shitposting rave 2, electric boogaloo

Discussion in 'It's Galley's Turn' started by this is not a subaccount, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    I'm confused. Who is that again? The one that's already here.
  2. this is not a subaccount

    this is not a subaccount Active Member

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  3. this is not a subaccount

    this is not a subaccount Active Member



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  4. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    *scoffs* Well, I trust friend computer only as far as I can throw it, honestly.
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  5. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    Ptchoooooo. -giggles until she falls over and fails to get up-
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  6. this is not a subaccount

    this is not a subaccount Active Member

    I'm pretty sure you can't throw friend computer.
  7. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    Okay. I don't trust friend computer at all, then.
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  8. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    He's ok. He is. He just. Might not realize it. But being out is better. It is.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
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  9. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Sure it's cozy in the hole. But you keep having to do things and eventually, the things you do hurt people who didn't choose to throw themselves into the hole with you. Sometimes they break the hearts of the people you love and sometimes they break the universe. Either way, the collateral damage surpasses acceptable losses.
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  10. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    Hey Norm, how long do you think I knew Valiska before she told me she loved me?

    Hint: it was more than two days.
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  11. dumb things forever

    dumb things forever [WT/18+] Stanley F. Pines, Rogue of Light

    If I know you it took you more than two days to speak to Valiska. And by speak, I mean something more along the lines of "is it still raining out?" than "can I take you to the dance?"
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  12. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    I don't know. *throws his hands up in the air* A year?
  13. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    ...Place I used to live I might have wanted to burn the universe. It'd have fucking deserved it for creating people like me in the first place.

    Here? Well. Like I said. Habit dies hard. Never said I didn't want to leave the hole. Just that it's easier to stay.

    I tried to leave, and then I messed up and realized I was lost and alone and the world didn't play by familiar rules so I found something familiar. And now I'm fucked again. It's not like I don't recognize the cycle when I'm walking it.
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  14. Liadan and Shadow

    Liadan and Shadow Kayal Shadow Summoner

    It's nice to feel needed, too. Even when you know it's a lie. Even when you know they're just using you to get what you can give them, and that if you stop being more use than trouble they'll drop you.
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  15. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    ...don't be so pathetic.
  16. the author speaks

    the author speaks [WT/18+] Mage of Space Stanford F. Pines, PhD

    You're not wrong.

    Actually, not that long. Stan's right--it would probably have taken me a year to have a conversation with her if I hadn't been put into a situation where I had to talk to her. But after she and I got to know each other I'd say it took about a month and a half. Which is actually much faster than it happens for a lot of other people, but she was my curse-breaker and we had to be brutally honest with each other, and we just got to the point where it had to be said.

    Is there anything that any of us can do to help?
  17. Liadan and Shadow

    Liadan and Shadow Kayal Shadow Summoner

    The lady who's leading you to safety asked you questions, and you completely ignored her. Are you sure you're in a position to be saying things like that?
  18. Clover

    Clover Witch of Breath (18+)

    Shut up! You don't know me, you bitch!
  19. The Spirit-Touched

    The Spirit-Touched No matter how many sunset bloodsheds flow 18+

    There's that, too. People look after their tools. If I'm someone else's I have their protection. I only have to watch for a few knives in my back instead of all of then.

    -a supremely hollow laugh- Would that I could. You ever been addicted, kid?

    ...I don't know. What's the cost?
  20. Norm the Genie

    Norm the Genie The All-Powerful Genie (Thief of Breath)|18+

    So you think me and Pap will take much longer?
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