Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    The Diamond Authority: White Diamond, Yellow Diamond, Tiny Diamond, Blue Diamond, Green Diamond, Green Diamond, Green Diamond, Green Diamond, Green Diamond, Green Diamond and Bigass Green Diamond.

    #is diamond even a word?
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  2. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Oh shit, what if Green Diamond is actually just White, Yellow and Blue Diamonds fused? The color checks out.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2015
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  3. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash


    ...that would be incredible. and would also explain the bigger-ness. woooooooh.

    Where the heck has Vidalia gone? If I'm not mistaken, Vidalias are a type of onion...

    Also, Amethyst grew a lot between then and now. She is positively child-like in this ep.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2015
  4. Petra

    Petra space case

    Well, people were speculating that Marty was Sour Cream's dad, so maybe he knocked up Vidalia?
  5. MintyJojo

    MintyJojo Well-Known Member

    Well, Sour Cream does look significantly older than his brother Onion and he does refer to Yellowtail as his "stepdad" so maybe Sour Cream's biological dad was Marty and Onion is actually Vidalia's child by Yellowtail making him and Sour Cream half-brothers. Also, would explain why Yellowtail isn't too keen on his son trying to break into the music industry.
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  6. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    I did think Marty looked like Sour Cream. Hmmm. These seem like very valid theories.
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  7. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Oh wow, that was very cute, but wow, abrupt. Then again, so young. Little baby Greg getting all infatuated like that with someone like Rose makes hella sense. Also, I thought initially that Marty in Greg's story was older and meaner looking than the one in the picture, which was interesting cause unreliable narrators, but on the second glance, he looks old in the picture as well. Still, the sharp teeth are probably an exaggeration?

    Also, gem ages. Weird! They can change clothes at will, so maybe they were inspired by fashions at the time? Then again, they seemed to be keeping themselves separate from humans, so I dunno how that'd work out. You think that maybe they went through fazes of being isolationist and then going back to being more involved with humanity for whatever reason? Like in that painting they were all buddy buddy with some humans, but was that a real event or just a dramatization or a legend or something? Has Rose "played" with other humans before? How long has Amethyst been out of the Kindergarten? So many questions.

    Still, so cute. Baby Greg, Baby Amethyst, Jealous Pearl, Blushy Garnet. Super adorable.
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  8. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    I think it felt abrupt because it's a story for steven, not a faithful retelling? i mean, greg's way too smooth in that last bit. so while it has probably some semblance to what actually happened, how much is questionable.
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  9. Beldaran

    Beldaran 70% abuse and 30% ramen

    I cannot even handle how cute Story for Steven was. I grinned like a crazy person throughout the whole thing. Everyone was so cute!

    I love how charmed Rose was by Greg, and how they have such a young love/infatuation thing going on. In the video tape it's clear that they have a much more mature relationship and I just really like seeing bits and pieces of how their love developed. Greg is the most adorable thing. Too precious for this world.

    I also loved all the other crystal gems! Garnet threatening Greg was classic Garnet. ("All comedy is derived from fear.") Amethyst being a cute and kid-like was adorable, and Pearl mom-ing her was SUPER ADORABLE! I really like how they're showing that relationship, moving from "mom & child" to "mom & teenager". The love is still there but it's a bit contentious and antagonistic as the teenager establishes her separate identity.

    Also, Pearl getting jealous of Greg (or at least getting confused as to why Rose would notice a human and trying to draw her attention back). AHH I'm going to die of cute!

    I have so many feelings about these adorable characters.
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  10. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I grew up around musicians so Greg is one of my favorites and I always get hit with the nostalgia feels

    Vidalia is a type of Onion so she is practically confirmed to be Sour Cream & Onions mom. Make your own conclusions about the dad(s).
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  11. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    Soo the source I used for bingeing still hasn't updated since episode 52, does anyone have a link that has the most recent/actually updates? I don't watch TV on the TV and feel bad about being behind.
  12. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

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  13. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    So some more Steven Universe thoughts:

    So I was thinking about how weird and awkward and disjointed Alexandrite looks, especially when compared to the very elegant and smooth and composed fusion depicted by the temple, who is (was?) presumably Alexandrite+Rose Quartz. Really goes to show just how much Rose held the other Crystal Gems together and smoothed out a lot of their rough edges with each other, I think, and it's a really cool, subtle way to do that visually.
    I also wonder if Alexandrite might look a bit more coherent, character-design-wise, if the Crystal Gems start to mend their relationships more, and maybe process more of their grief, as I assume they will over the course of the show.

    I've also seen theories running around that the corrupted gems might be the result of some kind of weapon deployed by Homeworld in the Gem War for Earth (I think they're pretty clearly a different thing from just cracked or broken gems, because otherwise Rose could have just healed them with her tears), but I'm wondering if it might have been Rose that corrupted them.
    Like, we don't know how many Crystal Gems there were at the time of the war, but they were almost certainly outnumbered and outgunned by Homeworld. Turning your enemy's elite warriors into rampaging monsters that might do as much damage to enemy forces as yours seems like a pretty good way to tip that balance in your favor. (how's that for a tactic Jasper would respect?) It also meshes well with my hunch that Rose did some seriously fucked-up shit to protect Earth, and puts a more personal guilt/responsibility spin on her dedication to trying to heal them.
    There may be some circumstantial evidence for this in the similarity of Centipeedle's and Lapis's reactions to the Crystal Gems, but that may just be fear of their aggression and weapons on Centipeedle's part, and it's not at all clear how much of her memories and intelligence she has access to right now. It's also not clear if gem monsters go out of their way to attack the Crystal Gems specifically or if they're just kinda rampaging in general.

    I'm pretty convinced that Rose had Steven in part with the hope that he would help mend the wounds caused by the Gem War, and his taking up her dedication to trying to heal the corrupted gems fits right in with that, if this is correct.
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  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I love the healing-gem-monsters plot
    what I love most of all however is how they managed to pull steven's powers from Rose but give them different spins, like with the healing tears versus healing spit thing, his ability to fuse with at least one human, the plants thing, etc.
    Also if Rose Quartz' Powers involve plants and thus organic matter, i wonder if she might be responsible for the Pearls (If that theory about Pearls being basically grown-servant-gems is true)? Especially if the Pink Diamond theory turns out to be true, I'd suspect that Pearl's absolute dedication to Rose might be from Rose actually being the one to oversee the Pearl Kindergarten or however they'd call that.
    Also I am FASCINATED by the implications of Kindergarten. Are Gems seeded into the soil and basically grown like you can do with some crystals irl? Are they MINED? How does this relate to Pearls being organic? Can Gems spontaneously grow without intervention by Homeworld, as long as the earth of a planet produces precious and semi-precious stones or is there a special way they need to be treated for a gemstone to grow into a Gem? I WANNA KNOW THE GOREY DETAILS AHHH Also the implication that Kindergarten kills planets through... soil exhaustion? overmining?
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2015
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  15. Lazarae

    Lazarae The tide pod of art

    @IvyLB I think Pearl mentioned at one point that Kindergartens "destroy all life" on a planet. Maybe they draw life from surrounding organisms to create Gems from gemstones?
  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Yeah that might be what I was remembering. Perhaps it might be a more environmental cause like pollution, atmosphere changing composition or destroying the ozone layer?
    Heck they had giant drill things around maybe they harvested heat energy from the earth's core and that would have made it cool all the way through prematurely, leading to a slowed rotation and a dissipation of the magnetic field and thus atmosphere (see: theory on the reason Mars isn't a viable planet for organic life).

    Also I wonder if the Gems inhabit Kindergarten-ed planets after they finished exploiting its ressourcces or if they abandon them? Considering Lapis literally flying off into space apparently Gems don't care about atmospheres existing or their composition, and can also withstand way harsher temperatures than organisms usually can, so I wonder if they build colonies on planets or just take everything and leave a dead chunk of rock hurtling through space? (Or maybe they destroy planets they are finished with completely? Like explode them?)
  17. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Film Noir AU where Peridot is a Mafic boss and Rose Quartz is a hardboiled cop who felsic of all the corruption and exploitation in this city and resolves to clean it up.
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  18. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Sniper Steven is the best y/y?

    Also, the wiki says the episode after the next is supposedly named 'Reformed.' It's probably way too soon, but please please please return of Centipeedle please.
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  19. MintyJojo

    MintyJojo Well-Known Member

    See the thing that's throwing me off with the description is that for once they don't refer to the gems as "the gems" they specifically say: Steven, Amethyst and Garnet chase after a monster who has been loose in the temple.

    Where's Pearl? I mean it's possibly a red herring and she gets dragged off somewhere else for a side plot, but I'm genuinely wondering if the omission of Pearl's name is of any significance.
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  20. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    God bless, Garnet.
    Maybe go a bit easy on the back slaps when you are literally made out of rocks, though.

    Also, was that a tardigrade gem monster? I was wondering why Garnet didn't kill and bubble it, but I guess you just can't impair the 'bear.

    I hope that other mail lady (Sadie's mom?) turns up again.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
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