune to creepypasta anymore and having to sleep with the lights on orz
  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm p much immune to creepy stuff except for a few topics, like stuff that pings my claustrophobia (ted the caver, buried alive stuff, etc) and wendigos. for some reason. i don't understand why i'm scared of wendigos, of all the monsters ever. i don't believe in them any more than in any other monsters. i just. they're so. guuuuuh.
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i remember i had a mythology book of american peoples legends, and i noticed as a kid that a lot of 'eskimo legends' went along the lines of, it was a hard winter, this stranded guy ate all his seal meat, then he ate his dogs, then he ate the search party that came to rescue him AND HE'S STILL OUT THERE AND HE'S STILL HUNGRY which actually did not fuck me up very much because i was like 'well, that's happening in canada, so i am more concerned about vampires, which apparently happen everywhere.'

    anyway the parallels are interesting. looks like if you have a culture where the winters might drive people to cannibalism, you want to make up extra legends to discourage people from doing that (to you).
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  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    personally i'm really fucked up by monsters that specifically attack via ambush, not monsters that do anything particularly to your body. if the monster hides behind you, watching secretly, and then gets you WHEN YOU TURN AROUND AND SEE IT it is guaranteed i will be up all night pissing myself. that was my preoccupation with vampires as a kid, that they would be hiding somewhere in the room or just outside the window, waiting. it didn't matter that you would generally survive a few sessions of getting your blood sucked! or that living for centuries and maybe getting to turn into a bat was really cool! it was thinking about them just maliciously hanging around that really freaked me out.

    also like, the awful dilemma of being terrified of an ambush monster, is, you either lie there and pretend like you don't know the monster is there until they're satisfied and go away, or you give a sign that you know they're there and then they have to kill you because you might raise an alarm.

    uuuuggh. monsters. >:T
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yeah, i think what gets me about the wendigo is that element of like... in a time of great stress and trauma you did an awful thing, and you developed a taste for it and now you can't stop. so there's a combination of how i could sort of see myself becoming one, in those circumstances, and then you pity the awful inhuman thing that is out to get you, which somehow makes it all worse... uuuuggggghhhh.
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  15. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh, and the voice on the wind. that is the kicker. because sometimes around here in the winter, the wind really does get to howling like that, and if you listen for words you will hear words. so don't listen for words. don't do it.
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  16. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    huh ok what should they do next time they feel like doing anything

    or should we shelve that for tomorrow
  17. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    on the one hand i kind of want them to meet dickface von trenchcoat, because he sounds hilarious. but i also kind of want them to just have lots of lazy sex and joke around.

    it's almost 3 in the morning. we should probably shelve it.
  18. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    huh. do you think your feelings about addiction tie into that? like, you know the difficulty of breaking an addiction, so the idea of picking up an addiction to something that isn't simply unhealthy but is actually an evil and terrible thing to do to other people, that's really viscerally extra terrifying. i would think that if i had trouble kicking smoking, i would be extra paranoid about picking up more bad habits. like, yknow, eating my friends, urrgh.

    can you imagine if tumblr did the whole 'ur a pedo' thing over the hannibal fandom tho. 'excuse me stop promoting cannibalism it's a problematic lifestyle'. tumblr kinkshaming wendigos. it would have been incredible.
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  19. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i think erskin is too stiff to turn human on this day, and him trying and failing could be interesting. i don't feel like writing wolf-on-wolf humping though, that's kinda gross for me. also probably gross for bel. thank you bel. they could do it human style the next day when erskin manages the change and then struts around all proud of himself.
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  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    oh my god i wish i had the attention span for a long-term trolling, i would make cannibal-shaming a thing, that would be hilarious! :D

    hm, my feelings about addiction may play into it a bit, but i think where it really hits me is depersonalization. i spent a lot of my childhood dissociating, and very lonely, and very confused and hopeless. i know and fear the altered state of doing a thing that makes no sense even while you wonder why you're doing it. the idea that the wendigo is compelled to eat human flesh, not for nourishment, but to increase the emptiness inside itself... i dunno if i'm even getting my thoughts across here.

    i guess, the irrevokable severing from humanity, the loneliness and cold, and along with that being utterly predatory. and they seem kind of unfixed in space, the stories have them practically teleporting around, and sometimes walking on the treetops, but it seems less like superpowers and more like the glitching you get in sleep paralysis dreams.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
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