Clothes, makeup, hair, and other such things

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Acey, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. epithimia

    epithimia Member

    I love thrifting because here in Florida there's a ton of them all over the place but my girlfriend is better at finding stuff because she rakes over every rack and always finds great stuff. Meanwhile I get a little anxious going through stuff because I get mad at my size/weight and not being able to fit into the inevitable tiny cute thing I find.
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  2. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    I know that feeling^ :(
  3. epithimia

    epithimia Member

    I'm trying to not be so hard on myself since I'm the only one who seems to have issues with anything about my weight or appearance, my small group is very kind to me because they're super chill southern-raised chickens and I'm a squawking neurotic pigeon from the north.
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  4. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    Crowdsourcing dress opinions! Give me your opinions.

    I've been searching for a dress for concerts for, like, two years. More. My criteria are:
    • Fully black
    • Floor length (not ankle length)
    • Covers shoulders for modesty in concerts in churches
    • Not slit skirt (for modesty, also so I don't have to wear tights or shave ever)
    • Comfortable to sing in
    • Fits over my bust
    • A bit glamorous so I can use it for solo or higher-profile choir gigs
    • In my price range
    You would think it wouldn't be too hard to find a dress fitting those criteria, and yet...

    Anyway I ordered a dress online that looked like it might fit most of those, and it just arrived. It's cheap for evening wear, but it's not cheap for a student. So I don't want to keep it unless I'm sure.

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  5. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    that looks faaaancy and I think it fits those criteria! I like it. I think it's good for a dress for concerts.
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  6. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    @EulersBidentity that dress looks lovely on you *__* if it's comfortable I'd say it's a winner. The lace is nice too, because it's conservative and still covers your shoulders without seeming matronly
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  7. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    dang that dress is cute!
    i'd definitly keep it if it's good to sing in because wow you look stunning!
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  8. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    Hooray! Thanks, folks. It got thumbs up from my sister & my best mate, too, so I think it's a keeper.

    Edit: it is really surprisingly comfy to sing in. The tulle skirt leaves plenty of room to breathe.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2016
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  9. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    I recently got some lipsticks from ColourPop! Here are some photos showcasing them and also my inability to put on lipstick or take photographs. :P Spoiler for large photographs.

    Edit: Whoops fuck hit post before putting in the pictures, gimme a sec

    "Leather," a "black violet" that is more violet than black


    How does one pull off black lipstick? ("Bull Chic")



    Last edited: Feb 5, 2016
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  10. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    @blue YOU LOOK SO GOOD OMG *_____*
  11. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    how to pull off any lipstick color: put it on, put on your best bitch face, dare anyone to say anything.
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  12. Derpyteacakes

    Derpyteacakes Thread Hermit

    I need help on a lot of things but I'm not sure what the manners are for this forum yet; like how long posts should be, etc. (Everyone seems so nice here. I'd hate to be annoying)
    So, uh, here's one question to start:

    Is there an easy way/formula to make a mori outfit with pants, shorts, or capris? I like the style but don't always want to wear skirt, you know?

    Sorry for the trouble but thank you for any advice...
  13. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    you cna make your posts as long or as short as you'd like I think :)
    And when I wear mori-ish styles with pants (which I do a lot! actually) I'm usually wearing harem pants or similar loose fitting styles and then layer a short dress over them and then stack up from there as I usually would.
    I think a more boy-ish mori style could be achievable with suspenders and several different socks/leg warmers maybe (like stacking tights and socks and legs warmers and maybe even wearing them mismatched)
    i don't really wear shorts much except to preserve modesty when i'm wearing shorter dresses so idk what to do with those really? maybe a cute lace blouse and a long vest and then wearing lace tights over opaque tights with legwarmers and wearing a pair of legwarmers on your arms? and then a huge cowl scarf aroudn your shoulders?
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  14. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I'm just realizing this might make more sense if I got my polyvore fired up give me a sec
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  15. EulersBidentity

    EulersBidentity e^i*[bi] + 1

    Yay polyvore! I don't have the attention span for it but I love looking at other people's.
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  16. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    aaah someone else uses polyvore??? :D
  17. witchknights

    witchknights Bold Enchanter Defends The Fearful

    If you are willing to do some digging there are a lot of mori style taobao shops with pants - you don't need to buy anything, but they always have photos of their pieces styled, so you can get inspiration from them.
  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

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  19. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    I use polyvore mostly as an inspiration board for dicking aorund I actually don't use most fo the features? I'm just a sucker for making clothes collages lol
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  20. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    I followed you on there!! Your sets look super cool! I have flowers for my icon. :D
    • Like x 1
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