shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Helenite

    Helenite A model of efficiency, far as you can see.

    Is this another test, ma'am?
  2. Moirana of Clan Aerihman

    Moirana of Clan Aerihman We've come to a place now that’s safe to go 18+

    'Another' test? What was the first?
  3. Helenite

    Helenite A model of efficiency, far as you can see.

    *She laughs lightly.*

    That's very amusing, ma'am.
  4. Moirana of Clan Aerihman

    Moirana of Clan Aerihman We've come to a place now that’s safe to go 18+

    -suspicious squint- I don't think we're quite having the same conversation.
  5. Helenite

    Helenite A model of efficiency, far as you can see.

  6. Valenorn

    Valenorn Praise the Commonwealth

    Suddenly, Asriel Dremurr appears
  7. Vegetoid

    Vegetoid ATTACK 6 DEFENCE 6

    [* Action failed.]

    [* Vegetoid's designation is "vegetoid".]

    [* Did you want to reload the combat scenario?]
  8. OP 13

    OP 13 WHY AM I MADE OF MEAT? 18+

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  9. Annoying Dog

    Annoying Dog The dog absorbs the artifact

    I was warned to not do spoilers in the shit posting rave, @The Man 227 .
    which is part of the reason i'm not using my asriel account right now
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  10. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    Major spoilers for recent canons, like Undertale, can go under spoiler tags!

    But it's hard to hide a subaccount's name or profile picture.
  11. Annoying Dog

    Annoying Dog The dog absorbs the artifact

    Will keep that in mind. Spoilers are a jerk.
  12. eyefishSoup

    eyefishSoup Oneira Eluvei, Knight of Hope [18+]

    Fish are krchk-k, not food. Heh.

    (TN: The Alternian word for "friend" is the same as the word for "enemy". Since we do not get an actual canon word for that, this bug chitter is used instead.)
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  13. Le Juge

    Le Juge An ordinary housecat [18+]

    "It appears that the gems, as silicon and wavelength based lifeforms, have a natural inclination towards the concept of order in opposition to the concept of chaos, which us organic and carbon-based lifeforms possess an inclination towards. As it happens, deviating from such an order, whichever form it might appear as, does seldomly fall under the options she would take, of course, for what reason would she have to?
    A mere touch towards the chaotic would offer a question in response, which is, "Why would I want to strictly adhere to said order", or, in shorter terms and certainly more applicable, or at the very least more adjusteable to any given question asked, "Why not?".

    Complete order would result in impossibly intricate patterns which would be, ultimately, predictable in their entirety. Building from these would result in similarily predictable results.
    Complete chaos, on the other hand, is utter stillness, for every movement would have some sort of order to it, which would negate the reality of a perfect chaos.

    Creation and existence, now, are a conglomeration of the two, in which not the case of mutual destruction and negation takes place, but instead a fluid balance, building forms which complete order would not permit, but which, from their inherent chaotic influence, cannot be predicted as well, either.
    The result of this conglomeration is either viable, or not viable, and oftentimes we are required to see it play out before we can come to a conclusion as to which side it belongs to. Oftentimes, they are somewhere in between.

    Take bottled meat, for example! A cat like me would hunt when hungry, or set up residence in Alma near the overflowing abundance of the Meat Fountains, but some mind came up with the curious idea to fill Meat into bottles, and ship it into the other Zones - and the other areas of Zone 1, as to enable survival places more remote than to be easily accessible by foot from Alma. Similarily with the Smoke from the Smoke Mines of Damien, or the Plastic shipped from Shachihata, or the Metal from the Metal Farms of Pentel. Bit by bit, expanding into the void, and exploring if we can find more we can integrate into our world.

    A chaotic mind thrives off curiosity. It revels in new things, and surprising things, and in exploring and ultimately understanding, but also in being stumped, whereas a mind more inclined towards order would find joy and stability in said order. Putting one mind into the place of the other would result in a bored chaotic mind, and an afraid ordered mind, here again, the grade of which at some point on the sliding scale between one extreme and the other, depending on external variables.

    As such, I am not at all surprised of @Faustite gemsona 's view on us, as we are just as alien to her as she is to us.

    But perhaps I am mistaken -- What am I, after all, but an ordinary housecat?"
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  14. Valenorn

    Valenorn Praise the Commonwealth

    (maniacal laugh):cronus:


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  16. this is not a subaccount

    this is not a subaccount Active Member

    shitposting rave 2: electric boogaloo

    has been relocated to It's Galley's Turn

    the better for all your shit-posting, freeform roleplaying needs.

    • Like x 4
  17. this is not a subaccount

    this is not a subaccount Active Member

    Can you do me a favor, and put that under a spoiler tag? If I'm going to discourage some people from mentioning certain spoilers in here, I'm going to be fair and discourage others from doing the same.
  18. Annoying Dog

    Annoying Dog The dog absorbs the artifact

    So are we relocating and killing this thread? Or did the thread get moved by computers and we keep posting happily?
  19. this is not a subaccount

    this is not a subaccount Active Member

    We are relocating the thread, but not killing it! Keep posting happily. Let the shitposting last until the end of time.
    • Like x 2
  20. Annoying Dog

    Annoying Dog The dog absorbs the artifact

    • Like x 1
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