Battening Down the Hatches

Discussion in 'General Advice' started by ZeroEsper, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    So there's going to be a huge snowstorm (supposedly) tomorrow. Honestly no one actually seems clear on what's going to happen and I've heard so much conflicting information that who knows what'll go down.

    But I live by myself now and have never tried to deal with something like this before on my own. I want to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. They're calling for a possible loss of power and for conditions that will make driving impossible, so I'm preparing to be snowed in with no power. Does anyone have any advice for how to weather a storm like that?

    So far, I
    • discovered my emergency power bank (for charging my cell phone) is broken, so I'm off to the store today to buy a new one.
    • Have access to non-perishable food. Not a lot, but I'm not anticipating that I'll be stuck for days.
    • Am going to try and remember to fill up all the pots I won't be using with clean water so that I'll have it if I need it.
    • Considered and discarded the idea of getting bread and milk because A) I still have some bread from the last loaf and B) if the power goes out the milk will probably spoil anyways.
    • Have garbage bags I can cut up and tape over the windows to keep out the horrible draft that zaps my heat.
    • Bought a snow shovel! Now if only I owned a pair of snow boots. It's too late on that front, however, because the local stores are absolutely ravaged - there's no way I'll be able to find any. I have a pair of knock-off Doc Martens that are relatively weather-proof, so it's not a total loss.
    • Have the waterproof winter coat I bought for my father's birthday, so if I need to go outside I'm covered.
    • I think I need entertainment? The way my apartment complex is set up, I'm the furthest unit on a very long driveway, so it'll take my ages to un-bury myself. I'll likely be stuck inside for a while, and if the power's out I won't exactly be able to watch Hulu. I have a book I'm almost done with, another I haven't started, and my favorite one-shot manga. Does anyone have any recommendation for (preferably cheap) one-person entertainment that won't need power? I'm very open to suggestions, and I'm up for picking up a new hobby, so anything goes.

    Does that seem like I'm prepared? And can you guys think of anything I might need from the store?

    Thank you guys in advance! I'll be really embarrassed if it turns out we get nothing, but I want to be safe, not sorry.
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  2. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    a good flashlight+batteries, if the power goes out you won't be able to entertain yourself very well in the dark

    but otherwise you seem pretty prepared
  3. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I actually have some candles and a pen light, so I'll look for a flashlight while I'm out, but if I don't find it I'm gonna try not to stress it.
  4. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Candles are a good idea. Also, do you have a stove and if so is it gas or electric or gas with an electric igniter?
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  5. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    It's electric, sadly. Because of how small the space is, I'm not comfortable buying o e of those gas or kerosene heaters everyone is looking to buy. I'm absent-minded and would likely accidentally leave it unattended and either fill the room with fumes or set a small fire.
  6. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    For entertainment: get books from the local library? I have been led to believe that libraries are free in the US, so that should be good :)
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  7. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Yeah, gas heaters are a bad idea generally. About eight years ago my city had a massive week-long power outage because of wind and several people got carbon monoxide poisoning from bringing like grills and shit indoors as a heating method. Bad plan all around.
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  8. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys for the advice! I got a few cheap small extra emergency candles while I was out, a flashlight and some batteries, and a power bank like I needed. I might go out later and get more stuff for entertainment.

    @Emma they are free! And that's a really good idea - I do need to get a library card again. I let mine expire while I was away at college.

    @prismaticvoid oh, wow - that's really awful. I'm actually kind of glad I don't have anything like that.

    @Alska my friend actually just took up knitting and she's really liking it! That sounds like a good possibility. I'm super clumsy, though, so here's to hoping I don't poke an eye out. And I actually really like virtual pets or things that put me on a routine, so that's right up my alley!
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  9. prismaticvoid

    prismaticvoid Too Too Abstract

    Do you do other crafty stuff? Like sewing or clay or things like that? Might be good too.
  10. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I actually really like clay. I wouldn't say I have a knack for it, but I have fun, at least! Thanks for the suggestion!
  11. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    *waves from northeast of DC*

    I'm battening down the hatches too. I have my camping stove so I can still make hot food and drinks if the power goes out, and I've got a decent supply of dog food, flashlight batteries, and snacks. I'm planning to work from home tomorrow because the storm's supposed to hit right at rush hour. I hope the power stays on - my place gets chilly very quickly!
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  12. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    @WithAnH oh, I'm probably by you! I'm glad to hear you're prepared as well. If you can, let me know how you're faring!
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  13. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    May I also vent about something that's annoying me? I'm scheduled to work tomorrow, and where I'm at the storm isn't supposed to start until late evening. We'll leave shortly after it's forecasted to start anyways. The majority of my coworkers have said they won't come in. So I'm gonna be doing a million different things to pick up the slack and it's going to suck.

    Like, I understand wanting to be careful, but basically the minute everyone heard there was a storm they were all 'well I won't come to work if there's a storm! They can forget that.'

    My plan is go, if things get bad explain I need to leave early (my boss will let me go, he's said he will). I figure it's at least worth a shot.
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  14. rigorist

    rigorist On the beach

    For your car, get a bag of sand. If they don't sell bags of sand, cat litter is a workable alternative. This is for getting your car out after digging the snow off--put the sand under the wheels for more traction. There is likely to be ice there.

    If you take any meds, make sure you have a week's supply. Even if you aren't trapped at home, the roads are likely to be a mess for a couple days, so you don't want to have to make an emergency drive to the pharmacist for refills until the roads are cleared. We learned that one the hard way.

    A deck of cards is the classic "snowed in" entertainment.

    Any pets? Make sure you have a stock of supplies for them.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
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  15. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I just checked my meds - thank you for prompting me, I struggle to remember getting prescriptions refilled.

    Also, I'd heard that about sand/cat litter, but also totally forgot that. Thankfully I work next to a pet store and can get some easily when I go to work tomorrow.
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  16. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Sounds like you have them but fwiw, i tend to prefer candles to electric lanterns because they also heat a space. Last year we lost power and my husband and I holed up in the below-ground room with a bunch of candles and were quite comfortable, even though you could see your breath in the rest of the house.

    Strongly recommend keeping at least a little charge left on your phone until you get out in case of emergency.

    I like coloring books. They don't take a lot of brain or skill but they are surprisingly entertaining.

    Also a couple of different no-power food options. We ate peanut butter sammiches breakfast lunch and dinner for three days after an earthquake once and it sucked.
  17. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    I think I'm okay on the food front, but I can see if we have anything good at the store I work at (we usually do but stores are just getting torn up over here) I'll pick it up.

    My plan for the phone was to keep it off unless I need it for something, and turn it on at least once a day in case someone calls, etc.

    We sell adult coloring books at my store! They're positively beautiful. I've been planning on getting one - this could be the occasion I do it!

    I think I'm okay on the candle front, too. I had a few that were very worn down, two that are okay (not worn down), and I bought two small ones (one of which brags fifteen hours of light, which sounds promising!), small tea-light sized candles and a holder so I can carry them through the apartment, and a large one. Plus the flashlight on the off chance they just all fail. I happen to just enjoy candles in general, and I think that's going to work in my favor right now.
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  18. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    • Like x 2
  19. ZeroEsper

    ZeroEsper Well-Known Member

    Are you following me on Tumblr, by chance? The minute I saw the first flake I had to post that.
  20. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    It's not snowing here yet... I don't think it's supposed to be as bad here as you guys are talking about, but still I'm a little worried. I was going to go in to the city tomorrow, but I think maybe I shouldn't?
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