Steven Universe

Discussion in 'Fan Town' started by Wiwaxia, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Peeps in the Jasper tag keep talking about how Jasper's come round to fusion cause of something Malachite said, and it's like come on people. COme on. We know how fusion works. And we know that the last time we saw Malachite's headspace, Lapis made with the "We're Malachite now" and submerged herself fully. :/ It's Malachite, likely. Prolly not Jasper or Lapis making words.
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  2. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Huh. Was gonna argue this, but I dunno. I wonder if maybe her feels about the C Gems did calm down somewhat after she got back to homeworld. She wasn't overtly hostile towards them when they met on the beach... I dunno. I doubt she likes Pearl, at the very least. Girl was storing her in her gem.
  3. leitstern

    leitstern 6756 Shatter Every Sword Break Down Every Door

    It's not a point I'm sure about yet either. "Even if" was used to show uncertainty. The main difference between Peri and Lapis in this case is that Lapis... hasn't been in Gem society in a long time and hasn't been taught, it seems, who the Crystal Gems are or that they're Public Enemy Number Something. (Still not convinced that these four are the biggest problem a huge galactic empire has.) She seems to consider them separately, on her own times, not in political terms as a society enemy, as Peri did.

    That's still conjecture though since we've seen so little of Lapis, and all we know is that Homeworld wasn't what she expected. That could be anything. Maybe she had no qualms with their methods or hatred of the Crystal Gems and was just befuddled and overwhelmed by modern technology. I could be way off here, but she likes Steven, showing that she's willing to consider these people on an individual basis and judge whether SHE likes them, not come in believing that they're enemies of the state and thus it would be wrong to like them.

    Which may not be a good thing, because that's a lie that can be dispelled, not a personal opinion formed in hate.

    No way will she get along with all of them. I'm expecting worse rather than better, especially when it comes to Pearl.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  4. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Peridot didn't know what the Crystal Gems were, and it doesn't seem like she was informed even after telling the higher ups. Seems like she viewed them as a nuisance, mostly. I dunno that she knows a whole lot of the specifics about what they are or what they did.

    Lapis feels old to me, and she was on earth, in Pearl's possesion. She has to have been in some way involved with the conflict or else how would she even end up there? Peridot was easy because everything about the CGs was new and she got to learn about it by experiencing it first hand as she learned of it. Lapis is coming at it from the position of someone who has been or feels she has been personally wronged by the CGs. She's prolly seen some unsavory stuff that they're willing to do to protect their lifestyle, and it can be hard to look past that, I think.

    Plus, Steven is weird. And it wouldn't be readily apparent to Lapis that he's even a Gem, much less a Crystal Gem. She likes him because he treated her like a person. The Crystal Gems treated her like an object.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
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  5. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    aughh i caved and watched the spoilers and MAAAN IM SO HYPE
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  6. Wiwaxia

    Wiwaxia problematic taxon

    something something DETERMINATION

    #also no tumblr #so that helps
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  7. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    you just have to be like me and not follow anyone who reblogs SU stuff and never go in the SU tags.
  8. Starcrossedsky

    Starcrossedsky Burn and Refine

    I'm hype as hell for the spoilers.

    Lapis DEFINITELY knows who the CGs are, ya'll. See again, "But I never cared for this place" and her general reactions to the CGs.
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  9. rats

    rats 21 Bright Forge Shatters The Void

    yeah i doubt that lapis has anything but animosity towards the crystal gems (besides steven, obv) because like.....they put a mirror. or if they didnt put her there, they definitely just left her there, despite the fact that theyd definitely recognize that the gem in the back is a GEM gem, not some random rock
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  10. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

    Please keep hiding the spoilers, I really appreciate it and thank you for your consideration :3
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  11. itsAlana

    itsAlana let me tell you about the vorkosigan saga

    @Void so is that lapis as a.... sea lion? 8)

    also yes i too appreciate the spoiler-hiding! please feel free to continue to do so!
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  12. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    more spoipers for the episode/clips

    Watching Jasper control Malachite was interesting! People were expecting her to be pissed off and traumatized but she seems to be really comfortable and in her element when she's beating up Alexandrite. She even smiles and laughs (in a way that isn't even psychotic for once!) when the watermelons attack... at least until they tried to hold her down.

    “What is this? You think you can hold me down? Nobody can! Not anymore.”

    (I really hope she gets her own redemption arc now.)
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  13. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    I disagree, but only because her lines pretty much directly parallel Jasper's lines in Jailbreak "it's not just a cheap trick" I think there have been times when they've gotten close to losing themselves but they are so out of sync and the experience is so awful I don't think Malachite is a "typical" fusion.

    Actually, it would be really interesting if Jasper made another fusion and it was a typical fusion and it kind of freaks her out a little, because I'm assuming her only fusion experience is with Malachite, where they remain distinct and vying for control, or maybe with other Jaspers, which would be "Like me but bigger." losing yourself and becoming "not one person, not two people, but an experience" would probably be really weird and scary for a control freak like her.

    Though I think Malachite might have been speaking when she said “What is this? You think you can hold me down? Nobody can! Not anymore.” like, people ontumblr and reddit have been saying "the voice sounds more like Lapis so it's her!" but it is either Jasper or Malachite who is saying that. Either in that moment Malachite was starting to form her own personality, or Jasper was the one saying that because she was in control most of the scenes before that anyways. They were being held down by Lapis, both literally in the ocean, and mentally/emotionally in Malachite's headspace.

    When I rewatched the scene it almost does sound like a distinct voice and not the usual distorted "mostly Lapis or mostly Jasper" voice, but people are confusing it for Lapis because it's not raspy like Jasper's voice. So it could be Malachite saying that. but I like to think it is mostly Jasper saying that, or it's about 50-50 since Malachite is just starting to form her own personality, and the anger about being held down is bleeding through from Jasper into Malachite, because that is the shared experience they have.

    We won't know though until we get more of the new episodes.
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  14. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter literally Eevee

    so I went ahead and spoiled myself and

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  15. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    Otter, but it's hard to tell without a fullbody shot cuz i was too lazy to do one hahhaha
  16. tinyhydra

    tinyhydra a dingus

    Eh. Fair points. I feel like it'd be a bit, i dunno what word to use for it. Off? To have one of the pair taking control of Malachite after the scene in Chill Tid. "We're Malachite now" seemed to spell to me that the fusion herself was gonna come out to play, and I'd feel pretty put off if it were Jasper in the saddle. Wanna see Malachite as Malachite. And I don't think Jasper could manage to control Malachite that well, honestly. Lapis was getting beat to hell trying to hold the fusion together and Malachite down, and they didn't move well together. Pulling the fusion in different directions. The way she fought, using both Lapis's and Jasper's powers plus something new, the ice. I'm just making words now, haha. I dunno. I'm biased. I want Malachite.
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  17. liminal

    liminal I'm gonna make it through this year if it kills me

    yeah that's fine. I understand how you feel.

    I just don't know if they ever completely lost themselves though. When they first fused, Jasper seemed to be in control and using Lapis's water powers, and then Lapis took over and dragged them to the bottom of the ocean. In both of these scenes they were distinctly their own personalities, and Jasper tried to break the fusion as they were being dragged down, but Lapis wouldn't let her.

    When we were in Malachite's headspace they were still two distinct people, and Lapis was in control, keeping Malachite at the bottom of the ocean, and trying to keep Jasper suppressed in the headspace so she could stay in control and keep them down there forever.

    Then we see this scene, where Malachite says a lot of things that sound like Jasper is the one in control now "You know you're right. There really is something more to this fusion thing. It's not just a cheap trick. You've really showed me a whole new world of possibilities. Allow me to thank you. Sorry, but there's only room for one abomination on this measly planet." so there is really no reason for me to believe that this is Malachite speaking as a distinct person now and not Jasper controlling her.

    There's the line about how nobody can hold her down anymore, and her voice changes slightly which makes me think that Malachite is forming her own personality and they are losing themselves to the fusion because that voice doesn't sound much like Jasper or Lapis. this doesn't last though, because Alexandrite sucker punches her and makes her go boom before it progresses. But... that could still be Jasper speaking too, just because Lapis literally chained her down in Malachite's headspace we just don't know until more episodes come out.

    I mean we still don't know all the finer points of fusion, and we havn't seen a fusion like Malachite before, except maybe with Stevonnie? Except Steven and Connie are in sync when they fuse (and we don't even know how the human factor plays into it) idk now I'm making words lol.

    basically I think it's entirely possible that until Malachite forms... malachite, she has multiple personalities.
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  18. itsAlana

    itsAlana let me tell you about the vorkosigan saga

    I GUESS otter makes sense, even if I can't make puns about it. :p (I like it, though! Esp. since some species of otters are cute vIOLENT DEATH MACHINES.)
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  19. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    otters can BE SO MEAN and therefore are perfect
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  20. Raire

    Raire Turquoise Helicoid

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