tumblr rp/looking for fantrolls to rp with

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by taxonomicAtrocity, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. do any of y'all do fantroll rp over tumblr? it's always nice to meet new ppl to interact with on there, and it's, like. impossible to find ppl with tumblr search being the godawful mess it is.
    (i'm toomanydamnhelmsmen/candidGunner on there! currently primarily rping a helm for hire who works outside of the empire's judistriction but i have lots more trolls i'd be willing to drag out and rp if anyone showed an interest! would be amenable to doing arr pee stuff here, too, if there's ppl 2 do it with)

    ((i think this belongs here?))
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  2. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    I am pretty much always down to do more with my fantrolls! 3 of them have tumblr usernames - mahreeboldlygoing, illuminatedbulb, and pipingmelody. There's a lot more where they came from, too, and I'm also up for forum style rp as well.
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  3. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I would love to RP fantrolls with someone, but I don't really have tumblrs for them yet? Also both of them are relative wigglers, I guess - Vastar Agouti who lives on a houseboat with her capybara lusus, and Nikiti Chaarn, who wanders about with Okapidad and is a weaver by trade.
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  4. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    What @Kit said, although i don't actually have tumblr profiles for any of mine. But yeah, we are the sockpuppet army, and down for rps. :D
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  5. this is a list of all my guys, with a coupla sentences about each. (plus this one, who is too new to even be on the blog yet lmfao)
    @lilacsofthedead i have a couple on planet peeps! two sufferists, a fighting ring, and zombie kid
    @Kit @Anomal(eee) what would y'all like to do, rp wise? i like helmsmen and dumb space drama and being mean to my characters
  6. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    @taxonomicAtrocity are you in for a ride... our main extant RP-verse is dumb space drama with a side order of crazy helmsmen! All the characters in their original setting are still in the Fleet, but I can certainly argue an AU where some of them GTFO bc reasons (they have so many reasons).

    and @lilacsofthedead just bc we love space drama doesn't mean we don't have planetside babies too, although they are primarily sufferist planetside babies.
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  7. anonymonster

    anonymonster Bellamy

    (quietly sidles in)

    Hello, I am also on tumblr with tA and would love to join in on these potential RP shenanigans (my account is belltrolls), if folks are up for it. Though I have only two trolls I actively RP - a thief pretending to be a cop, and her put-upon jailbroken helmsgirl.

    and @Kit, I looked at Mahree's account and one of my trolls is actually 100% originally inspired by Leverage. 8')
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
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  8. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    Here are the trolls we have on-planet, and this monstrosity is the list of fantrolls we have in space. Said monstrosity is pretty clunky organization-wise, however, so Kit made an index containing all of the trolls that is searchable by different terms to make the glut more manageable*.

    *Poster is not responsible for injuries due to eyestrain, vehement head-shaking, or other consequences of exposure to the excessive number of profiles contained in said documents. Read at your own risk.

    ETA: Sorry, never actually answered your question. Kit and I do end up doing the "being mean to our fantrolls"-type story lines, but generally fall into the a storytelling style that usually gets categorized as space opera... I don't know how to get more specific without trying to summarize what we've written so far, and that's a fuckton of story to cover. :/ There are little bits of story-stuff included in various profiles and quadrant relations and stuff, if that helps. >.>
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
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  9. anonymonster

    anonymonster Bellamy

    @Anomal(eee), I am really enjoying all of these profiles! I kind of immediately went through all the helmsmen first because I have no self-control, haha.
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  10. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    we didn't intend to end up with so many helmsmen
    how did this happen
    we are sort of... buried in accidental helmsmen (BUT THEY"RE SO MUCH FUN)
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  11. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    The helmsmen are kind of my special favorite babies. Except I love all of them. Like Killglee and Spectre are my horrible, awful, murderbabies. And Teshla is my cinnamonroll too sweet for this world neurotic baby. And...

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  12. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    I wrote up Vastar and Nikiti's profiles, finally :) Writing them reminded me that I also have a couple of other planetside trolls, but they're not very well fleshed out just yet ^^;;;

    Would anyone be willing to throw someone at them in a new thread on this forum, perhaps?
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  13. anonymonster

    anonymonster Bellamy

    @lilacsofthedead It looks like you need to request permissions to view that link! 8O Aside from that, I might be willing, if they match up well enough to where my trolls are likely to be once I get to read the profiles. ^^
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  14. Anomal(eee)

    Anomal(eee) Grumblepunk Gremlin

    I'd like to take a look at the actual profiles once you get the privacy settings fixed, but I'm happy to throw one of the horde their way. I just have no idea who would be a good fit, not being able to see them as I am. :D
  15. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Augh I am such a derp sorry ^^;;; okay yeah privacy settings should be fixed now :) Maelas isn't entirely finished but the other two are :3
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  16. @Anomal(eee) omg iniiph and my troll stajak both went #nope once they had actual deets on helmsman install! and have pyrokinesis 8D
    (diff is jak #noped herself right into a signlessist cult that she doesn't really believe in after faking her own death)

    in regards 2 arpee stuff- i just looked thru all the docs and listed whatever looks like it could maybe be a thing cuz we need 2 start somewhere prolly!
    if anyone's trolls would be likely to attend a pitfighting match i have a perky, terrible girl named beamer 'watches too much troll steve irwin' vigris. (if anyone's trolls would be likely to be in a pitfighting match, i have dhazzy-the-jade-who-sold-her-friend-and-many-grubs-to-a-fucking-fighting-ring peltis, and killer 'i have one name because i am literally treated like a dog. i have a crate and everything. trolls are awful' in addition to bea!)

    jak is, again, an on-planet sufferist so it'd be reasonable for her to talk to nikiti, possibly vastar, sezmem about getting off planet, or maybe have some kind of exchange with atrill,

    dhazzy could maybe talk to airauw! she's kind of socially awkward and also sells babies to become gladiators basically but she's p desperate for friends and will do a lot for the sake of gaining someone's approval

    also i have razvan! anyone who would like to do crazy terrible undead monster science with them would be fun (they reanimate ppl's lusii with a mix of beast-controlling psi that can move a body around so long as it was an animal, be it living or dead, and specially bred parasites related to the ones that colonize rainbowdrinkers. can come up w/ a diff explanation if you headcanon drinkers differently)

    off planet for fleet stuff, i have a helmsman, he's crotchety as hell which could be fun, a disgraced ex captain,(who needs to be transferred 2 a new ship) two helmstechs, one of which needs a ship to be assigned to after the last one got jacked by the cap's second in command, a pencil pusher, a xenobiologist, and a whiny, entitled failure of a seadweller.

    nonfleet trolls- 3 helms-for-hire, all various flavors of dysfunctional, an unnerving tealblood smuggler captain, two no-nonsense admins, one of which used to be a helm, a yellowblood triad that does brisk business as couriers, (two of those guys are helms with detachable rigs, the last guy's a burnout) a blueblood secretary with a oliveblood slave, (that she's pale for, yay power imbalance) an elderly ex-subjug and his fakey clown protege, (she's violet, not purple. she cut her fins short so they'd look like normal ears and everything) and a very upset, freshly scarred violetblood mutant born without gills. (and a seriously injured burnout, for a little while)

    oh! and a helmstech who went pale for the helm she was supposed to be tending to and stole her! their super fucked up story is detailed here

    this got rambly sorry but y'all have a buttload of trolls and i also have a buttload of trolls and i'll probably add onto the off planet part with poss interactions that could happen between my losers and y'all's after i make dinner
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  17. paladinkit

    paladinkit brave little paladin

    Airauw is technically mine! Sorry if it's confusing, Anomal(eee) and I share and trade across the fantroll universe a lot. She's happy to talk to basically anyone, and she'd not approve of selling babies but would gladly talk through it rather than judge and signing off. She's very unlikely to be seen in person unless someone is injured and happens to wander across an area that Sezmem or someone else in her circle would find them and bring them to her, though.
  18. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Maelas would definitely go watch pitfighting, if not just for the entertainment but to go pick up the bodies of any wigglers that didn't make the cut - turns out grub tallow is super high quality compared to hoofbeast, and anyways his hyenamom's favourite chew toy is exoskeleton. (He is kind of awful but only as much as his culture makes him XD)

    I think Vastar would really love talking with a Sufferist and being converted, especially if she got to play hero to them first.

    And weirdly enough, Nikiti would be interested in reanimation. It's not very sufferist, but she is always SUPER *NTERESTED to figure out how stuff works and what parts go where. What caste is Razvan?
  19. PotteryWalrus

    PotteryWalrus halfway hideous and halfway sweet

    Ahhh that would make them perfect to interact with Niki but augh I wanna play Vastar more decisions decisions XDD
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