I know you are, but what am I?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    I'll do my best to do people as well. I would like this as well, if possible?

    I already posted a handful on the tumblr.txt thread, but from the last two pages. And the random guesses about lives is just things that make sense based on icons, but I could be entirely wrong on them and sorry if this is weird or rude:

    @tinyhydra Gender-neutral, leaning femme? Also, probably would have been a part of the X-Files and Twin Peaks fandoms if you were old enough to be watching when they came out. At the same time, okay with the remakes that are out/coming out soon, but I just see more of a more 90's occult/cryptology slant to you than a more recent one.

    @oph I vaguely remember you mentioning about being a lady in the past, but I could be misremembering. Post college? Or at least in mid-twenties. Avid reader, not sure why I'm guessing that.

    @WithAnH Femme scale as well, also digs aurora borealis as well as space backgrounds. Probably has awesome photos saved for use as phone and computer and tablet backgrounds.

    @Lambda I associate your name with a character in a VN series I follow. That being said, gender neutral, possibly leaning male? Also, someone who probably has played Undertale and Majora's Mask.

    @Imoyram I remember you being young and a lady as well? Again, I could be wrong on details. Also, your icon is a couple of OCs you are proud of.

    @Void Gender-neutral, super into Steven Universe. Possibly part of the SU fandom RPs that are on site, has a Gemsona and possibly an additional Pearlsona.

    @soulsuckingisaacnewton The cat is you. You are actually a cat that has learned how to type and is now infiltrating human forum websites to get an understanding on how the large long hairless cats around you work. Also, male vibe? Male cat vibe, if that differs from male human?

    @Mentarnes Male-ish? Also, you have a working knowledge on how to read runic languages, not just the sort of magic curses variety but also being able to write a bit of Futhark.

    @Inkblot Femme, oftentimes stressed out. Liked bugs a lot as a kid, probably still likes them now although less apt to picking one up and holding it on your palm for long periods of time?

    @Re Allyssa Femme, bordering neutral at times. I think I read you as a guy, at first, and I'm not entirely sure why. Also, I kind of think you might have a deep voice? Like Adele.
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  2. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    you are indeed correct, i am into SU rps. I play Lapis every so often haha
  3. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Oh wow this thread is excellent. I'd add some impressions of my own, but people are basically genderless blobs with the occasional associations of avatar and pronouns attached to them.

    Either way, for those who haven't already, care to read me? I'm interested in this because all my online personas ever (especially my personal blog stuff) have been completely genderless, ageless and faceless. So I'm intrigued by any Impressions-of-thing that sneak through.
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  4. Emma

    Emma Your resident resident

    I'm interested in knowing how people read me :-)
  5. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    @Snitchanon Neutral gender, owns a domino mask. Does not wear the domino mask as you internet, as that would be silly, but carries it in a purse or a large jacket pocket, with the secret desire that one day someone will cause a ruckus. And when that happens... The world will one day meet The Snitch.

    @Emma Femme. Also, you own two more cats than are pictured. The grey one was your first, came to you while pregnant, and now you have three more, but you see no need to adopt them out as now they are all fixed and you have the resources to care for them all. The orange one farts like a gattling gun however.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
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  6. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    @Snitchanon my brain says ur probably some like mid to late twenties, genderless blob of a person. might also have tentacles instead of hair. the world may never know.
  7. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    @missoyashirou I get a very pink feeling from you for some undefinable reason. Spring thunderstorms, lemon drops, female-ish. I bet that animals like you.

    @Acey bright blues and purples! Autumn and flamboyantly colored trees. Skittles. Your excellent hair selfies may have contributed to my impression of you as a bright spot of ever-changing color. Femme.

    @Snitchanon I read you as at least in your mid 30s and slightly to the masculine side of neutral, but I couldn't possibly say what gives me that impression. Nor do I really want to know the truth at this point - I am happy thinking of you as a gray orb in sunglasses hovering around the world.

    Female, early 30s.
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  8. Carnivorous Moogle

    Carnivorous Moogle whose baby is this

    @Snitchanon: lots of gray cartoon hands with long bendy cartoon arms, which meet and joint in odd irregular angles and directions that make up something more like a teetering honeycomb than a web; at the top-center of this makeshift torso is an anonface peering with wicked and intent delight at the little objects and images and scraps of words it passes from hand to hand to hand, occasionally tinkering something silly into existence and out again like an opportunistic rube goldberg machine on-the-move

    (i am half asleep and this is the only person-image that would solidify decently in my head, i might try to make more coherent ones tomorrow)

    (also what do i parse as to y'all i am curious)
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
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  9. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    How did you get those cameras into my private home.


    I'm pretty happy thinking of myself as a grey blob too.

    Ooooooh, neat.
    • Like x 2
  10. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    Holy wow, seven thread pages since last night?

    I'd be interested in hearing how more people read me, gender-wise or otherwise. As soon as I get home and am off my phone I'll reciprocate for some of you, aha
  11. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    ooh i am on mobile so i wont post about other people until later but.....im interested in how my gender assumption is split about 50/50 :O
  12. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Wow, I missed a lot of stuff. I'm interested too!
  13. Mendacity

    Mendacity I’m meaner than my demons


    How do I read?
  14. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    @Snitchanon Is a virtual presence, more like artificial intelligence. Imagining them as a person made of meat in any way is super weird

    @missoyashirou smol and must be protected - also registers as female because of user name (I don't know if I'm SUPPOSED to be parsing it as miss oyashirou but that's how I do it)

    @palindromordnilap vaguely masculine

    @WithAnH feminine and also something of a science/technology witch? must be the mixture of galaxy avatar + witchy Habitica avatar ;)

    @Imoyram a very cool person, gendered ????, and also I'm always a bit surprised to remind myself that you're super young because you sound very mature.

    @Void SIN

    i'll add people from previous pages later

    how about me? :D
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  15. missoyashirou

    missoyashirou Someone please give me a tiny dog to play with

    @BlackholeKG Somewhere between neutral and femme. Angry and full of justice, has probably wished for someone to step on a Lego this week. Forgiving though. Also, you watched some flavor of giant robot cartoons as a kid, Transformers and probably some flavor of anime robots.

    @rats Femme, but more because you have had a personalized icon of a cute nerdy girl from a doll maker, and I assume this is you. Wants a pug or has owned a pug in the past, but does not have one currently or else we would have seen pictures of the pupper.

    @palindromordnilap Neutral. Builds small robots in spare time, including one that talks and plays Mettaton's first theme. That one is your second favorite, but I do not know who surpasses MiniMetta.

    @Mendacity Masculine. Actual xenomorph, does not have the drive to commit ghastly acts upon humanity. Adapted to earth, owns a computer and a couch and a cat.
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  16. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    @Wiwaxia Gender is a concept that seems irrelevant in the way I think about you. You're A Science with a very good heart and that's it.

    @peripheral A dashing young man, super smart and intellectual and sweet and yeah wes I value our friendship a lot

    @littlemissCodeless female-leaning, evil cat (evil in a cool, cute way, I don't think you're actually cruel or anything, just intimidating maybe?)

    @Re Allyssa A Mom

    @tinyhydra whenever I read your username I don't picture hydra the mythical creature, but rather this. You're just trying to do your thing in the bottom of the sea and be chill but the world can be challenging to you because you're super tiny

    @liminal tiny but super strong, constantly underestimated

    @blue girl, super gay (idk if you're gay or bi or whatever I just think that probably because of our talks about wanting to romance Cassandra haha) and also I have NO IDEA how old you are, you could be anywhere from 15 to 29 and I'd be like "oh ok"

    @Acey is a woman and also a... huge fluffy bit of cotton candy. I think it's your hair and also your sweet personality!
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  17. Mmm chocolate cake
    Close on both? Fem male, early twenties, but I always tend to get read as older than I actually am. Someone assumed I was in college during my freshman year of highscool lol.

    Yes I am!



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  18. peripheral

    peripheral Stacy's Dad Is Also Pretty Rad

    You are. You're like. Some sort of slightly exhausted but good hearted nature spirit.
    (Also no u :D)

    Your gender is science.
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  19. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    @everyone I would love to hear what my impressions on people are
  20. wixbloom

    wixbloom artcute

    @Bel Capricorn A guy, very calm and with a peaceful presence. Half the time I picture you doodling and writing on the porch of a house overlooking the sea. Don't ask me why.
    • Like x 1
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