Ur OC is Problematic

Discussion in 'Make It So' started by MagicalBoy, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. .
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2016
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  2. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    @Burt Destroys the World
    tries to destroy the world
    doesn't actually have a reason for trying to destroy the world
    has a name one letter off from 'burr,' which is actually not supposed to reflect on burr at all
    has only ever visited the shitposting rave 2
    is literally just a joke character
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  3. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    YFIP: Berit Surana/Lavellan
    • "Circle privilege" (didn't grow up with elf racism)
    • Disappeared for almost ten years and expected her ex to be exactly the same when she came back
    • Appropriative non-vallaslin face tattoos
    • Flirts with straight girls until they have to take her aside to tell her they're straight
    • Insincere
    • Also, like, kills a lot of people
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
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  4. bees?

    bees? avatar of the demiplane of bees

    appropriates troll culture and typing quirks, but doesn't even use them consistently
    insulted at least one troll who likes bees
    insists on interacting with characters who are afraid of bees
    op as fuck (i mean, an entire demiplane of bees???)
    posts outside the roleplaying forum
    questioning whether they even identify as bees, an insult to trans* people
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  5. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    Hera Costas:
    -snorts cocaine and drinks in excess
    -cheats on her girlfriend
    -is kind of an asshole
    -if you beat her up she moans and it's awkward
    -is probably a filthy sinner
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  6. Morven

    Morven In darkness be the sound and light

    Anhelia Aescar:
    • Was born into privilege as the child of a princess and a nobleman
    • Killed her mother by being born and thus is misogynistic
    • Hero-worshipped her father despite his being a soldier and thus a murderer
    • Considered herself "not like the other girls", proving her misogyny
    • Went to officer academy to be a military MURDERER like her father
    • Volunteered to graduate early to go to war quicker
    • Used her privilege to escape the deaths of two of her crews by being the commander with the easiest route out if things caught fire
    • Made it all about herself by making sure to get badly burned "trying" to save them
    • Frequented prostitutes in the war zones, who were mostly doing it for survival and thus RAPED
    • Executed prisoners personally
    • Shot civilians when ordered to
    • Died and got to be revived as an undead Eternal because of her privilege
    • Changed her skin color (by being modified in the process of becoming undead) from brown to bluish-white and thus DENYING HER POC STATUS
    • Appropriated cold-bloodedness from lizards
    • Sucks the life out of sentient beings in her vicinity
    • Escaped her "first against the wall when the revolution came" deserved fate thus denying the PEOPLE their JUST REVENGE ON THEIR OPPRESSORS
    • Fled on a Navy warship while civilians were left on the docks, the privileged swine
    • Sank with the ship but didn't die like the COMMON SAILORS again because of UNDEAD PRIVILEGE
    • Lived for ten years down there without having to work. LAZY ARISTOCRATIC SCUM.
    • When rescued killed the entire crew who were planning to sell her for profit
    • Conspired with a PIRATE and a WHORE to steal the PEOPLE'S GOLD from the wreck
    • Joined the police in exile thus becoming a HATED PIG
    • Shacked up with said WHORE and didn't force her to change thus was COMPLICIT IN HER SELF-RAPE
    • Refuses to eat her vegetables.
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  7. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    ...Man, this is proving harder than it should be.

    ...Maybe because my first attempt was with Mira and I kept gravitating toward actually valid concerns, like the backstabbing, usurperhood, and historical revisionism. I'll pick a cinnamon roll to compensate.

    Alarachka Szunorada
    * has dragon privilege
    * has religious-figure privilege
    * has immortal privilege
    * ivory-tower academic who, as an ultimate expression of privilege, has her basic needs taken care of by others
    * communicates via magic writing, which is unfair to the blind, illiterate, or those with magic phobias
    * does not always go to the extra effort to make herself not hurt people's eyes
    * uses the elitist title "Archmage"
    * associates with the INCREDIBLY problematic Archmage Szusalachka
    * tells the above to chill the hell out sometimes, which = racist misogynist tone-policing to silence oppressed groups using privilege
    * involved in some of my very embarrassing OC RP behavior in high school
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
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  8. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Dom Irossi:
    • Terrible name
    • Resurrective Immortality privilege
    • Telepathy privilege
    • Child-passing
    • Is trans but doesn't disclose it to anyone, meaning he's not Properly Oppressed
    • Knowing Things Man Was Not Meant To Know privilege
    • Doesn't particularly care about stuff like the end of the world or something
    • Tried to create a chaos cult once
    • Might have wanted to fuck a tree at some point
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  9. Ipuntya

    Ipuntya return of eggplant

    orlandeau ansel
    • cishet
    • smug
    • self-proclaimed irredeemable asshole
    • problematic for the sake of being problematic
    • enjoys receiving hate
    • likes to offend people who are "easily offended" (this tends to mean anyone with strong political opinions)
    • enjoys violently beating the shit out of people
    • likes to put "the weak" in their place whenever they "become full of themselves and think they're all tough and shit"
    • this functions as a weak justification for punishing bullies
    • it's actually all a ruse
    • he squeals over cute animals and has strong opinions against the captivity of whales at places like seaworld
    • in reality the most supportive and accepting person of his fellow ocs
    • one of the first people to notice the protagonist is being abused, and one of the first to do anything anout it
    • complete nervous dork while alone with juice(who i mentioned in tumblr.txt)
    • is actually really embarrassed about having this soft side
    • was viciously bullied throughout entire school life up until college, is less bitter about being bullied, and more concerned about making sure no one has to go what he went through
    • the asshole image is to make people afraid of him, both so potential bullies will be wary of him, and because he is afraid of intimacy
    • this is the only way he knows he can be taken seriously
    • warped worldview eventually fades due to his friends, becomes the overprotective dad of his friend group
    • still jokingly refers to himself as an irredeemable asshole
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  10. Exohedron

    Exohedron Doesn't like words


    -Only propositions people she perceives as female
    -Refers to both of her immediate supervisors as "mother" despite one being male and both being unrelated to her because she doesn't understand how parents work.
    -Doesn't support the right to voluntary abortion because she doesn't understand how parents work.
    -Similarly, anything involving maternity rights.
    -Of course she knows where babies come from: grown in tubes in the Temples, duh. Why do you ask?
    -Racist against mages, modified humans, and people with five toes on each foot. Also doesn't really bother to distinguish between those groups.
    -Xenophobic against OutWorlders, because they harbor the above types of people, among other issues.
    -Believes that eating is a disorder, specifically a failure of the medical augmentation system that all citizens are equipped with. The Outer Worlds, which still require their citizens to eat, obviously don't treat their citizens properly, which is another reason that they're terrible.
    -Insincerely encourages idolatry and animist cults for the purpose of getting publicity for her Temple. It's not her fault if they don't know that it's just a regular tree.
    -Supported the assassination of the Royal Family and the destruction of the Carraelian Empire just because she was going to be forced to leave her home and everything she'd ever known for the good of the Empire.
    -Doesn't believe in the right to privacy.
    -Won't stop singing that one awful song about "freedom from tyranny" despite being a government employee.
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  11. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Mandy Macbeth
    • is cis
    • loves shakespeare
    • gets way too salty about people who interrogate shakespeare's texts from the wrong perspective
    • generally kind of an ass
    • likes sharks, who are probably problematic somehow
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  12. NumiTuziNeru

    NumiTuziNeru @#$%?

    Amenytha Synnendor
    • tries to stab a dude
    • bunks off school
    • has no manners
    • nice girls shouldn't be messing around with all this magic nonsense don't you know
    • is like, ten
    • likes marmite
    edit: omfg how could I forget
    • has emotional issues and acts out accordingly
    • instead of being nice and cheery or whatever
    • female protagonist how very dare
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
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  13. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    Ariana Trevelyan:
    • Doesn't think the Circle was that bad
    • Was trusted enough by the Templars to be tasked with researching different ways to weaponise magic, fails to tell anyone this
    • Has autistic privilege
    • Is cis
    • Is in love with The Iron Bull, who is an evil abuser apparently
    • Puberty did very little to her body because of developmental weirdness. Everyone who likes her is then obviously a pedophile, despite her being in her mid-twenties
    • Is bisexual and therefore hates trans people
    • Kills people and feels bad about it, but still kills them
    • Constantly melts down
    • Is not mentally stable enough for this leadership bullshit what are you doing
    • Learns how to fight with a knife despite not being a rogue, does not check mage privilege
    • Fucks up a lot
    • Is cute tho
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  14. a tiny mushroom

    a tiny mushroom the tiniest

    Rowan Flynn:
    • Is bisexual, which is Terrible
    • Used to be a sex worker, which he didn't really enjoy, which makes him Awful
    • Ended up inheriting a cafe from its previous owner who retired, lives in an actual coffee shop AU
    • Makes a point of hiring poor queer kids, which is reverse discrimination
    • Dates the brother of a homophobic politician, questions his life choices
    • Can't get over his last relationship despite dating the aforementioned dude
    • Purposely riles up people because he likes to fight them
    • Take in a lesbian Muslim girl after her family kicks her out
    • Ends up with a house full of sad queer kids, is not sure how he got here
    • Likes straight allies
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  15. winterykite

    winterykite Non-newtonian genderfluid

    • is a cisgirl, not matching her linked creature's gender of "nonapplicable"
    • loves her transboy childhood best friend (in a moirail way) but doesnt date him
    • would film her transboy childhood best friend doing stupid shit he's liable to get hurt from instead of protecting him from all harm
    • expects him to do the same for her
    • her name is appropriative (does that work in that direction? she's pokemon-japanese with a hungarian name)
    • was mostly raised by her father and is obviously tainted from it
    • didn't stop her childhood best friend from shedding femaleness to become a man
    • female protagonist, i mean, can you get more sueish??
    • backpacks across the country with long hair i mean can you get more dumb
    • released the anithesis of existence into the world
    • is a pokemon trainer aka participates in animal cruelty cruelty against pokemon
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  16. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    • cis male gay passing bisexual (shuuuuuuun him)
    • is an asshole
    • is also cute
    • looks at least 5 years younger than he is, appropriating mid-teen-culture as a filthy adult (tm)
    • his fashion sense is absolutely attrocious
    • won't flirt with the protagonist because he's in a committed monogamous relationship, shaming poly culture
    • is blatant size difference kink bait.
    • appropriates cat culture (wears a cat eared hoodie, is a moody lil shit)
    • is a dirty fucking furry (see above)
    • cis male gay guy (ZOMG BURN HIM)
    • has evolved to fully realized dilf status at 25
    • is in a relationship with a teen-passing guy, thus a pedophile (tm)
    • obviously just the token disabled character
    • dares to look good as an amputee, forcing players to fetishise him
    • the other half of the blatant size difference kink bait duo.
    • not actually a daddy dom.
    • appropriates punk culture with hsi hairstyle
    • ambiguously not-caucasian
    • has a job despite being disabled, misrepresenting disability.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2016
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  17. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    ...Man, I can't believe I forgot "token disabled character" with Alarachka.
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  18. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    Loreli Rheins:
    • is a privileged seadweller
    • rich af
    • a troll, thus complicit in genocide
    • has 2 (!) moirails
    • dates a human guy pitch and a different alien girl flushed, thus flaunting her panromantic, pansexual privilege
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  19. LadyNighteyes

    LadyNighteyes Wicked Witch of the Radiant Historia Fandom

    Queen Mira Alira na Vorn, minus all of the actually valid points:
    • bad trans
    • has androgynous intersex privilege
    • has warrior-caste privilege
    • name isn't pronounced how it looks like it should be pronounced, which is Rude
    • queercoded antagonist antihero
    • didn't murder ALL the oppressors after the revolution
    • straight and dating a cis guy (le gasp!)
    • boyfriend is a different ethnic group than her, which makes her a Fetishizer
    • doesn't know what democracy is
    • associates with oppressive dragons and Szusalachka
    • didn't inform the author she was trans for ten years, which is Erasure
    • hair is too good and makes everyone jealous
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  20. Lerxst

    Lerxst salty parabola

    Emperor Stumpernicus Alexander Beefgnaw, First of His Name
    • imperial privilege
    • obvs eats meat
    • victim-blames the Breathairian Tribe for dying out
    • makes all the amusement parks and gift shops stock things with his long-ass name on them
    • cuts off villagers' noses
    • allies with other obvious bloodmouths
    [shortly after this post started circulating on Shroomblr the OP was found, called into the chief's hut, gently but firmly lectured about the difference between actual social justice and witch-hunt shitposting, gently but firmly reminded that Emperor Beefgnaw didn't have to give the Vegan Tribe complete control of a huge-ass mushroom biome running right through the middle of his capital city, and gently but firmly reminded that the Breathairian Tribe died out because they got the stupid-ass idea in their heads that they didn't need to fucking eat. The chief did concede that the nose thing was kind of a dick move, but still cut off OP's MycoNet access for two weeks to give them time to think about what they'd done.]
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