I know you are, but what am I?

Discussion in 'General Chatter' started by Wiwaxia, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

  2. oph

    oph There was a user here, but it's gone now

    Cats and reptiles
  3. Deresto

    Deresto Foolish Mortal

    i do love all pets, animals in general are wonderful. i will say i prefer cats though because i've mostly only had experience with big, loud dogs who like to jump on you and bark a lot and while i think that's cute at first it gets stressful after a while.
  4. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    also more people should tell me how they read me
  5. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    @chaoticArbiter guinea pigs, I think. also, 18-20, I'm not sure on gender aside from slightly masculine. not a coffee drinker. autumn.
  6. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    ooooh. I do like guinea pigs. the age range is right, and slightly masculine fits pretty well. I actually like coffee quite a bit, but I also am very much an autumn person, so most of this was correct. :D
  7. Lib

    Lib Well-Known Member

    @chaoticArbiter I still only get the gender impression of 'an eevee' off you :P (if I was forced to make a more representative guess I would put 'neutral with sliiiiiiiight fem leanings, mostly because floofy things are cool')
    • Like x 3
  8. chaoticArbiter

    chaoticArbiter an actual shiny eevee (destroyer of worlds)

    I am an eevee and all should know this
    • Like x 1
  9. Loq

    Loq rotating like a rotisserie chicknen

    [wanders in to spam with impressions from entire thread, even the people I have never seen before]

    ((General reference:
    Lady: firmly A Girl
    Femme: Girl-of-center, girlish traits but not Entirely Girl
    Masc: Guy-of-center, guyish traits but not Entirely Guy
    Dude: firmly A Guy

    question mark (?) indicates I doubt my initial impressions for some reason, usually because they don't feel Definite in the same way the aesthetics do. -ish indicates somewhere between masc/femme and dude/lady, leaning towards whichever prefix it's attached to.))

    @Wiwaxia nb and/or genderfluid? Keep wobbling between 'guy' and 'girl,' am Very Sure for a few seconds, then flop to the other side of the scale. The glitter of mica in other stones, the soft-grainy feel of a muddy riverbed, the tough core of a stone tumbled smooth by the ocean. An Adultier Adult. (Might be a little skewed by my knowledge of you as The Rock Person, so. [shrugs])

    @unknownanonymous Femmeish? Rain on a windowpane, the rumble of distant thunder, a cup of warm drink.

    @rats Femmeish? That odd space between 'pastel' and 'neon', bright colors that aren't very saturated, calm waves, sunsets over water. (Definitely being influenced by your avatar, heh.) Late 20s-early 30s?

    @oph NB? Agender? Gentle sunlight-warmth, lazy days in late spring before the summer humidity hits, the calm confidence of an old cat who knows they're in charge of the house.

    @LadyNighteyes Lady, definitely influenced by your username :P The scatter of stars on a clear night in the countryside; wind in leaves; a pair of cats, one twining around your ankles and the other perched on your shoulder; hearing laughter when there's no one else around.

    @Void I'm sorry, you are Literally Lapis to me, I have been too influenced by your avatars.

    @Lib Dude (probably influenced by Another Person I Knew who went by Lib, who happened to be a dude). Meteor showers, cheerfulness, daisies. The Friend Who Makes Plans.

    @Imoyram Lady? Smol, youngish (teenaged)? Nervous excitement, barely-contained energy, the sudden urge to just start running and not stop til your legs give out, strong winds and sun. Spring, March? Pale greens and olive tones.

    @Re Allyssa Lady. Goth fashion, black and bronze and dark greens. The solid weight of a familiar weapon or stone, polished steel. Pride and confidence.

    @alchemicalheart Dudeish? Nb? A dryer-warm blanket on a rainy day, that moment when you can finally be alone after a draining day. Quiet and sturdy.

    @littlemissCodeless Ladyish? A grin in the darkness, staying up late laughing at stupid things with friends. Smol, good with your hands, flexible. Rogue-type in gameplay.

    @swirlingflight Femmeish? The chatter of thousands upon thousands of starlings and blackbirds as they migrate, those days that look lovely from inside but are actually completely frigid, a pond rippled by wind. The momentary certainty that you absolutely can fly even though you don't have wings.

    @liminal the physical act of drawing a question mark, the feel of a ballpoint pen as it glides over paper. Silvers and pastels, moonstone and morganite.

    @Lambda Femme. Sharp suit, clean lines, dark grey and white. Makeup on-point. Polished hematite, delicate chain-necklace. Grey-blue eyes.

    @Inkblot Lady. Smol, friendly, that one person reading in the corner who is content to just be Quiet Together. Soft new leaves, dewy spiderwebs catching sunlight, the smell of wet dirt, that weird fairy effect when light hits dust motes just right and makes them glow.

    @autopsyblue Mascish? "Do no harm but take no shit," solid, tall. Shielding, dark rich blues and reds, the feeling of age from a centuries-old tree. The Adultiest Adult.

    @KarrinBlue Lady. Bright and playful, blues and purples and pinks; wake angels/ghostly space dolphins.

    @Deresto Dudeish. Industrial aesthetic (Hazard Yellow, steel, lots of rivets, that particular metal-water-sawdust smell that hangs around a sawmill). Friendly, chill, quick-paced marimba music.

    @blue genderfluid? Hiking in the woods, tree roots snarled around concrete, boulders that refuse to be moved but provide a strong, stable place for little ones to climb. Shade in summertime, the glint of sunlight off a creek, the rustlesquish sound of half-rotted leaves underfoot.

    @Kit Femme? Plate armor with blinding sun-glare, the sort of exhausting fun at a LARP event or renaissance fair or theme park, summertime, the rough sort of friendship that allows for horseplay and roughhousing as displays of affection.

    @Acey Ladyish? (I'm pretty sure you told me your pronouns at some point but aaaahaha what is memory.) Smol, sturdy, purple... (I am probably used to seeing you as Amethyst, whoops.) Warmth, the spike of alertness after drinking something citrusy, that acquaintance you wave to in the hall and might hang out with at a party but don't do much to stay in contact with.

    @Kaylotta Lady? Short hair, the cramped-up feeling of handwriting for too long without stretching, energetic, getting sucked into a good book and forgetting where you are for a second when you get pulled back to the real world.

    @WithAnH Femme. Multicolored hair, switches out colored contacts, piercings. Pastel-black contrast. Torchwork, intricate patterns, those randomly-expanding freeform doodles some people can draw but frustrate my art-brain's need for A Goal.

    @soulsuckingisaacnewton The Unimpressed Face cats make, rapidly tapping a pen/pencil against a desk, alertness, library desks. Blues and browns.

    @Mentarnes Dudeish. Computer games (a little skewed because I'm pretty sure I saw you talking about MMO drama elsewhere), teal, low-pitched chimes. That retro pipes screensaver, fractals.

    @missoyashirou Femme (probably because your username). Faint pencil sketches, watercolors, greyscale paintings with a single pop of bright, vibrant color. Smol.

    @Snitchanon NB? Agender? Alto feminine voice, shitposter extraordinaire. Those big banks of LEDs Hollywood uses to make Old Computers Look Interesting, the clack of typing on a good solid keyboard, foghorns and train whistles.

    @Emma Lady. Soft and smol, to be protected. Pussywillows and spring's first flowers, sunlight peeking through clouds, milkweed down.

    @Carnivorous Moogle Femme, but that might be skewed by the pink avatar. Snacking constantly rather than eating Proper Meals, the happy surprise when a cat decides to jump on your lap, laughing at anon hate.

    @BlackholeKG Femmeish? Galaxy-print everything, chestnut prickles, blackberry juice, homemade jelly, brass.

    @palindromordnilap The 'technical difficulties' extended beep, marbles, laughter, dried flowers and kitchen witchery.

    @Mendacity Lady? Typewriters and ink-splotches, red and ivory and black, warm cider, a roaring fire.

    @wixbloom Femme? Small mushrooms, moss, the quiet after a rainstorm, drops hanging onto leaves before the sun burns them off, mares' tails.

    @Bel Capricorn Dudeish? (May be mixing you up with Bel Kadros, though.) Handwriting, ink sketches, parchment, candlelight. Crimson and blue. Calm.

    @Elph Ladyish? Good-natured, roll-with-the-punches attitude. Tea roses, greenhouses, bright greens and pastels.

    @TwoBrokenMirrors Masc? Blue, aliens (not blue aliens), shards of glass found in the forest, shiny rocks.

    @Aviari [giant question mark for gender] A big fluffy dog that just wants to chill in the yard and doesn't mind if the kids or puppies crawl all over them. Good-natured but stubborn, sticks with weird knots, wandering through a well-known forest.

    @Moss Lady. Purples and fuchsias, glitter, big smiles. Doodling all over everything, bubbly, friendly.

    @Silvereye Masc. Pale metals-- white gold, silver, platinum. Weak wintery sunlight, quiet voice, the brown-green of a muddy field trying to regrow.

    @Ruevian Lady. Corvids, cloudy skies, the wind just before a nice big storm. Playful, shiny things, copper, ebony.

    @budgie Finches, oddly enough. Friendly-but-not-trusting, in the way of a cat that won't run away when you approach but won't let you pet it. Chestnut-brown and the gold-green of ripening wheat, late summer, goose positioning-honk choruses.

    Still interested in what people pick up from me, three data points does not a conclusion make.
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  10. palindromordnilap

    palindromordnilap Well-Known Member

    Yes good
    Sounds surprisingly accurate.
    • Like x 1
  11. TwoBrokenMirrors

    TwoBrokenMirrors onion hydration

    I like me a shiny rocks. And forest glass.
    (also yes i did read that as blue aliens at first. snrk. also you're the second person to suggest aliens)
    • Like x 1
  12. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    femme ish (fuck if i know, mostly girl rn)
    turning fourteen v soon
    oh shit man id love to do the running thing and i have a few times when i was ounger
    I ADORE STRONG WINDS and sun but to a lesser extent
    I wore pale olive green shirts almost exclusively a year or so ago.

    in conclusion: uncanny impressions, A++ would read again
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
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  13. strictly quadrilateral

    strictly quadrilateral alive, alive, alive!

    accurate, except replace sea with lake because of personal preference

    pretty much; i know where everything is on my bookshelves, and i have an incredibly high tolerance for cold

    i guess?

    haha wow
    I'm seventeen and definitely not a librarian
    I seem to be associated with books. very accurate

    I kind of stole his name? yeah. a+ accuracy

    Pretty much. Blue is awesome, and I'm often overlooked.

    omg thank you : D

    I don't handwrite much because of issues, but the rest is pretty close. see above about Bel Kadros
  14. Void

    Void on discord. Void#4020

    ThIS IS ENTIRELY CORRECT THO. even if i can't play with them, i love them.

    i aspire to be that level of done for the rest of eternity, and therefore i am so glad
    • Like x 2
  15. Lambda

    Lambda everything happens so much

    very little of this is accurate, but it's flattering regardless.
  16. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    This makes me sound much cooler than I am! I have plain light brown hair, no contacts, and no jewelry at all most days. The freeform doodle thing is spot on, though...my work notebook has entire pages filled with them from boring meetings.
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  17. sirsparklepants

    sirsparklepants feral mom energies

    Last part of ideal pet impressions! (It's amusing and kind of exciting to me that some of you have responded saying that these are in any way accurate. I'm honestly surprised at the number.

    @chaoticArbiter dogs, but specifically a pretty sedate breed. Idk.

    @Silvereye cats or fish!

    @Ruevian Cats! Specifically a fluffy white cat whose hairs can be seen on absolutely everything.

    @hellfirelover first impression: something that lives in a terrarium.

    @Loq this is probably the flower influencing me, but I feel like you would love a butterfly garden.

    @budgie between the username and icon, I can see nothing but birds.

    I think that's everyone in the thread so far who has asked! Lmk if I missed you, I did this on a road trip so my attention span for it was not what it could be.
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  18. WithAnH

    WithAnH Space nerd

    Yessssss big dogs are the best!
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  19. blue

    blue hightown funk you up

    @Loq that's perfect
  20. Imoyram

    Imoyram Well-Known Member

    @sirsparklepants I could break the trend of accuracy big saying dogs are really not my thing, but I think that kinda mean isnt it?
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