Boat Trolls planning thread! (full of spoilers, non-players enter at your own risk)

Discussion in 'Boat Trolls RP' started by jacktrash, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    FURTHER SADNESS THOUGHTS pancho would step up to defend lu from cloris in basically any universe, obviously. even if the kid was a total stranger. you don't give kids back to their fucked up monster kidnappers. but now there's this extra element of no that is MY bloodbag in her ferocity, and she gets to be further grossed out at herself. because she WOULD defend lu, as a person, and not a gourmet snack she just doesn't want to share. wouldn't she? yes, of course she would. or is she just telling herself that because she wants to think she's a good person ):

    on a NON SADNESS THOUGHT though, imagine how fussy pancho would be as a vampire though. like 'pancho your spit's an analgesic now' 'yes but it's still really unsanitary' 'PANCHO YOUR SPIT IS ANTIBACTERIAL NOW' 'IT'S STILL UNSANITARY' *dabs skin with alcohol wipe even tho it tastes gross*

    also wow she would be so frustrated with whatever reaction it is that keeps the bite marks from healing properly. like 'we are just going to do this properly with a topical anesthetic and a sterilized scalpel and a little cup and a butterfly stitch afterwards and a bandaid' and lu is like 'this is so unnecessary dude, shove me onto the floor and go at it'

    ETA: on an ethical note, never directly biting anyone would be pretty moral, because then she would know that she's not COMPELLING anyone and their consent remains meaningful
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
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  2. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    being a medic, she has access to plenty of ways to draw blood without biting. and she's a scientist! she probably hasn't gotten to do any science since ascension, a frontline army medic can't be hauling around genetic samplers and whatever else bel gave her as presents when they were wigglers. but she definitely has a grounding in science, and knows how to experimental procedure. so i bet she's figured out exactly how much blood she needs to stay healthy, rational, and non-creepy, and arranges to get exactly that amount via medical blood supply, and blood draws for testing. you know how they draw an ounce or two, but usually only really need a dab here and a dab there for the actual tests? instead of going in the biohazard incinerator, the extra ounce goes down her throat.

    she's not quite as morally upright as you think, though. she's very practical, and values emotional honesty, especially with herself. so she doesn't have unrealistic expectations of her own behavior. she knows she has to choose between a minor theft of medical supplies every week or whatever, and getting a stable of victims addicted, and chooses the former.

    but lu needing help getting over cloris's marks and her addiction could really twist pancho up inside. like, on the one hand, this is for the kid's health, and no one else is equipped to treat her. but on the other hand, it is very skeevy and personal and also she has SUCH a red crush, and even if trolls don't have the taboo against kiddy-fiddling, pancho does NOT like power imbalances in her quadrants.
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  3. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    oh noooooooooo OnO

    dang, all of a sudden we got characters with all kindsa big scary secrets going on, this is awesome XD
  4. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    hmmm ok i am kind of stuck on the newest post. should erskin gut it out with jethro or curl up and sleep or go and try to hide? are there any other plot ideas we can move along to?
  5. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    he should totes gut it out with jethro, trying to sleep or hide will probably just make the sensations worse. but we don't have to watch them all the way through it. we could move on to another thread, possibly involving bel finding out twitch is hiding a stowaway. :D
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  6. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    i like that idea, if aud has the time for it!

    edit: we were meaning to play through one of whitey's personnel people coming by to give her her 'lost' ID and to assign her to a proper department, due to no one really having much clue of what anyone else is really doing. everyone just kind of assumes someone else hired lu. maybe that could go after she bonks into Commander Kadros, so that after giving her a sandwich he can take her over to the head of personnel himself? so of course she figures someone must have hired the kid. and lu is like 'yep, that's what happened, i was definitely hired!!!'.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  7. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    whitey's head of personnel, or the sunslammer's? if she says whitey hired her, and he takes her to whitey, i'm thinking whitey would vouch for her and then try to use that as held-in-reserve blackmail material to make her keep quiet about illegal stuff he's doing. which sounds really dark and i don't think i feel up to playing that. :/

    but i don't think bel could be convinced that this fucked-up baby troll is actual military personnel. he'd have to find some kind of loophole to let her stay on, the way they did with twitch.

    what if he hands her over to murfey to work at the bar? like "here, train her as a dishwasher or sth, she's too young to be crew and we're not giving her to whitey."
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  8. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    oh, i figured whitey would have like a personal assistant or a manager, so he doesn't have to deal with all the common laborers and waitstaff himself, that doesn't seem his style at all. so that manager would be like 'right, you're the kid who lost their id, i heard about you'. and like maybe she'd assume things were legit because there's the commander, and bel would reluctantly conclude things were legit because well there's the manger, replacing lu's ID. and lu gets signed on as a cute waiter girl.
  9. rainbowbarnacle

    rainbowbarnacle Cat Aggrandizer

    eehh I don't see why she couldn't be both. X) a dishwasher or whatnot for a little while, and then people start noticing her and she moves up to waitstaff
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  10. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    now that im thinking about it more, lu working for murfey WOULD be pretty cute
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  11. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    whitey's second in command is jay, who is better at breaking kneecaps than sweet talking military bureaucracy. also she assumes all highbloods are made of truck, and would probably knock lu ass over teakettle as a friendly greeting. which several people, bel included, might take issue with. :D

    but yeah, bel knows whitey's a cold fish who uses people. i think even if lu was properly registered as part of whitey's crew, bel would take one look at her and be like "nope! whitey does not get to keep this one." because she is obviously in shitty shape, whoever's responsible for that.
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  12. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    so erskin is kind of closed-off and standoffish because jethro is still basically a stranger to him, or at least a very very new friend. he still needs to be the captain, the guy responsible, to jethro. and i don't think this version of him is likely to hop straight on to anyone's lap, especially with how he's even very locked-down with lainey and arguus... i guess he was pretty reticent with jethro in the regular universe, too. he just doesn't like talking about his feelings, haha, maybe he's like the pale equivalent of the YA 'dude is so dangerous and cold that it makes it extra special when he likes you' bad boy.

    SOME DAY erskin will ACTUALLY HAVE AN HONEST FEELINGS JAM and that day will be fucking incredible.
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  13. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    ok i am crashing on words because i had like 4hrs sleep. finishing up drawing work, will take nap, back later tonight probably.
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  14. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i, too, hear my bed calling me in dulcet tones of promise. i hope you are sleeping well!
  15. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    suggestion: lu and bel can bond over what an incredible douche sal is
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  16. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    yes good
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  17. roach

    roach hump rumpus professional

    What do you think 'lost in the noise from the bioware' will be like?
  18. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    kind of like you described when people were pulling out the excess. those barrages of synesthesia.

    the idea is that while the sensations from the VR rig might not be as strong, they're more coherent, so he should be able to refocus on them and not get lost. like, if his perceptions are torn between "neon green diesel fumes with itchy piano notes" and "i am lying on the beach in a warm tropical breeze sipping mojitos", the latter's not as intense, but it's where you'd rather be, and it remains itself while the other inputs flicker around not making sense. so you keep coming back to the beach.
  19. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i think what sigs did with the helmsmen is have their brain computers run 'diagnostics' at the same time they were undergoing sensory deprivation. the ones with a strong sense of self were able to hang onto that text stream, boring as it was, and keep hold of the fact that there was a self to be viewing it.
  20. jacktrash

    jacktrash spherical sockbox

    i'm not sure how jethro should proceed. i think it is probs because my daytime meds wore off and my nighttime meds kicked in. so i'm unhooking my brain for the evening.
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