homestuck meta

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Lissiel, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    But what about horrifically enabling condesce<> GHB? :Db amirite?
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  2. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    Oh are we talking meta-riffic crack pairs now?

    Because let me tell you about pre-cycle of revenge Terezi/Aradia adorable puppy hate. :3

    Also, Jade and Karkat and Dave and Terezi all need to smooch all of eachother.
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  3. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    Did someone say ashen because I ship Jade as everyone's auspistice. She's the best kindergarten teacher/dogsled musher/babysitter.

    The one ship that I really like is Sollux<3<Vriska. I don't understand why more people don't ship it? He finds out Vriska made him kill Aradia, hunts her down, and they basically try to fuck each other to death. Like, it's unhealthy even for spades type romance. They're trying to o8livi8 each other. Even Aradia is like "guys calm down" and they don't even care they're just locked in MAD (mutually assured destruction) and if people get in the way they're going down with them.

    Also pale Sol<>Tez that is a thing because I said so.

    Although now I kind of want feedback on my heirs-inherit-lordships meta because like. It's pure theory. Whatever. I still think it's valid. It explains a lot.
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  4. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake


    Let me tell you about DamSol, guys. Damara/Sollux in a bizarre quadrant clusterfuck kinda thing where they bring out the worst in each other and fight a lot.

    I'm writing a Humanstuck about it that takes the whole "aradia dies and sollux gets all emo but then HEALING ROMANCE AND/OR SEX" plot and shows how unhealthy it'd be in practice by having him date her sister after she dies okay. And like it's partly because AA always worried about Damz and he wants to be able to at least make sure she doesn't TOTALLY fuck her life up but also because she looks just like her sister and the whole thing is unfair to all involved. No one is happy, everything is snark and nothing doesn't hurt.

    *hops into the dumpster*
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  5. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    that sounds real great @Acey
    I ship Roxy<3/<3<Sollux as Sexy Hackers because guys. GUYS.
    One of them plants an obnoxious virus on the other's computer, revenge fucking ensues. Hack battles. Coding challenges. Obnoxiously bad punny pickuplines. More sex. at some point they rule the world
    Also I ship Eridan with whoever makes him most unhappy.

    Aspect-Ships are super interesting dynamic wise. Like Obviously the black dynamics between Vrsika and Rose, but for example Roxy and Equius? or Dirk and Nepeta? Jane and Feferi making bad cake jokes and caring too hard for everyone oh no.
    Jake and Eridan annoying eachother endlessly.
    John and Tavros had a bit of a rivalry vibe but that was mostly facilitated by vriska. Divorced from her influence I think they could genuinely end up good buddies being dorky together. Jade and Kanaya bonding over plants and botany oh no how cute. Dave and Aradia making goofy/morbid jokes at eachother.
    Such possibilities and I haven't even looked at the beforan trolls yet.
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  6. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    Hopeshipping is pretty much the best. Especially since Jake is pretty much the embodiment of hope, and Eridan's class means he pretty much wants to destroy it. I think they'd balance each other out really well. Either that or kill each other. 'Cause they both like guns. But just imagine Jake living on Hellmurder Island, and Eridan towing in a shipwreck closer to the shore so he can stay in it.

    Of course, I'm the one who ships jakeloz because skullpaintfucking.
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  7. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    Roxy/sollux is the best. I think I ship sollux like <>/<3 Aradia, <>/<3 feferi,
    <3<|/<3 roxy, and <>/c3<| terezi and jane.

    Man, now i want fic of sollux and kanaya bonding over being weirdos who only like girls.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
  8. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    *heavy breathing, chinhands*
    I'm listening

    class shipping? We know thieves can work well (Meenah and Vriska are an item in one reality after all)
    I'm just. Dirk and Eridan. the snarling and angry sex and biting and how they would utterly and completely destroy each other by targetting eachother's most buried shames hhhhhhhhhh
    Seer threesome because honestly I love Kankri involved in smut being a useless pillowbiting quivering mess.
    *whispers* maids having super great threesome sexytimes with lots of mutual caring
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  9. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    And see, I have never gotten pale SolAra. I can't see them making good moirails at all--I think they'd enable each other too much in terms of being little shits and never really do much in terms of stopping each other from making Poor Life Choices. (I'm firmly of the belief that A. Aradia didn't have a moirail pre-death and B. a good moirail would've more successfully talked her out of fucking with Vriska than Terezi could.)

    But flushed SolAra? Be still my beating heart, I love it. OTP, okay. The world needs more good fic of it. ;-;
  10. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    @IvyLB it's not much to explain, Jake likes skulls and Kurloz has one on his face. Skullfucking joke here. Plus having Jake's dick rip through Kurloz's stitches okay okay I'll stop I know I'm gross wow you don't have to chase me with pitchforks.

    The whores, the whores, my kingdom for the whores.

    I also ship tezkri but I call it #s9cial JUST1C3. I imagine she'd actually listen to him because it's justice and then he'd listen to her rapturously because 1) available Latula-like and b) justice.

    @Acey how do you feel about Team Charge + battery (tavarasol). because lowbloods being happy is very important to me.
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  11. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    I subscribe to the headcanon that sollux always feels two ways about everyone and can't keep a non-vacillating quadrant to save his life, so. But yeah, probably much better moirails with fef and terezi.​
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  12. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    @pixels I can see it! Pale Chargecest is A++, at least.

    Also, pale Solrezi Y/Y
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  13. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

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  14. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Tang's Trollcops are the best Trollcops. The one where Sollux asks Mituna for pale advice is my headcanon Captors forever.

    Imagine Terezi having to prevent Sollux from utterly wrecking Vriska for the Aradia thing (more than they already did) though, holy shit.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
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  15. IvyLB

    IvyLB Hardcore Vigilante Gay Chicken Facilitator

    @pixels that image is never going to leave me holy shit what a GOOD mental image to have

    god I LOVE TezSol as pale its so good in every way I can think of it, I think they might be respectively one of the few people they can be clever little shits at without having to fear/expect any repurcussions or outfall and its very very important to me.
    Also terezi teaching blind!sollux smellovision kills me everytime
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  16. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    ... I have a law-ish AU where Sollux is "suing" for Aradia's wrongful death. He's "suing" Vriska and Terezi is Vriska's "attorney." Like it's not obviously going to exactly be structured like a lawsuit but I want to use the structure, like, pretrial motions, evidentiary rulings, jury selection, opening arguments, etc. to structure the work. And Terezi over the course of it would end up defecting from vris<>tez to sol<>tez.

    I need to write this. Like really hard because it's really important to me.

    That and my black four-way law school AU with Rose/Terezi/Jane/Aranea. Yes. Four-way spades. YES.
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  17. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    I love how homestuck, while totally avoiding being a fetishy pos, passes the bechdel test so hard there are MULTIPLE possible lesbian ships, an also the ladies get to do awesome plot things. Like. It just makes me really happy.
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  18. pixels

    pixels hiatus / only back to vent

    @Lissiel i think u mean canon lesbians (gillfronds, meenvris, rosekan). and god bless the united states of roxy

    Although I do get really sad about Roxy a lot. I feel like since she's a Rogue of Void she has this innate Thing with her, where she just kind of slips into the cracks with her friends. Like, when people think about the four of them, it's "Dirk, Jake, Jane, and the other one." And when the four of them are together, the three of them don't think about her unless she makes herself known and keeps from slipping into the cracks of their consciousness. She loves everyone so much but she gladly steps aside if they want to be happy with each other instead of her (see her one-sided crushes on all three of the other kids). And no one notices how much she hurts, and no one consoles her, and no one even gives her a second thought unless their minds are very deliberately trained on her.

    It's a useful skill if you need to hide. But if you grow up like that, when you're putting so much of yourself into the universe and you're met with a void in response, you perform a Nietsche and become the void itself. And turn to things like alcohol and drugs to fill the hole in your life where the love of others would go, if they'd only turn their minds to you in the first place. And yet she keeps giving. And giving. And giving. It's like she can pull all this affection and love and friendship out of absolutely nothing, but when it comes back to her it's sucked back into that same void.

    *sobs into my tequila* roxy my tiny pixie guns nerd child
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  19. Lissiel

    Lissiel Dreaming dead

    That is a good post i like everything in it gj.
  20. Acey

    Acey hand extended, waiting for a shake

    Someone did a full analysis of the comic, and at the time (which was around the start of the Gigapause, IIRC) Homestuck had about a 25% Bechdel pass rate across all conversations.

    Not just all conversations with between female characters, but across the entire goddamn comic. If you open up a random pesterlog, there's about a 1 in 4 chance it'll pass the Bechdel test. Less so in the earlier acts due to the comparatively low character count, but yeah. I might have to find the analysis, it was pretty interesting.

    Plus it treats its girl characters as characters. They're just as rich and layered as the guys, just as likely to be heroic or villainous or anywhere in between. (And frankly I think the girl characters as a whole average out to be more interesting than the guys, but that's a matter of personal opinion, and I admittedly tend to gravitate towards female characters anyway, so YMMV.)

    (Also, Roxy is a precious and wonderful child and deserves all the happiness. All of it.)
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