
Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by seebs, May 9, 2015.

  1. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I have some dollies you could borrow. You can pick up whole chests with them and move them, they do give slowness though. If you put them into a bag of holding it won't affect you. you could also use an ender pouch to move them. Looks nice!
  2. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    Is there more to it than going through the mods folder, downloading the most recent versions of things, and fiddling with configs? 'cause I'd be happy to help with updating.
  3. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    It's pretty much that, but there's a lot of it, and there's a lot of "whoops, that blows up now" to deal with. Some stuff won't get more updates (like thaumcraft), other stuff might get updated, some stuff may have updates that only work with updates that are incompatible with other things... It's a real pain sometimes.
  4. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    Yay for avoiding actual responsibilities!

    I've downloaded the most recent version I could find of like 98% of all the mods, but stopping the thing from trying to redownload the old versions of the mods (presumably modifying the manifest.json) and trying to get it to use the latest Forge modloader is beyond me tonight! I thought my mine-fu was stronger than this.
  5. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    The biggest issue with updating mods on an existing world is block id changes, suddenly your base could be made out of mushrooms, things in chests turn into other things, in the worst case, blocks that aren't supposed to exist can appear and corrupt the world, crashing it every time it starts. Running the mods on a new world won't have any of those issues of course, because all the blocks there are already using the new ids. I ran into this on an old server i hosted, changed the walls into torchberries, except it was mushroom blocks, and then the server, and my mincraft both crashed after lagging off the charts. whenever the modpack is updated we'll need to be prepared for some things to work weird, especially if any mods are removed.

    Ps: The reason for the extreme example i gave was because i forgot to add chisel back in, and that messed everything up because chisel adds so many blocks.
  6. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    I have created a mostly updated Kintsugi pack that runs and can load a world with no immediately visible problems!

    Updating every single mod may have been a touch excessive. Current estimate is that approximately 90 mods have been updated, sticking to stable releases and such.

    The next step would be to test it on a copy of the Kintsugi server world, but I'm not sure how to get my mitts on one.

    Update/Edit: Trying to add my favorite mod, Ars Magica 2, causes Opis's Mapwriter to throw a hissy fit and crash every test world on loading. I am supremely disappointed. Also Immersive Engineering has so much cool new stuff!!
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2016
  7. Hobo


    @Vast Derp Yo dude, I had to rebuild the portals so that they were 4 blocks high so I could get my horses through, but now I need to redo everything. How do I get on the network? The dialing device where I rebuilt the portal has gone dead.
  8. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    no worries! you just need fresh network card thingies. i'll stick em in rrr.
  9. Derpyteacakes

    Derpyteacakes Thread Hermit

    I'm having issues with the modpack. is it because im on mac? i tried reinstalling java and everything. Heres a pick of the alert i get.

    Attached Files:

  10. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    We uninstalled and reinstalled java, it seems to be the correct version but we keep running into that error while trying to load the modpack, it starts before it even has a chance to start loading mods. We're trying to get it to run before we actually asked for her to be whitelisted. Could this be caused by a lack of ram? she has 4 gigs to use.
  11. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    i can't breed primeval bees OH GOD WHAT DO
  12. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    That error looks like something thinks it doesn't have Java. The launcher preferences should have a thing for selecting which Java to run, I think, and it has to be pointed at the right one. Uhm. I don't have a path handy, but it's a long path with something like "Internet Plug-ins" in it, usually, on Mac?

    Also note that I think it wants to be Java 7, not Java 8, but Oracle makes Java 7 sort of hard to get.
    • Like x 1
  13. seebs

    seebs Benevolent Dictator

    Oooh, I am interested in your updated mods! Can you make the mod files you updated available to me easily?
    • Like x 1
  14. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    can you check the recipe for primeval bees, seebs? it says ancient + noble bee and no special condiions are lised but i cannot make this resul in a primeval queen

    also please the key on jesse's laptop is dying and i's driving me (and everyone who has o parse my tex probably) bugshi
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2016
  15. NevermorePoe

    NevermorePoe Nevermore

    I have an old wireless keyboard sitting in my room not being used, would you like it? It still works just fine, I got a gaming keyboard and my parents got me a gaming mouse for christmas, so i no longer need a wireless keyboard/mouse combo.
    Edit: Takes a double a for the keyboard and two triple a batteries for the mouse. They both use the same usb dongle, so you'd get both of them if you want them.
  16. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    Here's a dropbox link containing the mod folder of the instance in a zip! I think I managed to update like 97 mods? I didn't keep a detailed list of what I updated, unfortunately, but here's what I remember of the highlights:

    • Forestry has had a major version update, but I couldn't include that because Binnie's Mods haven't been updated to Forestry 4, so I went up to the latest version of Forestry 3 and the latest version of the various Forestry addons before they updated to Forestry 4. So we're gonna have to learn to live with the "A new version of Magic Bees is available!" message unless we throw out Binnie's Mods. Thankfully the most recent Magic Bees for Forestry 3 has the Thaumcraft bees, so all is well.
    • Tried to avoid including beta updates, mostly out of superstition. Xeno's Reliquary remains unchanged, for example.
    • The latest version of Iron Chests I could find is actually older than the version we're running.
    • Applied Energistics 2 has a new major-ish version out - AE2 RV3 - but I kept it at RV2 because RV3 is technically still in development, I think(?), and I'm not gonna be the person who suggested updating and suddenly everybody's AE systems are wiped or something.
    • From what I can tell everybody and their mom has moved on to develop for Thaumcraft 5, so no update for Thaumcraft 4 and only incremental updates for its addons.
    • Updated Growthcraft, added missing modules.
    • Despite hopes, prayers, and even a recent community update, Ars Magica 2 does not want to play nice with Opis (the server profiling mod which I figure is probably pretty important), so I couldn't sneak that in there. It is my favorite mod and I am supremely disappointed. :C
    • Immersive Engineering has so much new stuff

    This needs the very latest version of Forge! Not sure how you'd go about updating that for the official pack. I used a launcher called MultiMC to construct a whole new modpack with the updated Kintsugi mods and it installed Forge for me.

    I hope this helps!
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2016
  17. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    So a couple of days after I got through that mod update bonanza somebody released a patcher for Binnie's Mods that make them work with Forestry 4. May post updated mod folder if I get around to doing that.

    In other news, I have a major assignment due Sunday worth 15% of my grade, so I decided to build stuff.

    So I built an addition for Forestry! Tree breeding, specifically. Screenshots to come.

    Turns out trying to keep things looking good and natural just mostly results in cluttered and messy.
  18. Vast Derp

    Vast Derp Professional Griefer

    i have nukular bees.
    • Like x 4
  19. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    because I like to share, here's some screenshots of my current forestry setup
    • Like x 2
  20. Socratease

    Socratease Well-Known Member

    So I forgot we have veinminer


    And then was promptly reminded why I really, really hate veinminer.
    • Like x 3
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