Dragon Age anyone?

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Kittenly, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    I would like to be added to such a skypechat!

    Also, does anyone else ever find the random-loot stuff funny? Like when you find a Fereldan shield in the middle of a Tevinter camp.

    Though I actually felt bad once about killing bandits, because while I was looting the bodies one of them had the Lover's Left Knot and the other had the Lover's Right Knot...
  2. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I only ever got Left Knots. :P
  3. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I am very sad I didn't have some sort of "Slap Cassandra" or "Get furious with Cassandra" option after she said that. Because Saoirse would not be fine with that. Even remotely. She values her culture very highly and the religion most of all. Alas. Cassandra got away with it. She will not in fanfic land though. Not at all.

    Also when I get back to starting over on Inquisition I must learn more about the Qunari in the game if I can. Partly because I can see Saoirse wishing she could brutally subjugate the humans to the Dalish religion. Deep down just wishing it could be as easy as conquering them and then brainwashing. PRESERVATION AT ANY COST. What she's learned of them from the Iron Bull is very strange and more than a bit horrifying.

    but wouldn't it be great if the elves could do this
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  4. KarrinBlue

    KarrinBlue Magical Girl Intern

    Well, I dunno. I mean, I don't think the Dalish want shems to follow their faith, it's theirs. With exceptions for elfblooded people I guess.
  5. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Saoirse wants it just because it would ensure it survives at all. Which is part of why she tells people about it. So it can be written down and thus preserved. Another bit is the humans deserving it. A big part of it really. It's not the most orthodox wish, but she doesn't really care. She wants it preserved and she wants vengeance. There are reasons she has the more complicated form of the god of vengeance's sign on her face after all.
  6. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    While I wish the Inq had more options to retort (I personally found Dorian's comments on slavery way more horrifying than Cassanda's thoughtlessness about Elven gods), I'm very glad we don't get options to strike or kill them any longer. Games too often have a case of protagonist-itis where the PC can be as horrible as they like with relatively few repercussions (Looking at you, Origins), when by any reasonable measure something as 'small' as hitting someone over being thoughtless would probably just get the PC shackled again, then simply dragged from rift to rift along with Solas to make their hand do the thing.

    I mean, DAI still has way too much of killing people to make things better, but I'm glad we can no longer take that out on our companions and actually have to face social repercussions if we're huge assholes.
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  7. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    I just realized if she had a shadow a la Persona it'd probably be something awful like her lounging on a throne and reading while human slaves serve her tea and such. Total control. Vengeance. Valuing knowledge over people. gasp i should think about everyone's personas.
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  8. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    Noted! I look forward to seeing your reactions. The Solasmance is one of the most interesting and complicated relationship in bioware games. I won't say anymore, but I really love Solas as a character and how he interacts with my different characters.

    I find it most interesting that the only Inquisitor I have who is going redeem Solas (and idc what happens in canon she WILL) is Renwyn Lavellan, who romances Cullen. She and Solas never had any romantic feelings for each other and their relationship was more of a student/mentor relationship. Solas found Ren right when she needed a friend and mentor. He was initially drawn to her unusual magic (she has a sort of instinctive necromancy) and it is responsible for a lot of brain weird and stress in her. Solas was able to help her sort out how to use and control her magic. He was her friend and he was there when she needed him. Now its her turn to bring him back from the guilt that consumes him. She also has a very strong death motif, and if anyone is going to help him move on, it's her.

    My Solasmancer is too similar to Solas--manipulative, arrogant, and not entirely stable. These things bring them together romantically, but there's no way she could save him. And she's fallen apart so much by the time she meets Solas in Trespasser that she's not really able to decide whether to save or stop him.
  9. KingStarscream

    KingStarscream watch_dogs walking advertisement

    you can hit a few of them when you have their "my approval is so far down that it's come out the opposite side of the globe, I'm leaving" conversation (punching Solas is one, but apparently we can hit Dorian too. I watched a video and I cried a little because how could you) but I'll have to admit, I'm really glad those are last resort unsalvageable actions

    I do really wish we had some more responses to Cass, Dorian, and Morrigan though, especially since those seem like things a Dalish elf would feel pretty strongly on one way or another-- my first Inquis wouldn't have anyways, since he was a pretty relentlessly hopeful diplomat that would rather let people walk over him in the name of peace than cause friction, but my latest run would have a much sharper tongue, that's for sure
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  10. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    Oooh. That's neat. Those last resorts during their leaving. Though I doubt I'll ever work on getting those myself. Certainly not with the current Inquisitor. Saoirse may hate Solas and his very existence but she's not going to be unpleasant to him unless pressed. He's too useful and it's not really worth it, however much she might want it.

    I also doubt I'll ever romance Solas. I hate him. Quite a bit. He's joined Carth and Kaiden in THE PIT. Am curious about his romance though just for the sake of learning so I'll probably read about it at some point.
  11. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    saoirse wil dream of hitting the egg
  12. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    D: *shelters my sweet space husbands*

    THIS. And it's not just Dalish who I want more responses for, even though they certainly got the most wtf moments, but my Cadash wants to crack all their heads. Especially Morrigan. I wish we had the option to be more aggressive towards her.
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  13. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    THE PIT is perfectly safe. Unless you're Kaiden because Mass Effect 1's suicide mission, I guess.
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  14. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    My f!Trevelyan was going to romance Cullen, really she was, I'd decided she was a straight girl and all, and then (paraphrased) -

    Josie: How do you like Haven?
    Dasya: I hope sometime soon we can move to somewhere that's not just huts and ice and mud.
    Josie: I thought I was the only one!
    Dasya: (eyes slowly become rainbow sparkles)

    (Dasya started out as the anti-Berit - who would side with the Templars? Who would abandon Hawke? (well, Berit would have picked Alistair over Hawke, but I fucked up my import and she left Stroud behind.) Who would maintain they were the actual Herald of Andraste?

    And so we got Dasya Trevelyan, who is at her best a genuinely inspiring if slightly overdramatic firebrand and at her worst a pouty, selfish racist who doesn't trust mages or magic.)
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  15. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    *complicated solasmancer high-five* Nellas is aggressive, rebelious, high-strung, loudmouthed, arrogant... she starts well but breaks under pressure, alienates almost everyone and her development is pretty negative, by the time Trespasser rolls around she's so broken and tired and lonely and done that she just disbands the whole thing and disappears, to the total relief of everyone involved.
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  16. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

    That reminds me that I was going to be a gay man in Origins but then I saw Morrigan and was like. Nope, nope, nope. Got to marry this unpleasant bitch. The unpleasant bitch who ended up uncannily similar to my real life girlfriend. To the point where we both kind of stopped and went "This is getting kind of weird..."

    Also OT3 of Doribullsitor sounds fun...
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  17. Kittenly

    Kittenly Just Squish That Cat!

    D: *Sad distressed noises*


    Teifi's development is similar. She's part of a collab with my matesprite and moirail, so there are two other inquisitors, and she just sort of becomes this broken shell of a person who can sometimes be spotted in the shadows of Skyhold. I'd say she fades into obscurity, but the damage she did while she was still functional is still seen everywhere in a fractured, mistrustful Inquisition that her fellow Quizzies can't repair.
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  18. Aondeug

    Aondeug Cringe Annoying Ass Female Lobster

  19. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    (heart eyes at Morrigan)

    My warden/Inq's horridly intense schoolgirl crush on Morrigan (slightly recovered by Inquisition) is largely based on a similarly enormous and embarrassing crush I had on a vastly unsuitable girl in high school... but a solid amount of it is just straight-up my reaction to Morrigan.
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  20. Mercury

    Mercury Well-Known Member

    Stopping in to give a Very Recommended to Sera's romance. It is the cutest damn thing and it has a TON of content. I feel like I'm constantly tripping over new bits of romance dialogue with her.

    Don't bother if you're going to be a really Elfy Elf, though, unless you want a dramatic sad breakup after WPHW - and I imagine it would feel very weird with an Inq older than early 20s, since Sera is only 20 herself.
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