I know you are, but what am I?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    *waggles eyebrows*
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  2. BlackholeKG

    BlackholeKG I saw you making fire

    I like this! Robots shows weren't my thing, albeit only because I don't recall there being any on the television. :)

    Nice, that's a flattering aesthetic, thank you!

    Aha, you're right on the computer bit. However I'm merely 19, do not own a cat and eat plumbs fairly sparingly! :P

    (Anyone else got any assessments of me :D)

    Right, now, time to go back to the thread start... I'll do my best at reading you guys. I'll probably get a lot of these super wrong, so sorry in advance! Especially seeing as a lot of these are going to be to do with gender and related topics (of course, that was the nature of game after all, so...).

    @unknownanonymous I read you... male, although possibly nb with a male leaning. Somewhere in your 20s. An introvert, I would guess? Could possibly hedge a few more things but nothing I'm willing to put my money on. Aesthetic for you; rain on a summer's day staining the paints on an easel, causing them to run down and drip onto the grass.

    @rats Feminine, animal lover. Probably you have pastel colours on your tumblr blog. Over 20, under 37. Aesthetic: a colourful marble rolling down a bowling lane.

    @oph A woman, but you often get mistaken for a dude online. Academically minded, and an adult. Your job probably involves a lot of typing. Aesthetic: A hand-constructed cat fort made out of repurposed cardboard in a high-rise apartment.

    @LadyNighteyes I feel that your avatar stops me from being objective here! However, you're a lady. Possibly trans? Really don't know though. Over 24. Aesthetic: A single lightning bolt from a clear night sky.

    @Void From you I'm getting non-binary, afab? Early 20s. You own some sort of animal, maybe a cat. and live somewhere in the mid-latitude eastern US. Aesthetic: A wall with an abstract ocean mural on it, deep blue shades of colour in swathes of paint. (Possibly I am influenced by your avatar a lil' much x))

    @Lib Masculine, albeit very possibly non-binary. Possibly into computer programming. Owns at least one stuffed animal. No older than 30. Aesthetic: A grey granite cube with a colourful albeit abstract floral sculpture on top.

    @Imoyram You're clocking as a guy, and under 18, although if I am wrong about that I'm very wrong. I feel you're the sort of person who likes to drive places a lot. Other than that, I draw blanks. Aesthetic: Crop circles in the shape of interfering wave patterns.

    @peripheral I can't judge you too objectively because I already know a lil' bit about you from what I remember from other threads, aha. But I will say that you probably own a dog. Aesthetic: that clock level from super mario 64.

    @Re Allyssa A woman, in your 20s! Almost definitely an artist. I'd say you like animals but may not own one, and you live with at least one other person currently. Aesthetic: Electronic fairy lights above an open market in a city at night.

    @alchemicalheart Male/masculine, under 25. Maybe you're not cis? I'm really not sure. Possibly, you want something more out of your life. No pets. Aesthetic: A fire on a metal torch, suspended above a path as if it were a streetlamp.

    Okay, you know what, that's the entire first page, if I did the entire thread I'd be here all day, aha. I think I'll limit myself to some of the people who post after this, also anyone who asks me directly.

    Let me know how well I did, and no offense meant if I got you completely wrong! (As I'm sure I have on at least a few occasions here aha)
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
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  3. Silvereye

    Silvereye 89 White Paladin Traverses The Cosmos

    My gender-dar is probably underwhelming, because I usually don't actively think about people's gender, but I tried to apply it to everyone whose typing style gave me some impression.

    Neutral, slightly male. Somewhere between ages 16-20. Tall. I may be confusing you with Bel Kadros a little.

    You read as neutral to me. Also, kind of tired for some reason.

    Neutral. I read you as young, but that may be because of the "smol wes is smol" thing. Also, I remember your typing style very easily because the way you use newlines is very distinctive to me.


    I know you are NB femme, which influences the readings. Also you have a femme avatar. So, yeah, femme.

    Possibly a little dudely.

    A puppy.

    Maybe a little feminine of center, but I am not sure.

    Neutral. Possibly afab.

    Slightly feminine of center. Also, in early twenties.

    It varies a little to both sides of neutral, a little more to male than to female. But I have read what you have written about it, so results are probably skewed.

    I don't know. No reading at all.

    Neutral. More dudely if I go by intuition, more "female??" if I think about it.

    Trans male? A dude, but with some sense of afab-ness.

    A confession: I have thought more about your gender than about... basically any other Kintsugian. Mysteries tend to make me want to solve them. I get absolutely no sense of gender from your wording itself. But if I remember correctly, you have mentioned your height (that is, you being tall-ish) here somewhere, which made me guess male or at least amab.

    Masculine woman. But it's not a guess, I knew that before.


    Feminine, early twenties or late tweens.

    A young dude.

    Feminine. Probably the avatar, yeah.

    Neutral, slightly dudely.

    Feminineish? Also, you like Imperial Radch, I'd remember that even without your status thingy.


    Neutral, with a little wobbling to either side.

    I'd like to know what shape I make.

    I'd also like to know what impression I give.
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  4. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    I'm impressed.

    Hehe thanks.

    I am not a blob, I am a free sausage.
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  5. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    It's true that I'm quite tall.
  6. unknownanonymous

    unknownanonymous i am inimitable, i am an original|18+

    @sicklyprince masculine, you kinda remind me of metatton for Aesthetic reasons (based on one of your selfies i saw), very open and obvious about your feelings
  7. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    It's interesting how many people read me as femme or femme side of neutral. I guess general uncertainty and tendency to quantify things, "I think, I guess, I dunno", might override the stuff I tend to think of as masculine, like calling everyone and their mother dude, cursing every other word, etc, etc.
  8. Lib

    Lib Well-Known Member

    Here are general impressions! I do apologise if I get any of you badly wrong.

    @Wiwaxia I read you as mostly 'does not compute' and very vaguely fem of centre (probably because of the -ia). Mostly my brain is like 'this person is fluffy science'. Greenish-grey.

    @unknownanonymous well if that's your handle surely any imputation of gender would be unreasonable? if you are both unknown and anonymous, after all.... Mostly you strike me as kinda orange-red.

    @rats kinda masc-of-centre. an entire bundle of rats.

    @oph -confused gender noises roughly resembling your avatar-


    @Imoyram youngish, excitable, femaleish? bouncy.

    @peripheral again, kinda youngish, masc of centre.

    @Re Allyssa female, floofy, friendly.

    @alchemicalheart vaguely masculine-ish? mostly inscrutable.

    @swirlingflight mostly female, foggy seas

    @liminal vaguely nonbinary?
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  9. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    hmmm. this is interesting to me. I am not a guy, though I am afab, and would much rather be read as male than female, so I'm glad I've achieved something.

    you always struck me as fairly neutral, honestly.

    @Snitchanon serious answer for how I read you--male.
  10. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    Okay, noted!
  11. Kaylotta

    Kaylotta Writer Trash

    *bounces up and down* more people do me this is so exciting

    also @Snitchanon *bows*
  12. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    @chaoticArbiter Femme-ish, youngish, prolly mid-late teens, purples, lavenders, lavender (the flower), light brown hair, kinda curly?, big oak trees,
  13. Snitchanon

    Snitchanon What's a mod to a nonbeliever.

    "Old books, new technology" is so very apt.
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  14. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    @Silvereye femme-nb-bro (???), yellows and pastel blue, land of light and rain, clouds, rainbow dash hitting people with lightning from storm clouds, sophisticated, witty
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  15. soulsuckingisaacnewton

    soulsuckingisaacnewton strange fuzzy creature

    I find it really interesting that everyone who's specified gender so far reads me as male. I'm actually probably female, or maybe some flavor of nb? idk, genderstuff wasn't something I thought much about for most of my life. I know I'm not very conventionally feminine in any case. Also I'm turning 22 in a couple of months.

    I'm not sure what "smooshy" means in reference to a person and I don't have enough scars to get much mileage out of telling stories about them, but other than that this all sounds fitting. I have been told at least once in my life that I give good hugs. I take being associated with big fancy libraries as a compliment of the highest order.

    I wouldn't have thought of "thistle plant" for myself but I like it.


    This is sweet, thanks. :) (This kintsugi user is brought to you by the letter G!)

    Hmmm, I can see it.

    Thanks to everyone who read me!
    • Like x 4
  16. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    The most accurate reading yet actually
  17. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    not like, solid muscular person, just kinda.....smooshy. idfk. not super solid, kinda squishy
    not necesarily good scar stories. but dumb stories behind scars. (i have a small scar on my hand that looks like a puncture wound. it was a small scratch from getting shoved into the back of a couch during a pillow fight.)
  18. Re Allyssa

    Re Allyssa Sylph of Heart

    Periodic reminder that I'm sorry for any misgendering, and also how binary my brain tends to be. xD

    @Mentarnes ..... Idk. xD
    @missoyashirou hmm, femmine.
    @Emma not enough data, sorry. I'd guess female based on the name.
    @Carnivorous Moogle i get female, but it might be because i am confusing you with a different friend i have that goes by moogle xD
    @Mendacity I get vaugeeeeely female? But like, just female of center, to use someone else's term
    @wixbloom I do get slightly feminine from you
    @Elph female.
    (shit I feel like i'm just defaulting to feminine today.)
    @Aviari the name makes me wanna say female, but when i think about it i actually get nothing, so.
    @sirsparklepants the sir makes me wanna say male, but then i think typing style makes me go the other way, so somewhere in the middle?
    @Moss nb, as there are moments of male and moments of female at times
    If I missed you it's because I don't have enough data, sorry!

    I feel like I sound really high on the phone, but once I got mistaken for a guy and that actually made me kinda happy. I like thinking I have a deep voice for some reason (not being mistaken as a guy though, i am def a girl)


    i have a hard time thinking of myself as an artist, but i do fiber art and i write so that counts xD i have puppies at home, but not while at college, and I def have roommates ahaha
    I love that aesthetic
    the amount of people that say fluffy and curly is very amusing to me. i love it
  19. swirlingflight

    swirlingflight inane analysis and story spinning is my passion

    @tinyhydra I don't know if you wanted feedback so I am skipping you for now. If I see an explicit request for responses I'll add you back into the queue.

    @rats At least partly due to your username, my first thoughts are of field mice. Fields of tall grains blowing in early autumn wind, sunlight and crisp air, the rapid nervous gathering of resources.

    @oph Are you secretly snitchanon because you are invisible
    But no, seriously, like... It's not just a joke about your avatar. I see you around, in CDCF and stuff, but I can't seem to get a read of you. There's no friction, no strong sense of things you like or dislike, of sore spots or enthusiasm. You're fairly calm. Amused commentary, a single raised eyebrow, the curving in a question mark.
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  20. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    @swirlingflight, what do you mean by feedback? The. Talking about what I come across as thing? Cause I'm up for that.
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