I really want more Phasma. Spoiler I'm hoping the no body=not dead trope holds because her design was too cool for what little screen time she got.
Why did I not play the Republic Commando game until now. Jesus fuck. I'm not very far into it at all, but I'm really digging it. It's nice actually feeling like the commander of a team and that my team is a team. These are my brothers and we're on an equal playing field. Also it's nice to just be some mook. I'm not the Master Chief. I'm just Boss. No one save my brothers and trainers will care about me enough to learn my name or my habits. I'm not saving the world, really. I'm fighting a war that isn't mine just because that it was what I was born to do.
i TOTALLY just finished chapter 2 of my Fucked Up Kylo/Rey Fic, rey isnt even in this chapter, this whole chapter is basically finn/poe, rip in pieces me